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Lightning Bolt on Circle

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Lightning Bolt on Circle

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Модель конечности Космического Пирата из Журнала, используемая как указатель на Журналы Космических Пиратов.

Журналы Космических Пиратов (англ. Space Pirate Logs) - данные, которые Самус Аран получила во время сканирования терминалов Космических Пиратов на их базе в локации Пустыни Агона на планете Эфир в игре Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, содержащие информацию об их действиях на этой планете. Данные Пиратов не являются обязательными для прохождения игры, но несут полезную информацию для игрока, рассказывая о планах этой расы космических мародеров по установлению своего мирового господства.

В этой статье перечислены все записи Журналов Пиратов, которые Самус Аран может получить путем сканирования в игре Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Для каждой записи приведены английский оригинал и русский перевод, а также ее местонахождение в виде пары "комната"-"локация".

Записи Журналов Пиратов отсортированы по возрастанию датирующих их датациклов.

Цикл 4

Запись 04.468.1

 Журнал Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Phazon Operations Science teams have discovered the presence of Phazon in the Dasha system four cycles ago. High command authorized the deployment of our team shortly thereafter. Our orders are to establish a base on planet Aether and evaluate local Phazon resources. Because this world lies on the periphery of Galactic Federation territory, we are following stealth protocols at the highest level. A cadre of elite commandos has been dispatched to provide security for our force as well. This operation is now under way.
Command center
Командный Центр (Пустыни Агона, Эфир)
Разработка Фазона Научные группы обнаружили присутствие Фазона в системе Даша четыре цикла назад. Вскоре после этого Верховное Командование распорядилось выслать туда нашу команду. Нам приказано развернуть на планете Эфир нашу базу и произвести оценку местных запасов Фазона. Поскольку эта планета лежит на самом краю территорий Галактической Федерации, мы предпринимаем все мероприятия по соблюдению строжайшей секретности. Для обеспечения нашей безопасности нам был выделен также отряд элитных бойцов-коммандос. Операция началась.

Запись 04.885.3

 Журнал Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Local Conflict Intelligence reports on the indigenous population of Aether are in error. This planet is not at peace, nor are the inhabitants docile. Evidence of a class 4 conflict is present here, though hostilities are at minimal level now. Our territory has suffered several raids by a strange type of shadowy creature. These raids have caused considerable damage, and we have requested more combat troops in response.
Command center
Командный Центр (Пустыни Агона, Эфир)
Локальный конфликт Рапорты разведки о коренном населении Эфира ошибочны. На планете вовсе не спокойно, а ее обитатели совсем не миролюбивы. Обнаружены признаки вооруженного конфликта 4 класса, хотя к настоящему времени военные действия практически не ведутся. На территорию нашей базы несколько раз напала странная темная тварь. Во время этих нападений базе был причинен существенный ущерб, и в ответ мы послали запрос на усиление наших боевых отрядов.

Цикл 5

Запись 05.008.6

 Журнал Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Great Discoveries A spatial anomaly has been found within our base. We believe this rift in space-time leads to a parallel dimension of some type, but have been unable to interact with it thus far. A strange artifact was found near the anomaly as well. It may be a weapon or generator of some kind: perhaps it is the key to accessing the anomaly. Верховное Командование is eager for reports on the relic. A new weapon for our arsenal is always welcome.
Command center
Командный Центр (Пустыни Агона, Эфир)
Великие открытия A spatial anomaly has been found within our base. We believe this rift in space-time leads to a parallel dimension of some type, but have been unable to interact with it thus far. A strange artifact was found near the anomaly as well. It may be a weapon or generator of some kind: perhaps it is the key to accessing the anomaly. Верховное Командование is eager for reports on the relic. A new weapon for our arsenal is always welcome.

Запись 05.442.1

 Журнал Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Rift Portal The Rift Portal has been opened. The artifact weapon, dubbed the "Луч Тьмы" by science team, provides energy needed to open the portal, although for a limited time. We've sent expeditions through the portal, and they have returned with incredible news. The portal leads to a parallel version of Aether. This "Темный Эфир" has suffered a global calamity, turning it into a toxic wasteland. It is the homeworld of the shadowy creature who have been raiding our base for the last Цикл. Most importantly, it is the prime location of Phazon in this sector. Extraction plans are being prepared. We will not be denied!
Command center
Командный Центр (Пустыни Агона, Эфир)
Портал через миры The Rift Portal has been opened. The artifact weapon, dubbed the "Луч Тьмы" by science team, provides energy needed to open the portal, although for a limited time. We've sent expeditions through the portal, and they have returned with incredible news. The portal leads to a parallel version of Aether. This "Темный Эфир" has suffered a global calamity, turning it into a toxic wasteland. It is the homeworld of the shadowy creature who have been raiding our base for the last Цикл. Most importantly, it is the prime location of Phazon in this sector. Extraction plans are being prepared. We will not be denied!

Цикл 6

Запись 06.221.7

 Журнал Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Phazon Raids Phazon extraction raids are under way on Dark Aether. The toxicity of the atmosphere has taken a toll on our workforce, as have the hostile natives of that world. Science Team is preparing survival gear to protect our work teams, and we have increased our security presence in extraction areas. Fortunately, High Command is sending more troops and supplies. Our troops and resources are spread dangerously thin, and this mission cannot fail.
Command center
Командный Центр (Пустыни Агона, Эфир)
Походы за Фазоном Phazon extraction raids are under way on Dark Aether. The toxicity of the atmosphere has taken a toll on our workforce, as have the hostile natives of that world. Science Team is preparing survival gear to protect our work teams, and we have increased our security presence in extraction areas. Fortunately, High Command is sending more troops and supplies. Our troops and resources are spread dangerously thin, and this mission cannot fail.

Запись 06.362.2

 Журнал Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
The Hunter Самус Аран, the accursed Hunter, has arrived. The sudden arrival of the Hunter is strange enough, but her actions are stranger still. She does not seek our destruction, but our Phazon. With each raid, she steals Фазоновая руда, only killing those who attempt to deny her. What she needs it for we do not know - though Science Team suspects she requires it to power her new armorsuit. Dark in color, it is equipped with strange new weapons. The troops now call her the "Dark Hunter." It is a fitting title.
Biostorage Station Upper1 AW-MP2
Станция Биоконтейнеров (Пустыни Агона, Эфир)
Охотница Самус Аран, the accursed Hunter, has arrived. The sudden arrival of the Hunter is strange enough, but her actions are stranger still. She does not seek our destruction, but our Phazon. With each raid, she steals Фазоновая руда, only killing those who attempt to deny her. What she needs it for we do not know - though Science Team suspects she requires it to power her new armorsuit. Dark in color, it is equipped with strange new weapons. The troops now call her the "Dark Hunter." It is a fitting title.

Log 06.713.5

Location: Станция Сохранения B

 Данные сканирования Серия Metroid Prime
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Log 06.989.8

Location: Склад D

 Данные сканирования Серия Metroid Prime
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Cycle 7

Log 07.013.6

Location: Станция Охраны B

 Данные сканирования Серия Metroid Prime
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Log 07.159.9

Location: Центральная Промысловая Станция

 Данные сканирования Серия Metroid Prime
{{{title1}}} {{{text1}}}