
The electrical system was a system of electrical components used to transfer and supply electric power to the BOTTLE SHIP. The system is offline when Samus Aran and the 07th Platoon arrive. In the Cargo Hold, Anthony Higgs explains to Samus that they cannot remove the lock over the exit door due to the power being down, and that it would be difficult to avoid collateral damage if they used explosives. Samus proceeds to fire a Missile at the door, allowing one of the soldiers to push it open.

Following the Brug Mass' defeat in the BOTTLE SHIP Control Room, Commander Adam Malkovich orders Samus to visit the System Management room to reactivate the sector's power. She makes her way to the room, and destroys two Fly Pods spawning Reos inside of it before she turns the power back on. It remains on for the rest of the mission.

Official data[]


The electrical system here is out, and we can't get the barrier wall to open.

Anthony Higgs

And, Samus. You go to the System Management room. Do everything you can to get the electrical system back up and running.

Commander Adam Malkovich

Metroid: Other M Premiere Edition[]

Page 49
"Roll up the fallen vent on the left, picking up the Energy Tank as you go, then destroy the second grate to drop into the System Management Room. The computer console in the System Management Room is used to access the ship’s electrical systems. At the moment, however, it has no power.
Although the computer works, the power is being restricted by two large fly pods! Quickly remove the Reos with your Beam, then switch to first-person view and target the fly pods. Hit each fly pod with three missiles to destroy them. The computer comes back online. Use the computer to restore electricity to the rest of the ship.
When the electrical system comes back online, several doors in the ship are unlocked. Exit the room via the now-unlocked door behind you and begin backtracking to the Control Room, where Commander Adam waits to give you further instructions."