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==Музыкальные темы==
==Музыкальные темы==
This is the music heard when battling Omega Ridley: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcpVyER_UTA&feature=related].
Музыкальную тему, звучащую во время сражения с Омега Ридли, можно послушать [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcpVyER_UTA&feature=related здесь].

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Lightning Bolt on Circle

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Lightning Bolt on Circle

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Омега Ридли
Omega Ridley
Компьютерное изображение Омега Ридли.
Присутствует в Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Локация Ядро Левиафана Мира Пиратов (Семя Мира Пиратов, Мир Пиратов)
Уязвимость Пасть, открытая рана на груди, плечевые суставы (при надетой броне из Фазита)
Награда(ы) Гипер-Гарпун

Омега Ридли (англ. Omega Ridley) - Мета Ридли, накачанный Фазоном, благодаря которому его мощь неимоверно усилилась. Он является Хранителем Семени Левиафана на планете Мир Пиратов и третьим с конца боссом в игре Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.


После разгромного поражения в бою с Самус Аран во время неудачного вторжения на Норион, Мета Ридли удалось сбежать (возможно также, что его спасли Космические Пираты), после чего он подвергся мощному облучению Фазона и стал гораздо более грозным соперником. Теперь у него очень прочная бронекожа, усиленная Фазоном, и защитное бронированное покрытие. Однако во время падения в Шахту Генератора он получил очень серьезное ранение, которое не удалось излечить до конца, и эта рана и стала его единственным уязвимым местом (расположенным там же, где и в Metroid Prime). Он постоянно закрывает свою рану, и Самус должна парализовать его, чтобы эта рана открылась для нанесения более мощных ударов.[1] На этот раз Самус встречается с ним в Мире Пиратов, где он защищает Левиафана, упавшего на планету. После долгой и изнурительной битвы охотнице за головами удается победить Омега Ридли, который взрывается и исчезает в облаках Фазона.

По сравнению со своим предыдущим состоянием у Омега Ридли существенно меньше механических компонентов, а оставшиеся модули постепенно вытесняются регенерирующей органической плотью. Скорее всего, это результат его интенсивного лечения Фазоном, которое он прощел после своего поражения на Норионе.



Omega Ridley appears.

Initially, Samus must stun Omega Ridley by shooting at his mouth while it is open and glowing (in midair or ground level, the former resulting in him falling to the ground). She can then use the Лассо-Гарпун to rip off Omega Ridley's armor and overload the his heart with Phazon. Alternatively, she can drain Ridley's own energy using the Электро-Гарпун, which turns out to be to her advantage, as it allows her to replenish energy used up by attacking with Гипер-режим attacks. When his weak point is being damaged, Omega Ridley attempts to turn and move away from Samus, but will renew his offensive when his armor inevitably reseals itself.

After this process has been repeated a number of times, Omega Ridley's armor will be completely destroyed. In response, Omega Ridley will back up and generate a new piece of Фазит armor. This time, the Рентген-Забрало must be used in co-operation with the Новый Луч to penetrate the Phazite armor, either by striking his wound directly or by weakening the armor's hinges and destroying it (the latter method is preferred, since the wound takes very little damage at this point). Apart from the change in targets, the method of attack is unchanged: stun the boss and attack the weak spots.

After this phase, Omega Ridley will give up on protecting his weakness, taking to the air with his wound exposed. He constantly flies in and out of the Leviathan, reappearing randomly from one of four different entrances, launching an attack before fleeing once more. At this stage, the wound is difficult to target (although watching the Радар may help predict where Ridley will approach from), but Samus is free to fire at will with Phazon attacks. It is recommended to enter and exit Гипер-режим when Ridley appears and leaves the arena in order to conserve energy. After a few hit-and-runs, Omega Ridley may choose to resume his ground assault for a time, which gives Samus a prime opportunity to finish him off.

MP3 Omega Ridley's Death

Omega Ridley is defeated.

The Винтовая Атака is one of Samus's most helpful items in this battle. Screw Attacking toward Ridley will cancel whatever move he is attempting to execute, as he will instead jump out of the way to avoid being rammed by the attack. Since several of his attacks are either difficult to dodge or simply waste time by making him temporarily invincible, the ability to control his movement pattern can be a great boon in this battle.

Samus receives the Гипер-Гарпун after defeating Omega Ridley, who disappears in a massive flash of Phazon after the battle.


After being infused with Phazon, Omega Ridley's abilities have been greatly augmented. His attacks include:

  • A massive line of plasma and flame from his Кинетическое Дыхательное Оружие.
  • A large blast of Phazon from his tail (used when Samus is relatively close to his rear).
  • Spinning in place while firing both of the above attacks at once.
  • Large or small homing fireballs previously used in the Norion battle (reminiscent of his fireball attacks in 2-D Metroid games). The large fireballs move faster and cannot be destroyed, while the small ones have better homing ability and come in groups.
  • A relatively fast charge. Telegraphed by Ridley opening his wings and turning his head to one side.
  • A claw slash covered with a Phazon blade (identical to the Омега Пират's).
  • A shockwave attack similar to the Генератор Высокотемпературной Огненной Волны, telegraphed by Ridley jumping and hovering over the center of the room for a moment. Shooting Ridley in the mouth when he jumps will send him to the ground, stunned.
  • Another shockwave which produces an electrical cage-like structure via (destructible) Phazon orbs during the second phase. Destroying one orb will reduce the structure to its "posts" of energy, allowing Samus to slip between them to avoid damage. Destroying both orbs will automatically stun Ridley.
  • Pounding Samus with one hand.
  • Biting Samus if she is too close. This can cost her an entire energy tank on higher difficulties.
  • Мезонный Бомбометатель: Carpet bombing the entire area. Only done in flight.
  • Shooting a spread of homing fireballs from his mouth.

Initially, Omega Ridley will mainly attack with his fireballs and Kinetic Breath Weapon, using his shockwave and charge attacks periodically. When the second phase begins, he adds the spinning breath/tail attack and the Phazon orb shockwave to his repertoire, in addition to using his charge and shockwave more frequently. After losing his second set of armor, the Space Pirate commander will alternate between flight and ground phases. By then, Omega Ridley will be noticeably more aggressive and will constantly attempt to close in on Samus by running and/or leaping towards her. While he can still be stunned in the final phase of the battle, he will now clumsily walk and make small jumps to reach Samus and proceed to swipe his claws at her, making it fairly difficult to aim for his chest.

Записи Журнала

 Журнал Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Омега Ридли
Во время сканирования

Морфология: Omega Ridley
Armored plating protects body.
Fires plasma attacks from mouth.

Запись в Журнале

Revived and regenerated through Phazon exposure, Omega Ridley has been energized to a new combat threat level. Target retains extremely durable, Phazon-enhanced armorskin, as well as protective armored plating. Scans indicate that a recent injury has not fully healed: expose and target wound to inflict damage. Target will act to protect this vulnerability: seek ways to stun the enemy and leave it open for deadly attacks.


Интересные факты


Сонни Санта Мария beta animation.

  • There is a glitch that makes Omega Ridley get stuck in the wall when he does his tackle attack that makes him unable to move. If this happens, the battle cannot continue and the game must be reloaded.
  • This battle is similar to that of Meta Ridley in Metroid Prime, as he uses many of the same moves. Curiously, Omega Ridley starts flying around the battlefield when he is at about a quarter health, whereas he is airborne for the first three quarters of his health in Prime.
  • Despite this form being named "Omega", he is relatively sluggish compared to his Meta Ridley form back in Таллон IV. Several attacks, such as the tail swing and tackles, are actually performed at a much slower speed in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption despite Omega Ridley using his arms and legs simultaneously to initiate said attacks compared to when he simply used his hind legs in the first Metroid Prime game.
  • Interestingly enough, Ridley's mechanical implants are more visible in this form, rather than his Meta form on Norion near the beginning of the game, where he appears to be more organic. Also, Omega Ridley's organic purple body is more evident as well (when compared to his previous Meta forms).
  • It is unknown how or why Omega Ridley transformed back into his natural, uncorrupted organic form seen in Super Metroid. It is known however that Phazon has healing properties and that following the destruction of both Темная Самус and Фааз, the mutagenic substance vanished from Samus' body and elsewhere on the galaxy; these two facts may have played a role in Omega Ridley's regression back to regular Ridley.
  • Unlike Могенар and Гелиос, Ridley's disintegration upon his defeat is not seen: Ridley is only seen wrapping his wings around himself and sinking to the ground as an explosion of Phazon engulfs him - the scene then cuts to the resulting Phazon hitting Samus.

Omega Ridley on the Radar.

  • Omega Ridley is the only enemy in the Prime series to be displayed in the Встроенный дисплей шлема's Радар as a full-scale silhouette. His silhouette is made of of several blips. All other enemies (even Мета Ридли, both in the first Prime and the beginning of Corruption) merely appear as one blip.
  • Omega Ridley's weak point is similar to the weak point of the Робот Ридли in Metroid: Zero Mission. The latter may be a prototype/precursor to the true, resurrected Meta Ridley, and Omega Ridley is Meta Ridley enhanced with Phazon.
  • The fireballs that he shoots out in both battles in Corruption can be destroyed with Samus Aran's weapons, specifically reminiscent of the fireballs he used in Zero Mission.
  • If Samus jumps at Omega Ridley with her Винтовая Атака, he always jumps to the side. This will cancel any attacks Ridley is preparing.

Музыкальные темы

Музыкальную тему, звучащую во время сражения с Омега Ридли, можно послушать здесь.



  1. Данные о существе: Омега Ридли Retro Studios. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Nintendo. Wii. 2007-08-27.