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Lightning Bolt on Circle

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Lightning Bolt on Circle

В это статье находится слишком много неработающих (красных) ссылок на другие статьи из этой вики, вероятно, потому, что неправильно указаны их названия либо их просто не существует.

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Five-Bomb Drop

Самус пользуется приемом Выброс Пяти Бомб.

Выброс Пяти Бомб (англ. Five-Bomb Drop) - специальный прием в играх Super Metroid и Metroid: Other M[1]. While charging her Ручная пушка, Самус Аран can enter her Морфо-Шар form to store her charge. Once in this form, she can hold her charge by tilting the control stick towards the ground, but she must hold the Charge Beam energy like she would if she were in her normal form. If she does not maintain the "Charge Beam" in her Morph Ball form, the Morph Ball charge itself will be canceled.

When the charge is released, either five seconds after morphing or by releasing the control stick, five Шар-бомбаs are shot upwards into the air in a fan-like fashion. These bombs are affected by gravity, unlike the floating, stationary Bombs she normally lays. The longer the charge is held, the farther the Bombs are shot. The semi-random fashion of these bombs make them useful, however, for clearing Блок Бомбыs faster than normal.

Интересные факты

MOM Five-Bomb Drop

Metroid: Other M

