Asteroids orbiting ZDR in Metroid Dread
Asteroids are recurring objects within the Metroid series of games.
Notable appearances[]
SR388 has a nearby asteroid belt that claimed Samus Aran's Gunship and nearly killed its owner due to Samus succumbing to X Parasite infection. A space station in the same system, the Biologic Space Laboratories research station, appears to have been a hollowed out asteroid, and it was set by Samus to collide with SR388, eliminating all life on the planet.
The Ceres Space Colony also has a nearby asteroid belt, and some asteroids can be seen in Metroid: Other M cutscenes.
In the Metroid Prime room Exterior Docking Hangar, asteroids float around in space, and can be shot and destroyed. When viewed (via hacking) with the Thermal Visor, they appear warmer than the surrounding environment. The Hangar is a part of the Frigate Orpheon which is located in the FS-176 system at this time; the astronomical holographic projector shows many more asteroids in a belt that spans around FS-176.
In Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, cel-shaded asteroids can be seen floating around in space through the cockpit of Samus's Gunship at the beginning of the game. In the same game, Leviathans are meteor-like bioforms sent from Phaaze to collide with planets in an attempt to corrupt them with Phazon.
The planet ZDR in Metroid Dread featured several asteroids, with Samus piloting her ship around them while en-route to the planet to investigate the disappearance of the E.M.M.I. and also any possible X Parasite presence.
Non-canonical appearances[]
Non-canon warning: This article or section contains information that may not be considered an official part of the Metroid series in the overall storyline by Nintendo.
In Metroid: Zebes Invasion Order, Zebes is referred to as an asteroid. In canonical media, it is a planet instead.
One asteroid was constructed into a lair for Mother Brain and named Metroid, during the events of the Nintendo Comics System and Captain N: The Game Master. RX 338 also has an asteroid belt.
In Blood of the Chozo, it is said that the True Chozo use a massive asteroid ship as their main base.
Non-canon warning: Non-canonical information ends here.