This article is written from the Real Life point of view Globe

"Chozo script translated."

This article's name is an unofficial translation from official Russian and Polish media and may not represent the canonical English name, if one exists.
An alternate name from an official source may be required.

Breathe Russian thumbnail

Russian thumbnail.

Breathe (Russian: Дыши), also titled Last metro (Polish: Ostatnie metro) is a 30-second advertisement for Metroid Dread that was uploaded to the Nintendo of Russia YouTube account on September 23rd, 2021 and later the Nintendo of Poland account on October 4th. The videos can be viewed here (no longer available) and here.


Breathe Polish thumbnail

Polish thumbnail.

The ad takes place in a subway station, where a bearded man boards an empty train. After checking his surroundings, he takes out his Nintendo Switch OLED to play Dread. The game screen shows clips from the Announcement Trailer and the E.M.M.I.-02SM chase sequence, with the man gradually getting more tense. Red lights on the subway blare, indicating the train has reached its destination, forcing the man to put the game away and rush out of the train before the doors close on him. The ad then cuts to what is assumed to be his home where he resumes the game, with the screen showing E.M.M.I.-02SM about to kill Samus before showing clips of Raven Beak, Kraid and one of the Chozo Soldiers. The ad ends with a similar overlay of release information to Be careful, Samus ...


Casting was handled by Ilisa Richter.[1][2] It was directed by Parisian director Julien Roussiaux, and stars British actor Wilson James.[3]


  1. ^
  2. ^ Ilisa Richter Casting. "Nintendo Switch Metroid Dread 30s Eshop Switch_UK". Vimeo. December 2, 2023. Retrieved December 8, 2023.
  3. ^
