
The Gateway Access is a room in the Sky Temple Grounds. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. The room is a small, curving hallway that ends in a ledge, with a dropdown leading to another ledge. Scattered in front of both ledges on the floor is Phazon, and a single Light Beacon in the middle of the room, Samus Aran's last chance to collect the Logbook entry of any version. The Aetherian version of this room is the Path of Honor.

Connecting rooms[]


Darkling Tentacles
"Morphology: Darkling Tentacle
Dimension-warping Ing tendril.
Darkling will open warps and attempt to grapple enemy targets. Dislikes bright light."


Red Eye Statue
"Object scan complete.
Statue houses a power grid, motivator unit, and an energy-projection array.
All systems are offline, due to age or structural damage."


  • Curiously, the Phazon in this room produces a different damaging sound effect instead of the normal Phazon corruption sound. In this room, damage from contact with the substance produces a "metal hit" sound effect similar to the damaging sound effect from contact with Tallon Crabs from Prime or a superheated floor in Norion from Corruption. This trait is shared with the room's adjacent room: Shrine Access.

