Bryyo Data

Samus scans a Bryyo Data entry. (Jungle Generator)

Bryyo Data is a category of Lore in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. It documents the later history of the Reptilicus, a formerly intelligent species native to planet Bryyo.

All Bryyo Lore entries are located on shimmering wall panels. Samus Aran can scan these to download the text to her Logbook; doing so will make the shimmering stop and reveal a painting of the events described in a particular entry. Some panels are behind Bryyo Lore Locks, with about four weak points Samus must shoot before the plates retract and reveal a scannable panel.

Golden Age[]

Golden Age

Location: Reliquary II

Bryyo Data

Golden Age

Logbook entry

Look now to the past, and to the time of peace on Bryyo. See the age of gold, when our world was a paradise unrivaled. Hear the songs of joy fill the streets of the Royal City, as the people honor the coming of Bryyus the First, the Liberator. Behold, the launch of our first ship to the stars on that day, and witness the rise of Science, of a New Bryyo. See this, and see the beginning of our downfall.

Age of Science[]

Age of Science

Location: Grand Court

Bryyo Data

Age of Science

Logbook entry

The ships of Bryyo sped to the stars, in all directions, bearing the banner of peace. Soon we found stellar bretheren in the Chozo, the Luminoth, and the Ylla. Starborn knowledge came to Bryyo, and we gladly sent our wisdom to our new friends in return. The hearts of Bryyo were filled with pride, and they honor the Lords of Science for all the wonders we provided. As the time of New Bryyo came to be, the old ways faded. The cries of joy from those who honored Science covered the angry shouts of those who mourned the old ways, the Primal Traditions.

Age of Schism[]

Age of Schism

Location: Main Lift

Bryyo Data

Age of Schism

Logbook entry

In time, the wonders of Science were not enough for those who held the Primal Traditions in their hearts. The warning of the Chozo--to seek balance between old and new ways--were not heeded by the Lords of Science, myself included. We forged on, ignorant of the rage in the hearts of the Primals. The time came when Sfimas, first Lord of Science, denounced the Primals and their Traditions in the center of the Royal City. It was as flame to dry forest. Age of Science ended, and the Age of Schism was born.

Age of War[]

Age of War

Location: Gel Processing Site

Bryyo Data

Age of War

Logbook entry

In the beginning, the conflicts were small, out of sight for most on Bryyo. But they grew, slowly but as steady as the coming of the sun. Diplomacy gave way to brutality, and war came to our world. The Lords of Science turned their minds from exploration to destruction, and unleashed horrors unknown upon their Primal enemies. In retaliation, the Primals turned to the darkest of ancient powers, cursing us, the Science Lords, and all who served our cause. Friends from the stars tried desperately to end the conflict, all in vain. The people of war would not be denied.



Location: Temple Generator

Bryyo Data


Logbook entry

Look now to the time of battle, tribe against tribe. See fertile land swept clean of all living things by arcane nightmares or the hellish blasts of Science. See the giant stone Mogenars do battle, destroying the land with their titanic blows. And hear the undying scream of a planet wracked by darkest war. The battles waged endlessly, and the resources needed to sustain our war machines were great. Bryyo too had become a casualty of the war; the air was filled with the smoke of battle and the soil soaked with the toxins of pollution. Calamity after calamity visited the folk of Bryyo, until a world once known for wonders became a scarred husk under the stars. Only a small region remained habitable, and to it the survivors went, bringing the war with them.



Location: Hall of the Golems

Bryyo Data


Logbook entry

We, the Lords of Science, mishandled the use of our knowledge. The devastation of the war robbed us of the rare resources necessary to fuel our war engines. Without our machines we were unable to stand up to the Primal armies, and they overran the enclaves of many Science Lords. What few remained fled into dark places, polluted wastelands even the bravest of Primal warriors would not dare enter. Whatever joy there may have been amongst the victorious was quickly stamped out by the grim reality surrounding them. Bryyo, their cradle, their sacred home... was on the verge of death.

Struggle of Exiles[]

Struggle of Exiles

Location: Burrow

Bryyo Data

Struggle of Exiles

Logbook entry

As the followers of the Primal Traditions celebrated their victory, a number of surviving Science Lords gathered in a hidden sanctuary. It was there that our foolishness became obvious, and we regretted ignoring the Chozo's warning. We realized the folly of following the ways of science with blind faith - and the peril of all Bryyo. The contamination left from all the battles was spreading, and would soon scour the remaining fertile lands, leaving naught but ash. If left unaided, Bryyo would lose what few safe lands and water remained. Once more, our great minds turned to a grand task... planetary salvation. As our enemies searched the lands for us, the last Lords of Science, we created our final machines and launched them into the heavens.



Location: Hidden Court Hall

Bryyo Data


Logbook entry

The great machines of the Science Lords performed flawlessly. They absorbed the toxins and pollution in the air and soil, preserving the remaining fertile land of Bryyo. Yet the planet's climate was forever changed, leaving one side eternally scorched by the sun, the other forever in the icy grasp of darkness. The launch of the machines revealed the hidden enclave of the Science Lords to their former enemies. The bright lights in the skies caused by the decontamination equipment stirred old hatred in the hearts of the Primals. Fearing a new attack, the Primals sent their warriors forth to hunt their hated foes. We were now marked for death.

The Hunted[]

The Hunted

Location: Jungle Generator

Bryyo Data

The Hunted

Logbook entry

The Primals crafted new magics to protect their warriors, and sent them into the burning wastelands to hunt the Lords of Science hiding there. Though we tried to avoid conflict, many Science Lords were found and ended by Primal war bands. I was but the sole survivor, the last remaining Lord of Science. In order to protect myself, I adopted the wisdom once shared by the Chozo. I built mighty Mogenars out of stone, and place them outside the walls of my home, there to silently protect me from all enemies.



Location: Colossus Vista

Bryyo Data


Logbook entry

Forgotten in exile, a creature of myth, I, the last Lord of Science, worked tirelessly to protect myself and this world. I crafted magics and machines to bring life back to the wastelands. I found a new source of natural energy in the land and called it Fuel Gel. I vowed to atone for the devastation inflicted upon Bryyo, caused by both science and war. Yet, while I toiled, the Primals slipped slowly into barbarism. With no Science Lords to hunt, they turned on each other, tribe against tribe. Magic was lost to them, and they became as savage as the predator beasts of the wild.



Location: Refinery Access

Bryyo Data


Logbook entry

As time slowly passed, I grew old; even the combined power of magic and science couldn't cheat death forever. In order to preserve Bryyo's environment, I would need a successor. Finding one was a daunting task, for most of the folk saw me as a monster. Time passed quickly as I searched, and my efforts appeared to be in vain. Seemingly by chance, I found a young Primal wandering the wastelands and rescued her. But this was not a chance encounter. She was a prophetess, tirelessly searching for the last Lord of Science to speak to about her visions. In her dreams she saw a starborne death coming to Bryyo, and with her vision came a plea to save her world. Based on her information, I began work on improving the existing decontamination equipment to help prepare a defense for Bryyo against the eventual catastrophe.

Our Plea[]

Our Plea

Location: Imperial Caverns

Bryyo Data

Our Plea

Logbook entry

Sadly, disaster came to us before we could finish our work. An accident caused our supply of Fuel Gel to explode, sending fire to the sky and exposing our position. It was not long before a Primal war band saw the great fire, and rushed to attack. Without a way to power my great Mogenars, I had no way to defend myself from their assault. Fleeing would only drive them to pursue us to no end, and they would show no mercy to either one of us once caught. I had no other choice except to stand my ground while the prophetess fled to safety. With her I sent my records of the past, in hopes they would both find sanctuary. You now read my last words, etched in stone and placed by the prophetess. We speak to you from beyond the grave, to plead to you... save our world from the starborne plague. Lift the veil of hate from the eyes of our people. May our remaining relics serve you well in this struggle.


  • The Bryyo Data is similar to the Chozo Lore in that the walls on which they are scanned stand out by rippling flame with a design (language writing or artwork) on it, when scanned, the rippling stops, and the Lore cannot be scanned again after that.
  • At least four of the Bryyo Data images (Downfall, Victory, Salvation and Decline) were created by Nathan Purkeypile.