
The Dungeon is a room in the Dark Torvus Bog. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It serves as an entry point to the underground part of Dark Torvus Bog. Two Dark Grenchlers patrol the floor. Underneath is a large section filled with dark water that hides a Sky Temple Key.

The Aetherian version of this room is Catacombs.


The Dungeon resembles its Light world counterpart, albeit without much of the water. Many Mutated Ingworms block access to the doorways leading throughout the rest of the Dark Torvus underground areas, leaving only two ways to enter/exit this room. The room is mostly all flooring with a few tall pillar structures in between save for a small puddle of Dark Water seen directly underneath the Luminoth Statue holding the Portal. This small pond actually houses an underwater area necessary to traverse through for a hidden Sky Temple Key. Within the waters are more structures and walls leaving not much room to maneuver through. Small gaps lie underneath a few of these walls but are blocked by stationary creatures, and a much smaller hole is also present above them inside said walls housing a Light Beacon. Some plant based lifeforms also thrive underneath certain sections of these dark waters here. The Underwater Bomb Slot area seen in the room's Light World counterpart is completely blocked off here by large debris.

Connecting Rooms[]


2 Dark Grenchlers
"Morphology: Dark Grenchler
Darkling-possessed amphibious predator.
Symbiosis brings additional power to creature, but it retains its key weakness. Target the back shell to reveal a weak spot."
2 Watchdrones
"Mechanoid: Watchdrone
Rogue sentry mechanoid.
Indestructible, but irritated by bright light. Target can be herded out of place by exposing it to light."


Key of G-Sch
Requires the Light Suit. Samus must pass through a dark water maze with Watchdrones blocking her path. At the end of the maze is the key


"Light Portals allow living beings to travel to Aether without being scattered throughout the interdimensional void. They are unstable, however, and only remain viable for limited periods of time. Some can be reactivated, while others vanish forever once they are used."
Light Beacon
"Light Beacons must be energized by Beam weapons fire to function, and they remain charged for a limited time. The Beacons were created when the Luminoth ran short of Light Crystals during the war. While simple to make, the Beacons were also unstable. They had to be energized periodically, and could run out of energy at critical moments. Still, any protection was better than none for the Luminoth warriors."
"Bioscan complete.
This is a collection of mutated Ingworms.
Bioforms have been bred for massive size. It appears the Ing use these creatures to block access to areas."
Ingsphere Cache
"Morphology: Ingsphere Cache
Living storage units of the Ing Horde.
The Ingsphere keeps useful items in a dimentional pocket. The pocket can be breached by destroying the Ingsphere."
Flying Ing Cache
"Morphology: Flying Ing Cache
Flying bearer unit of the Ing Horde.
Creature ingests objects of value to the Hive. Only its death will release the object within."



  • It is possible for the Dark Grenchlers to fall inside the Dark Waters within this room (this is most easily done using the Annihilator Beam). The creatures appear unaffected by the Dark Water and can sometimes push a mobile Watchdrone out of its natural moving path.