- Not to be confused with Docking Bays 1, 2 and 3 on the G.F.S. Olympus.

Docking Bays L1, L2 and L3 are a series of objects located in between the Transfer Lock and Docking Bay rooms on the Celestial Archives. They can be scanned from either room, which reveals that they are ports for various types of Alimbic spacecraft.
The Docking Bays can either be sealed or open, which varies between game modes and heavily affects whether Bounty Hunters can move between the Transfer Lock and Docking Bay. In Adventure Mode, they permanently seal the two rooms from each other, forcing Samus Aran to use Portals to move between the rooms. In the Transfer Lock arena in the Battle, Survival, and Nodes Multiplayer modes, even the Space Dock section of the Transfer Lock is sealed; thus, the playable area is limited the pyramid section of the Lock. In all other Multiplayer modes however, the ports are open, allowing the Hunters to freely move between the Transfer Lock and Docking Bay (the latter of which is part of the Transfer Lock Multiplayer arena).
Logbook entry[]
Docking Bay L1
Receiving port for ALIMBIC heavy-cargo starfreighters.
Docking Bay L2
Receiving port for ALIMBIC medium-range transports.
Docking Bay L3
Receiving port for ALIMBIC passenger carriers.