Normally I'd assign you to investigate [what activated Cyranon], but we have a more urgent matter. After our last transmission from Samus Aran, we abruptly lost all contact with her.

It's possible she's gone silent to avoid some Space Pirates, but it's still concerning...

Fortunately, her last transmission did come through, and it contained encrypted Space Pirate messages.

The intelligence team is working as hard as they can to decrypt the messages. I'll update you as soon as we have more information.

—General Alex Miles, M14: Tremor post-mission briefing

The encrypted Space Pirate messages, or encrypted messages were communications from the Space Pirates that were intercepted by Samus Aran during Metroid Prime: Federation Force. Shortly before her capture at the hands of the Pirates, Samus was able to recover Pirate messages and transmit them to the Galactic Federation for decryption. In the post-mission briefing for M14: Tremor, General Alex Miles reveals that the intelligence team is working overtime to decrypt the messages, while hoping that Samus is not in danger. Before M19: Incursion, Miles reports that the intelligence team has partially decrypted the messages, and they reveal that the Pirates' Doomseye "strategic weapon" is concealed by camouflage. The camouflage is powered by a Transfer Device on the planet Excelcion, which the Federation Force immediately sets out to destroy. However, the Doomseye does not appear. The full message, which is further decrypted prior to M20: Insurrection, and completely decrypted prior to M21: The Core, reveals that there are a total of three Transfer Devices across all three planets in the Bermuda System: Excelcion, Bion and Talvania. Upon the destruction of all three Transfer Devices, the Doomseye is exposed, commencing the final mission of the game: M22: Convergence.
