The Abandoned Base is a room in the Sky Temple Grounds. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
The base is a large passageway with Luminoth architecture. Immediately upon entering, there is a natural arch with a Light Portal on top and two Ingclaws underneath. In front and to the left is a short path to a door blocked by Ingworms; in the Light Aether equivalent, Path of Eyes, this alcove holds a Red Eye Statue. Further along the winding path are large stone daises with red circles in their centers, more Ingclaws and Corrupted Sentreyes. The path, which has no Safe Zones, ends with a large sand mound that can be climbed to reach an upper platform with Bladepods. Above it is a Luminoth Supply Transport.
A long tunnel spans the inside the walls on the higher level. To enter it, Samus can access a shaft in Morph Ball form, with a piston there to lift her into the tunnel. The piston shaft is enveloped in a Safe Zone. Upon being lifted into the tunnel, Samus can roll through it and activate four Bomb Slots, which lower locks on the Luminoth Supply Transport. Using each Bomb Slot also lowers a barrier preventing Samus from proceeding further into the tunnel, meaning she must use the piston on the other side to reach the rest of the Slots.
Once the Supply Transport has been activated, a hologram will appear in its center; stepping into it will activate the Transport. It begins to automatically move along its track. Samus cannot move while it is in operation, forcing her to quickly defend herself against swarms of Nightbarbs that come her way. A Safe Zone envelops her while she is on the Transport. Upon reaching its destination, the aforementioned Light Portal, the Safe Zone disappears and the Transport lowers before releasing Samus. She can then activate the Portal and return to Aether.
The Abandoned Base's name and the presence of transport infrastructure (the scan for which says the Luminoth left it behind) suggest that it was an important transportation hub for the Luminoth during their war with the Ing, before they vacated it for unknown reasons.
By Slope Jumping, it is possible for Samus to reach the portal to Path of Eyes quickly, thus setting her on the path to Torvus Bog's elevator and allowing her to skip the Dark Suit as well as Amorbis completely.
Connecting rooms[]
- Base Access (via Blue Door)
- Path of Eyes (via one-way Portal)
- 3 Corrupted Sentreye
- "Mechanism: Corrupted Sentreye
Darkling-possessed armed monitor system.
Used by the Ing to protect key areas. Can be stunned by most weapons: charged light energy will destroy target."
- Nightbarbs that ambush Samus while on the transportation device
- "Morphology: Nightbarb
Flying airborne hunters native to Dark Aether.
Targets are small but travel in large numbers for safety. Avoid contact."
- Ingclaw
- "Morphology: Ingclaw
Toxin-spewing immobile darkling.
Target surrounded by impenetrable shell. Produces deadly vapor."
- Bladepod
- "Morphology: Bladepod
Living storage units of the Ing Horde.
These Ing morph their bodies around useful items to protect them. They rely on larger Ing for protection."
- Ingworms
- "Bioscan complete.
This is a collection of mutated Ingworms.
Bioforms have been bred for massive size. It appears the Ing use these creatures to block access to areas."
- Lifts
- "Object analysis complete.
System designed to transport Kinetic Orbs. May have been a part of a loading system for a Kinetic Orb weapon."
- Bomb Slot (online)
- "Device: Bomb Slot
Powered system control unit.
Insert the Morph Ball into the slot, then detonate a Bomb.
This will transfer energy from the slot to the device connected to it."
- Luminoth Supply Transport
- "Vehicle: Luminoth Supply Transport
Unit designed to ferry troops and supplies.
Unarmed unit composed of durable alloys. Left behind by the Luminoth."
- Locking Unit
- "Object analysis complete.
Locking unit is part of a safety system.
Release unit by energizing nearby Bomb Slot. When all four locking units are released, the transport will be clear to energize and move."
- Light Portal (inactive)
- "This rift portal is inactive.
The portal field can be energized with light energy. Walk into an energized portal to transport to Aether." - Light Portal (active)
- "This portal is active.
Walk into the portal to initiate return transit to Aether."