Since I have NSO, should I try to play the first Metroid, or not even bother with it. I played Super and Dread, which is something. So should I try OG or not
I like the drawing and all, but it's another Ridley, we don't exactly need one of those, but nice concept
Since I have NSO, should I try to play the first Metroid, or not even bother with it. I played Super and Dread, which is something. So should I try OG or not
Personally I found Yellow to be the most intimidating. Destroyed and white are pretty scary, but on your second playthrough, they aren't that scary, and purple and blue are kind of annoying, and red isn't much of a threat when you think about it. Green is pretty intimidating to go against seeing as it can go under the slide doors, but yellow is fast and can do that stuff, so yellow.