
The Duelling Range is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.


The room is similar to its Light Aether counterpart, the Mining Plaza. It retains the multiple ledges, sand floor, statue of Amorbis (which is unscannable, unlike the Mining Plaza), the apparatus for the solar lens system (the lenses themselves are not present), and and an indestructible barrier blocking access to a Light Portal. The Portal can be accessed by entering the room from Dark Transit Station.

It is in the Duelling Range where Samus battles her first Warrior Ing in a scripted encounter. Once it is defeated, the Ing disappears in a puddle, but nothing else occurs. Samus can make use of various Light Crystals and Beacons, and Bladepods positioned around the room, to refill her energy if needed. Two Warrior Ing will appear in the Duelling Range on subsequent visits, although fighting them is optional.

Connecting rooms[]


Duelling Range

The room's Warrior Ing

First visit[]

1 Warrior Ing
"Morphology: Warrior Ing
The soldiers of the Ing Horde.
Shapeshifting wallcrawler. Dangerous combatant in melee and at range. Dislikes bright light."
2 Lightbringers
"Morphology: Light-generating forager.
Creature generates Safe Zone while living. Immune to most forms of attack."

Second visit[]

2 Warrior Ing
"Morphology: Warrior Ing
The soldiers of the Ing Horde.
Shapeshifting wallcrawler. Dangerous combatant in melee and at range. Dislikes bright light."


Light Beacon
"Xenotech: Luminoth Light Beacon
Generates protective field when energized.
Light Beacons must be energized by Beam weapon fire to function, and remain charged for a limited time."
Light Crystal
"Xenotech: Luminoth Light Crystal
Generates protective field of light energy.
Light Crystals provide protection from Dark Aether's atmosphere. They can be nullified by dark energy and supercharged by light energy."
"Morphology: Bladepod
Living storage units of the Ing Horde.
These Ing morph their bodies around useful items to protect them. They rely on larger Ing for protection."
Light Portal (inactive)
"This rift portal is inactive.
The portal field can be energized with light energy. Walk into an energized portal to transport to Aether."
Light Portal (active)
"This portal is active.
Walk into the portal to initiate return transit to Aether."

