

! This is a rare creature/object. It may only be scanned in one or few encounters.


Attameter Artifact, Stasis Bunker.

An Alimbic Artifact is an item in Metroid Prime Hunters that is required to activate a Stronghold Portal, so that it can be used to access Stronghold Voids.


There are three different types of these artifacts: Cartograph, Binary Subscripture and Attameter Artifacts. Three of any of these can be found twice on the Celestial Archives, Alinos, Vesper Defense Outpost, and Arcterra to activate a Stronghold Portal so that Samus can defeat a Cretaphid or Slench and gain an Octolith. Each type of artifact is a scannable object.

Official data[]

Logbook entries[]

Alimbic Artifact

Metroid Prime Hunters

Logbook entry

ARTIFACTS are encoded with program data unique to the STRONGHOLD PORTAL. Three ARTIFACTS are necessary to activate the PORTAL.

Attameter Artifact

Metroid Prime Hunters

Logbook entry

The ATTAMETER ARTIFACT contains schematics for atomic mapping, allowing a PORTAL to disassemble the molecular structure of anything within the teleportation matrix.

Cartograph Artifact

Metroid Prime Hunters

Logbook entry

The CARTOGRAPH ARTIFACT is encoded with the spatial coordinates of a hidden chamber.

Binary Subscripture Artifact

Metroid Prime Hunters

Logbook entry

The BINARY SUBSCRIPTURE ARTIFACT contains the precise frequency of the STRONGHOLD PORTAL's spectral transponder, allowing anything within the teleportation matrix to warp from one point to another.


You retrieved an ALIMBIC ARTIFACT!"

Metroid Prime Hunters: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide[]

"Collect three artifacts in each area to activate a Stronghold Portal."


  • Alimbic Artifacts serve a similar role to the Dark Temple Keys in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, in that they prevent Samus from accessing the main boss of an area until she has properly explored certain sections of said area.
  • A variant of the Get Artifact Jingle plays when Samus acquires an Alimbic Artifact. This jingle is also used for the Omega Cannon.

