

Mixing Tanks

Mixing Tanks

The bioweaponry chambers are related objects found in the Bioweaponry Lab on the Vesper Defense Outpost, in Metroid Prime Hunters. All were designed by the Alimbics for use in bioweapon production. However, some of the objects have fallen into disrepair since the eradication of the Alimbic species. All of these objects can be scanned by Samus for her Logbook. They all appear as blue colored, wall-mounted devices and are powered through connections to a Fuel Rod positioned in the center of the room.

The Mixing Tanks are used to create artificial poisonous gases. By the time Samus visits the Bioweaponry Lab, the gases have dissipated, but the Scan Visor still detects minute traces of toxic material. The Spore Farm is a controlled environment used to propagate toxic spores, although by the time Samus finds it the spores have died out. The Clone Engine may have been used for cloning micro-organisms such as the aforementioned spores, but the microcircuitry in the engine has malfunctioned and it is no longer functional. Finally, the Lab Equipment was used to grow bioweapons, but has fallen into disrepair as well.

Logbook entries[]

Mixing Tanks

Logbook entry

Used to synthesize poisonous gases. Trace amounts of toxic materials detected.

Fuel Rod

Logbook entry

Powers nearby bioweaponry chambers.

Spore Farm

Logbook entry

A controlled environment used to grow toxic spores. The spores have expired.

Clone Engine

Logbook entry

Severe deterioration of microcircuitry detected. Systems nonfunctional.

Lab Equipment

Logbook entry

Used to grow bioweaponry. Systems inoperative.

