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Lightning Bolt on Circle

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Lightning Bolt on Circle

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Korakk Bryyo Cliffside Hussar
Коракк со своим всадником перед Самус Аран.
Присутствует в Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Локация Ристалище, Брийо Джунгли
Виды атак Наскоки, захват языком
Уязвимость Грудь и хвост (когда открыты)

Коракк (англ. Korakk Beast) — вид четвероногих существ, обитающих на планете Брийо в игре Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Космические Пираты используют их для передвижения на них верхом во время сражения. Коракка и оседлавшего его Пиратского Гусара связывают необычные узы: если Гусара убьют, то Коракк будет мстить за его смерть.

Мир, из которого происходят Коракки, неизвестен, хотя, возможно, они являются коренными жителями Мира Пиратов, где их специально охраняли от вымирания (как и Барсучий Клевер, если, конечно, это растение тоже происходит оттуда) для использования в военных целях.


Коракки обладают большими размерами, имея внешний вид гигантского насекомого. У них длинные задние ноги, на которых они могут стоять в течение непродолжительного времени. Их передние конечности похожи на согнутые в суставах клинки и идеально подходят для атаки. Кораки имеют крепкий панцирь, отражающий выстрелы большинства видов Лучевого оружия, а также острый рог на передней части головы, служащий как для нападения, так и для защиты; еще два рога располагаются по бокам их ротового отверстия. Для большей защиты Пираты устанавливают на их черепа Фазитовое покрытие. У Коракков нет наружных глаз, хотя, возможно, они скрыты под их Фазитовой броней.

Likely a result of Фазон corruption, Korakks have the ability to produce Phazon bursts from their feet and tongue, often projected from the mouth as a damaging mist. They can also launch their tougue from the mouth at high speeds up to several meters in distance; they will use this to ensnare foes or prey. The Korakk Beast's tail contains nerve clusters susceptible to physical stress, if enough stress occurs the creature will rear up in pain, exposing the vulnerable belly. Sensetive nerves in the mouth and tongue tip are also targets for attack. Damage to these points will induce a state of dizziness that will temporarily incapacitate the Korakk Beast.


Pirate Hussar laser

The Korakk with its Пиратский Гусар.

One Korakk Beast, ridden by a Пиратский Гусар, appears in the Ристалище in Брийо Джунгли after Самус has defeated two Воздушный Десантникs. The Korakk can be killed before the Hussar itself, but it is somewhat difficult because both it and its beast will continue to attack Samus, and the Pirate both makes the battle more difficult and presents a constantly-exposed target. However, killing the Korakk Beast first will result in the deaths of both enemies. The Korakk can ensnare Samus in its tongue and deal a moderate amount of damage, as well as pounce on its target from close and medium range. After the rider has been killed, the Korakk must be stunned by hitting its tongue. Then, Samus must use the Морфо-Шар to go in between its legs and attack with Шар-бомбаs near the Korakk's belly. After doing this 2-3 times the Korakk will topple over and extend its tail, which Samus can pull with the Лассо-Гарпун. This will cause the Korakk to rear onto its hindlegs in pain, exposing its vulnerable belly to Beam attacks.

Записи Журнала

 Журнал Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Во время сканирования

Morphology: Korakk Beast
Tongue and mouth are sensitive: belly sometimes vulnerable from the ground.

Запись в Журнале

Korakks are prized by the Space Pirates, who use them as cavalry mounts. Their belly is occasionally vulnerable, but guarded from all sides. Finding a way to get underneath it and attacking would be effective. Nerve ending in the tail can be stressed through grappling, but only when the tail is extended. The interior of a Korakk's mouth, as well as the tip of their tongue, contains sensitive nerve clusters. Attacking these points could temporarily incapacitate the creature. They can emit Фазон energy through their feet and tongue. The Фазит armor they wear will repel most damage.


Интересные факты

Korakk X-ray locked on

Locking onto the Korakk with the X-Ray Visor, obtained through cheating.

  • If done correctly, it is possible to kill the Korakk Beast with one fully charged Hyper Beam, though this can only be accomplished on Normal Mode.
  • The Korakk is one of two bosses to have Phazite armor but never had the Новый Луч used against it by Samus, the other being both Лорд-Берсеркs.
  • Interestingly, the Korakk is similar to the Chykka Larva. Both have double K's in their name, neither have visible eyes and both fire their tongues to pull Samus towards their mouths.
  • The double "K" in the Korakk's name may indicate it being native to Bryyo, as many organisms and subjects related to Bryyo share the double letter in their name. e.g. Сккальская лоза, Bryyo itself and many names of the Боги Брийо.
  • The battle with the Korakk is similar to jousting in the middle ages, where the Korakk is the mount for the Pirate Hussar similar to a knight and his horse, and the hussar uses a Фазоновое Энергокопье similar to that of a knight.
  • The Korakk is one of two mounts in the Metroid series, and the first to appear in a game. Верховой зверь Дорубы appeared in Самус и Джоуи.

