This is a list of rooms mostly from the Prime series of games. It includes rooms from Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Metroid Prime Hunters and Metroid: Other M, as well as a selection of rooms in other games.
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- Abandoned Base
- Abandoned Worksite
- Accursed Lake
- Acid fall
- Acid Statue Room
- Acid Worm's room
- Acid-filled runway
- Acidic concourse
- Aerial Observation
- Aerial Training Site
- Aerie
- Aerie Access
- Aerie Transport Station
- Aether Lab Entryway
- Agon Energy Controller
- Agon Map Station
- Agon Temple
- Agon Transport Access (Sanctuary Fortress)
- Agon Transport Access (Temple Grounds)
- Air Lock
- Airshaft
- Alcove
- Alimbic Cannon Control Room
- Alimbic Gardens
- Alinos Gateway
- Alinos Perch
- Alpha Metroid chamber
- Alpha Power Bomb Room
- Alpha's chamber
- Altar of Judgment
- Altar of power
- Ammo Station (Dark Torvus Bog)
- Ancient Courtyard
- Antechamber
- Apex launcher shaft
- AQA Maintenance Bay
- Aqueduct
- Arachnus' chamber
- Arachnus' room
- Arbitrary Enky room
- Arbor Chamber
- Arboretum
- Arboretum Access
- Arcterra Gateway
- Area 8 Ruins
- Arena area of Chozo base
- Armory
- Arrival Station
- Artaria entrance
- Artifact Temple
- Artificial Passage
- Ascension
- Aurora Access (G.F.S. Olympus)
- Aurora Access (G.F.S. Valhalla)
- Aurora Chamber (G.F.S. Olympus)
- Aurora Chamber (G.F.S. Valhalla)
- Aurora Chamber (SkyTown)
- Aurora Lift
- Auxiliary Dynamo
- Auxiliary Lift
- Auxiliary Power Station
- Avalanche room
- B.O.X.'s room (NOC)
- B.O.X.'s room (PYR)
- B.S.L Station Transport Tubes
- Ball launcher speedway
- Ballista Lift
- Ballista Storage
- Banquet hall
- Barisute pit
- Barracks Access
- Barracks Lift
- Base Access
- Battleground
- Big Metroid's room
- Biodefense Chamber A
- Biodefense Chamber B
- Bioenergy Production
- Biohazard Containment
- Biological Experiment Floor
- Biosphere intersection
- Biosphere Test Area
- Biostorage Access
- Biostorage Station
- Biotech Research Area 1
- Biotech Research Area 2
- Bioweapon Research Center access bridge
- Bioweapon Storage
- Bioweaponry Lab
- Bitter Well
- Blast Furnace Observation
- Block column shaft
- Blue gate shaft
- Blue-bubble shaft
- Blue-tinted shaft
- Bomb access corridor
- Botanica
- BOTTLE SHIP Control Room
- BOTTLE SHIP Residential Area
- Bottomless Pond
- Botwoon's chamber
- BRC main laboratory
- BRC operations base
- Breeding cage
- Breeding Room
- Breeding tank
- Brinstar Bomb room
- Brinstar end shaft
- Brinstar-to-Norfair elevator shaft
- Broken Lift
- Broken Statue room
- Brooding Ground
- Brutal path
- Bryyo Leviathan Core
- Bubble Mountain
- Burn Dome
- Burn Dome Access
- Burning Trail
- Burrow
- Cache A
- Cache B
- Caged Sidehopper hall
- Canyon Cavern
- Canyon Entryway
- Cargo Dock A
- Cargo Dock B
- Cargo Dock C
- Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma
- Cargo Hold
- Cargo Hub
- Cargo storage room
- Catacombs
- Catacombs Access
- Catwalk
- Cavern Alpha
- Cavern Beta
- Cavern Beta Access
- Cavern Entry
- Celestial Gateway
- Central Area Transport East
- Central Area Transport West
- Central Dynamo
- Central Hive East Transport
- Central Hive West Transport
- Central Mining Station
- Central Reactor Core
- Central Station Access
- Central Unit room
- Ceres confrontation room
- Chacmool room
- Chain reaction chamber
- Chamber Access
- Chapel of the Elders
- Chapel Tunnel
- Checkpoint Station
- Chozo Ice Temple
- Chozo inner temple
- Chozo machine hall
- Chozo Observatory
- Chozo reliquary
- Chozo Ruins main cavern
- Chozo Shaft East
- Chozo Tower
- Chozodia lava pool
- Chozodia's fork
- Cliffside Airdock
- Cocoon cavern
- Collapsed Tunnel
- Collapsed vent room
- Colossus Vista
- Combat Hall
- Command Center (Agon Wastes)
- Command Center Access
- Command Chamber
- Command Courtyard
- Command Lift A
- Command Lift B
- Command Station
- Command Vault
- Communication Area
- Compression Chamber
- Concourse
- Concourse Access A
- Concourse Access B
- Concourse Ventilation
- Conduit A
- Conduit B
- Conduit C
- Conference hall
- Confrontation room
- Connection Elevator to Deck Alpha
- Connection Elevator to Deck Beta (Deck Alpha)
- Connection Elevator to Deck Beta (Deck Gamma)
- Construction Bay
- Control Bridge