The G.F.S. Aegis is a spaceship in the Federation Fleet, depicted in Metroid Prime: Federation Force. The ship serves as the Federation Force's resting stop in between missions and is commanded by General Alex Miles. The only named rooms on board it are the Combat Deck and Training Deck. The Game Lobby Screen is set on the Aegis and is where soldiers disembark on missions.
In M10: Black Hole, it is seen under threat of destruction from interstellar missiles in the possession of the Space Pirates. The Federation Force is dispatched by the Galactic Federation to destroy the Transport ships carrying these missiles before the Aegis can be destroyed.[1]
In M22: Convergence, it is seen waiting for the remnant of the fleet tasked with destroying the Doomseye to arrive. To create a distraction for the Federation Force to sneak into the Doomseye, it dispatches several squadrons of fighters to engage the Pirate fighters, while it fires on the station's shields. At the point when the shields are destroyed, the rest of the fleet arrives, and all ships open fire on the station, tearing it apart within a few minutes of the shields going down. Later, Samus is seen taking the Federation Force back to the Aegis.
The word "aegis" refers to protection, which this ship receives when the Federation attacks the Pirates before they can destroy the Aegis ship. Alternatively, the name may simply be based on the fact that the starship was created to protect the galaxy from the Space Pirates.
Related dialogue[]
"Pirates are attempting to bring down the Aegis with interstellar missiles."
"The Pirates have constructed interstellar missiles capable of destroying the Aegis. The missiles are being delivered via transport ship through a wormhole. It is imperative that you destroy those missiles before they can be delivered to the launcher."