This article is written from the Real Life point of view Globe

Barbara Boeykens

Barbara Boëykens is a French model, filmmaker and businesswoman. She appeared in She's cutting throats, a French commercial for Metroid: Other M. In the commercial, she plays the game, specifically the Vorash chase sequence, and notably has her hair styled like that of Samus Aran. Boëykens was not credited for her role in the commercial, and identified in a 2023 investigation into Samus's actresses that was conducted by Shinesparkers.[1]

Since filming the commercial, Boëykens has worked as an assistant unit manager on multiple productions in France. She also ran a vegan cafe in Paris called Bears & Raccoons until September 2020[2], and appeared on BFM Business in 2016.[3]


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  1. ^ Shinesparkers. In Search of Samus. December 8, 2023. Retrieved December 10, 2023.
  2. ^ Bears & Raccoons (bearsandraccoons). Instagram. September 19, 2020. Retrieved December 10, 2023.
  3. ^ BFM Business. "La tendance shopping: Les produits cosmétiques vegan et le mode alimentaire sans gluten font fureur - 12/07" Dailymotion. July 12, 2016. Retrieved December 10, 2023.
