"What's the matter? All I said was that Komaytos look like little Metr-"

Non-canon warning: This article or section contains information that may not be considered an official part of the Metroid series in the overall storyline by Nintendo.

Ditto (メタモン Metamon?) is a creature from the Pokémon franchise. A Normal-type Pokémon that was introduced in Generation I, it has a single move, Transform, which causes it to turn into a doppelganger of its opponent, with the same abilities, but no more HP than before.

Its only connection to the Metroid franchise is its appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a Pokémon that can be summoned from a Poké Ball. When summoned, it forms an AI copy of the fighter who summoned it, and assists them in battle for a few seconds, before it reverts to its true form and vanishes. It can copy Samus, Zero Suit Samus, Ridley and Dark Samus.

Ditto utilizes a combination of the summoning fighter's standard attacks and special moves, but it cannot pick up items or perform a Final Smash. It is also the only Pokémon who is vulnerable to attacks. The doppelganger is always purple, as is the case with Ditto copies in Generation II. However, from Generation III onwards, Ditto would copy the coloring of the Pokémon it was imitating.

Ditto was originally intended to appear in Super Smash Bros. Melee in the same role, but was removed for unknown reasons. Its presence in the game's official strategy guide suggests it was removed late in development. It can still be accessed through hacking, and if done, Ditto will say "Mon-mon!", stretch and spin, and disappear. It will deal 7-8% damage to any fighter who touches it during the spin. Ditto has a trophy in Melee and an icon of Ditto is used in Tournament Melee when a random character is selected.



  • Although it debuted well before the release of Metroid Fusion, aspects of Ditto from its blob-like appearance to its ability to transform into and copy others was similar to those of the X Parasites, with the only known difference aside from possessing a face being that Ditto doesn't infect and kill anyone to transform into them.