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The Event Viewer is a hidden list of flags seen in Metroid: Zero Mission.


Discovered within prototype builds of the game, a list of 79 in-game flags are present within a hidden page of the game. This page cannot be seen under normal gameplay conditions and it is unknown if the Event Viewer can be accessed at all in the final game. To access it in prototype builds, one must first enter the Debug Menu item select screen, then press SELECT. A list will then appear which features (from left to right) a number, name of flag in English, and its Japanese name equivalent. The A button can toggle a flag on or off, and the B will exit the Event List and return to the Debug Menu item screen. Pressing Left or Right will scroll through the list faster by ten flags. Results for room changes typically appear once an area is reloaded after toggling the desired flags. Most of the time, having a flag active prevents a specific event from reloading. Some flags related to unused or scrapped elements within the game.

Worthy of note is that many names used in flags may not have been shown in any released Metroid media nor used in official guides or strategy books. Two examples of this are "MUKADE" for the Charge Beam Beast and "CHOJINTOWER" for the tall Chozo structure. Toggling flags in the the Event Viewer may sometimes lead to a host of glitches, an example of this is being trapped in Imago's hideout as for some reason, the exit door fails to unlock properly if Imago's flag is toggled. This Event Viewer menu seems to be a more accurate successor to the Event Viewer seen in the Debug Menu from the prototype versions of Metroid Fusion, as Zero Mission utilizes many different styles of gameplay.


Event List[]

The following lists each flag and any accompanying details pertaining to a flag's function.

# EN title JP title Description
0 0 ダミーダコリャ Unknown. This flag cannot be toggled using this menu, if at all.
1 EASY イージーモードオン When active, it loads rooms under the Easy Mode setting.
2 HARD ハードモードオン When active, it loads rooms under the Hard Mode setting. If both this flag and EASY are active, HARD takes precedence.
3 DMWAKEUP デモ マザーノメザメ Cutscene relating to Mother Brain opening her eye, revealing Samus inside the Brinstar elevator to Norfair. Activates once Samus reaches Norfair via the Brinstar elevator and when the flag is active, prevents repeated play of the cutscene.
4 DMRETURN デモ リドリーキカン Cutscene relating to the Space Pirate Mother Ship in space, before it returns to Zebes. Activates once either this cutscene or DMLANDING is shown, and when active, prevents repeated play.
5 DMLANDING デモ ボカンチャクリク Cutscene relating to the Space Pirate Mother Ship's landing and Ridley's appearance flying out from it. Activates once shown, and when active, prevents repeated play.
6 DMMECHA デモ メカリドリーキドウ The cutscene of Mecha Ridley's eye opening. Prevents the cutscene's reactivation when the flag is active.
7 DMMETROID デモ メトロイド チュー Tourian's intro cutscene, when the elevator from Brinstar is used to enter here. Prevents the cutscene's reactivation when the flag is active.
8 LONGCHO タチチョウ ロングビーム Pertains to the Long Beam hint statue. This activates when either the hint statue is used or the item is obtained. When active, the hint statue becomes in sitting position.
9 BOMBCHO タチチョウ ボム Bomb hint statue. Similar situation as stated above in Flag 8.
10 ICECHO タチチョウ アイス Hint statue pertaining to the Ice Beam. Similar situation as stated above in Flag 8.
11 SPEEDCHO タチチョウ スピード Hint leading to the Speed Booster. Similar situation as stated above in Flag 8.
12 HIJUMPCHO タチチョウ ハイジャンプ Hint statue relating to the High Jump Boots. Similar situation as stated above in Flag 8.
13 VARIACHO タチチョウ バリア Activates once the Varia Suit is obtained or its hint statue is activated, which when active will force the hint statue to be in its sitting position.
14 WAVECHO タチチョウ ウェーブ Hint statue relating to the Wave Beam. Similar situation as stated above in Flag 8.
15 SCREWCHO タチチョウ スクリュー Activates once the Screw Attack is obtained. However, the item's hint statue is broken and unusable. This implies the possibility that the hint statue leading to the Screw Attack was at one point intended to be functional.
16 POWERHANGGET ゲット パワーグリップ Activates once the Power Grip is obtained. When active, it prevents the item from respawning and also removes the Tangle Vine fruit in the Norfair main corridor.
17 CHOJINTOWER チョウジンポールノビル Activates when flag 16 is active and once the tall Chozo structure has finished fully rising with platforms appeared. When this flag is active, the statuary shaft loads the post-risen Tower version of the room.
18 HIJUMP ゲット ハイジャンプ Activates once the Hi-Jump Boots is obtained. When active, it prevents the item from respawning and also places a Tangle Vine fruit within Corridor No. 3.
19 VARIA ゲット バリアスーツ Activates once the Varia Suit is obtained. When active, it prevents the item from respawning and generates Parasites in the left half of Corridor No 3.
20 CHARGEGET ゲット チャージ Activates once the Charge Beam is obtained. This flag overrides the settings from MUKADE related flags, completely preventing the creature from respawning.
21 SCREW ゲット スクリュー Activates once the Screw Attack item is obtained. When active, it prevents the item from respawning and also loads three Barisutes in the one Norfair room containing a single Barisute.
22 SPACEJ ゲット スペースジャンプ Activates once the Space Jump Unknown Item is obtained. When active, it prevents the item from respawning and allows its respective Chozo Blocks to be destructible.
23 GRAVITYGET ゲット グラビティ Activates once the Gravity Suit unknown item is obtained. When active, it prevents the item from respawning and allows its respective Chozo Blocks to be destructible.
If the item itself is skipped, Samus will still have the Gravity Suit after the Ruins Test, though the item will not appear in her inventory screen. Having the Gravity Suit this way will not give Samus 100% items.
24 PLASMAB ゲット プラズマ Activates once the Plasma Beam unknown item is obtained. When active, it prevents the item from respawning and allows its respective Chozo Blocks to be destructible.
25 MUKADEA ボス ムカデA Prevents the Charge Beam Beast from respawning at Corridor No. 5.
26 MUKADEB ボス ムカデB Prevents the Charge Beam Beast from respawning at Corridor No. 4.
27 MUKADEAORB ドチラノムカデ This flag toggles the location of the Charge Beam item, but only if both flags 25 and 26 are active. When off, the Charge Beam will appear in Corridor No. 5. When active, the Charge Beam will appear within Corridor No. 4.
28 WORMSHI ボス ワーム シ Activates when the Acid Worm is defeated, preventing its respawning when active. Consequently, this also prevents the door locks from appearing in its room.
29 GADORAKRAID クレイドマエ ガドラ シ Activates once the Gadora in front of Kraid's cavern is defeated. When active, it prevents the Gadora from respawning.
30 KRAIDSHI ボス クレイド シ Activates when Kraid is defeated. The flag's activation links to other flags' activations as well.
31 KRAIDELZO クレイドエレベタゾウ Relates to the Wall bust above the elevator to Kraid. Activates once Samus defeats Kraid and returns to this room. When active, it crumbles the wall and prevents its unbroken state from respawning.
32 IMOMUSHI ボス イモムシ シ Activates when the rightmost Kiru Giru in Norfair is eliminated. When active, it prevents both Kiru Giru from spawning in their room.
33 SANAGIFUKA サナギ フカ Activates when both flag 5is active and Samus re-enters the Kiru Giru's room. This flag when active, makes the underground Kiru Giru vanish in both its boss room and in Ridley's Lair, plus a hole will appear in the former room leading to the Imago's room.
34 SANAGISI ボス サナギ シ Activates when the Tangle Vine-ensnared Kiru Giru is defeated. Prevents its respawn when active. If Samus enters its room from the lowest right door with this flag off, a hole will in the center of the room will be present and when the boss is defeated, the dropped Kiru Giru may fall into a lower height than normal.
35 SEICHUSI ボス セイチュウ シ Activates once the Imago is defeated, preventing its respawning when active. Although this also prevents the door in Imago's nest from being locked, toggling this flag off and fighting Imago again (or toggling the flag during battle) will leave the door locked, making Samus be stuck in the room unless she uses debug movement cheats to pass through the locked door into the loading zone. The door remaining locked is most likely a glitch, though the door never glitches Samus on a normal playthrough (ironically, it is still possible to get Samus stuck in the room using a different glitch however).
36 GADORARIDLEY リドリーマエ ガドラ シ Activates once the Gadora in front of Ridley's arena is defeated. When active, it prevents the Gadora from respawning.
37 RIDLEYSI ボス リドリー シ Activates when Ridley is defeated. Its activation links to other flag's activations as well.
38 RIDLEYELZO リドリーエレベタゾウ Relates to the Wall busts above the elevator to Ridley. Activates once Samus defeats Ridley and returns to this room. When active, it crumbles the wall and prevents its unbroken state from respawning.
39 MOTHERSI ボス マザー シ Activates when Mother Brain is defeated.
40 CROCOSI ボス クロコマイヤー シ Unused flag. Judging by the name, it most likely relates to the spawning of Crocomire, who was scrapped from the game during early development. As a result, toggling this flag appears to have no effect on the game overall.
41 GEKITAIM ボス ゲキタイマシン シ Unknown. When translated, reads: "Boss Joint Machine". It is possible that, like the above flag intended for Crocomire, GEKITAIM was a flag intended for a possible scrapped boss. An image matching this flag's name can be found within the game files, suggesting this is a placeholder image for the possibly unused and unfinished boss.[1]
42 KRARIDZO クレリド ゾウ ミル Activates when Samus first enters the Entrance to Tourian. When active, Samus can encounter a Dessgeega within the adjacent room.
43 DEATHGIGASI デスギーガ シ Activates when Samus kills any Dessgeega and remains active once on. This prevents the Dessgeega in Brinstar from reappearing.
44 MERONOSU メロノス シ Relates to the three Mellow hives. It activates when all three hives are eliminated, and when active, prevents their respawning. Consequently, this flag active also prevents Mellows from spawning within any rooms.
45 MAMEMUSHI24 マメムシ24 シ Relates to the 24 Parasites within the room adjacent to the Bomb Chozo Statue room. Once all creatures are defeated, the flag prevents their respawning.
46 HANG ハングマシンデンゲン Activates the zip line when active. This in turn causes the Acid Worm to appear if not defeated.
47 TAMAGOMAME1SI タマゴマメ1 シ Relates to the Tangle Vine Fruit submerged in acid within Corridor No. 3, located in the room left of the Wave Beam hint statue's room. Activates when the fruit is "consumed", and when active, leaves the fruit in its destroyed position.
48 TAMAGOMAME2SI タマゴマメ2 シ Relates to a Tangle Vine Fruit in the left half of Corridor No. 3 (room h29-, next to exit g58). Activates when "consumed", and when active, it leaves the fruit in its destroyed position.
49 TAMAGOMAME3SI タマゴマメ3 シ Relates to the second Tangle Vine Fruit consumed when entering the "Varia Suit corridor" (room h024-), the farthest right Tangle Vine Fruit within the room. Activates when "consumed", and when active, leaves the fruit in its destroyed position.
50 TAMAGOMAME4SI タマゴマメ4 シ Relating to the Tangle Vine Fruit blocking the Red Hatch to the Varia Suit, within the "Varia Suit corridor". Activates when "consumed", and leaves the fruit in its destroyed position when active.
51 TAMAGOMAME5SI タマゴマメ5 シ Relating to the first Tangle Vine Fruit consumed when entering the "Varia Suit corridor" (left of TAMAGOMAME3). Activates when "consumed", and when active, it leaves the fruit in its destroyed position.
52 BARISUTOSI バリスト シ Pertaining to the two Barisutes in the Barisute pit. Activates once both are eliminated, and prevents their respawning when active.
53 KRAIDZOOP クレイドゾウ オープン Activates once the Kraid Gate mouth opens up.
54 RIDLEYZOOP リドリーゾウ オープン Activates once the Ridley Gate mouth opens up.
55 METOCHUSI メトチュー シ Relates to the lone Metroid larva in the hallway in Tourian near the area's entrance shaft. Activates when the Metroid is defeated. When active, it prevents its respawning (which consequently prevents the doors from being locked as well).
56 METSIROOM1 メトロイド シ1 Relates to the Metroids in the Tourian lava passage. Activates when the Metroids are defeated and prevents their respawning when active (which consequently prevents the doors from being locked).
57 METSIROOM2 メトロイド シ2 Relates to the Metroids in the Tourian ledged shaft. Activates when the Metroids are defeated. and prevents their respawning when active (which consequently prevents the doors from being locked).
58 METSIROOM3 メトロイド シ3 Relates to the Metroids in the Tourian entrance shaft. Activates when the Metroids are defeated and prevents their respawning when active (which consequently prevents the doors from being locked).
59 METSIROOM4 メトロイド シ4 Relates to the Metroids in the triple-tiered room. Activates when the Metroids are defeated. and prevents their respawning when active (which consequently prevents the doors from being locked).
60 METSIROOM5 メトロイド シ5 Relates to the Metroids in the Metroid pit. Activates when the Metroids are defeated. and prevents their respawning when active (which consequently prevents the doors from being locked).
61 ZEBETAITO1SI ゼーベタイト1 シ Activates when the first Zebetite is destroyed. When active, it prevents its respawning. Deactivating this flag immediately as it activates will oddly cause this Zebetite to respawn further leftward in front of Mother Brain.
62 ZEBETAITO2SI ゼーベタイト2 シ Activates when the second Zebetite is destroyed. When active, it prevents its respawning. Deactivating this flag immediately as it activates will oddly cause this Zebetite to respawn in front of the door leading to the escape shaft.
63 ZEBETAITO3SI ゼーベタイト3 シ Activates when the third Zebetite is destroyed. When active, it prevents its respawning.
64 ZEBETAITO4SI ゼーベタイト4 シ Activates when the fourth Zebetite is destroyed. When active, it prevents its respawning.
65 ESCAPE1 ダッシュツ チュウカン Activates once Samus reaches her Starship during Mother Brain's countdown sequence. When active, it allows the ruined elevator between Tourian and Crateria to function.
66 AFROHAKKEN ロロ ココカラコウハン ロロ Unknown
67 POWSUITGET ゲット パワードスーツ Activates once the Ruins Test is cleared and Samus obtains the Fully Powered Suit. When active, the post-Ruins Test version of Chozodia is loaded; the floating-eye sensors on walls can be destroyed, Power Bomb towers are lowered as well as the impervious tower blocking off the top of the ruins, and the Brinstar (Chozodia) theme plays throughout many portions of Chozodia while also cancelling out the Zebesian detection and alert themes. The outside rooms also dismiss the Acid Rainstorm and allows the Glass tube to be destroyed. Curiously, this includes during the Acid Rain version of the tube's room as well (loaded via Debug room placement).
68 VARIATYOKU バリア チョクドリデナイ A flag that activates when flag 67 is activated in-game. This flag forces Samus to obtain the Varia Suit as part of the acquisition of the Fully Powered Suit. This flag's activation at this time also forces flags 13 and 19 to activate. The flag's text appears cut off in-game, with the full text translated as Varia no longer available.
69 CHOZOBLOCK チョウゾブロック Unknown
70 LOSTPBOMB パワーボムロスト Relates to the Chozo Statue holding the Power Bomb Tank. In the Chacmool room, when Samus exits the room leftward through the door directly underneath the statue, there will be a pile of Pit Blocks in the next room. Once Samus reaches the bottom floor directly underneath these blocks, the flag activates. This flag when active, makes the Power Bomb disappear. This Power Bomb is merely a visual and is unobtainable.
71 PBOMBZEBES1 パワーボムゼーベス1 This is the Red Zebesian holding the stolen Power Bomb Tank, and the flag activates when the creature is encountered. When active, it prevents the Zebesian from respawning. The Zebesian and the tank do not have collision, making Samus and weapon fire pass right through both of them.
72 PBOMBZEBES2 パワーボムゼーベス2 The Red Zebesian with the Power Bomb Tank inside the Space Pirate Mother Ship. Identical situation as flag 71.
73 GLASSTUBE ガラスカン コワレ The glass tube connecting the Mother Ship and the Chozo Ruins. Activates when destroyed and when active, prevents its respawning. Curiously, when activated without flag 67, the tube will appear broken under the Acid Rainstorm.
74 MECHARIDLEYSI メカリドリー シ Activates once Mecha Ridley's Self-Destruct System is activated upon its defeat. Makes the entire game run on a permanent alert mode. Due to scripting, this flag also loads the post-Mecha Ridley battle version of the Mother Ship, the one where Samus escapes out of the ship during the countdown. Interestingly, using this flag outside the normal countdown route shows that some doors lock as a result of this flag. An example would be the door leading to the Power Bomb Tank room in the Mother Ship, in which the path leading to the hall is normally blocked off by a block during the countdown.
75 LASTESCAPE サイゴノダッシュツ Activates once Samus steps inside the Escape Ship.
76 AKI アキ Unknown
77 BOMBGATE アキ ボムゲート Unknown
78 END エンド Unknown. Possibly relating to the end of the game. However it is impossible to access the Event Viewer at any time after the Escape Ship has left the Space Pirate Mother Ship (pressing Start does not function during the ending cutscenes and credits).

