
The Brooding Ground is a room in the Dark Torvus Bog. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. This room is separated in half, with each half identical to the other. Each side has a pond of Dark Water, a Liftvine Crystal, two Dark Preeds, and a Morph Ball tunnel. In order to safely traverse, the Dark Preeds must be destroyed and the Liftvine Crystals activated to reach the tunnel.

The Aetherian version of this room is Abandoned Worksite.

Connecting rooms[]


4 Dark Preed
"Morphology: Dark Preed
Darkling-possessed gas-filled cyborg.
Darkling enhances target's durability. Destruction of outer body will release a highly toxic cloud."


Liftvine Crystal
"Morphology: Liftvine Crystal
Energized by light-based weapons.
Darkling plantform will grow in height when Crystal is energized by light-based weaponry."


  • This room has a minor glitch in the PAL GameCube version of Echoes. After collecting the energy from the Dark Torvus Energy Controller, if Samus looks out to Dark Forgotten Bridge from this room, the room has a purple sky. Once Samus walks into Dark Forgotten Bridge, the sky instantly turns red. This glitch was fixed in the Metroid Prime Trilogy version.