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A Ghalmanian[1] (ガルマン星人 Garuman?)[2] is a chameleon-like creature in Metroid: Other M.


Ghalmanians are first encountered in Sector 1, where they break through the glass in the confrontation room and their mischievous giggle-like cry can be heard. One of them will then use its tail grapple attack on Samus, starting a battle (she can Counter Attack this grab despite the cutscene-like presentation).

A Ghalmanian fights by headbutting, spitting globs of acid, and striking with its claw-shaped tongue. It also has a grab attack performed with its tail - if successful, it will swing Samus in circles before throwing her into the floor. If Samus performs a Counter Attack, she will spin the Ghalmanian around by its tail instead and throw it, causing light damage and stunning it. Samus can Overblast these creatures, but if she fails to fire in time, it will perform a reversal by bucking her off and whipping her away with its tail. Once stunned, a Ghalmanian can be finished with a Lethal Strike where Samus grabs it in a chokehold before firing a point-blank blast to the head.


Samus tackles a Ghalmanian.

After taking some damage, Ghalmanians will quickly use camouflage to become invisible. While invisible they can still be hit and will continue to spit acid, which she can use to pinpoint their location and hit them with a Missile to disrupt the camouflage. A Ghalmanian may turn invisible multiple times throughout a fight, depending on the duration thereof.

The first instance is where Samus fights Ghalmanians is in the "confrontation room". In another instance, Samus dislodges a broken elevator to crush a Ghalmanian (crushing herself as well if she does not hide in an alcove). She later fights two in the Subterranean Control Room. Several Ghalmanians are called to the Bioweapon Research Center shortly before the fight with MB (although Samus does not engage them; they appear in a cutscene), and Ghalmanians also attack Samus on her return to the BOTTLE SHIP in the "path of perils" to the Control Bridge.

Official data[]

Metroid: Other M Premiere Edition[]

Mid-Level Enemies (p. 14)
"Ghalmanians are the sneakiest foes you will face. Their cloaking ability, much like that of a chameleon's, allows them to become completely invisible to the naked eye. Still, there are a few ways to locate the creatures: Trace their spitting attacks back to the source, listen for their chirping sounds, or, best of all, use Search View to scan the area and lock on to them. Once you lock on, unload missiles on them until they are dust."

Nintendo Official Guidebook for Metroid Other M[]

MetroidFusion Fan
Warning: Fan Translation(s) Ahead

This article, section, or file contains text that is unofficially translated by Metroid fans. Some information (such as proper English names) may not be accurate. If an official translation becomes available, the fan translation(s) may be replaced.

"Ghalmanians are chameleon type creatures that can change the color of their body. When they are transparent, they'll launch acid in your direction. Counter with a missile."


  • Interesting to note, both their tails and tongues are twice the length of the rest of their bodies, and yet they maintain their balance perfectly.
    • The tongue of a Ghalmanian also appears to have a mechanical grappling claw affixed to the end.
    • Interestingly, the creatures seem to be carrying armor pieces on their bodies. This, along with the mentioned grappling claw on the tip of their tongues, suggest that scientists on board the BOTTLE SHIP added these artificial structures, possibly to turn Ghalmanians into efficient bioweapons.
  • Ghalmanians are one of the few enemies who Samus targets somewhere other than the head during an Overblast, instead targeting the bases of their tails.
  • While no Ghalmanians appear at the Exam Center, odd cases with the name "Ghalmanian" can be found in broken vending machines and on the floor in the Center, alongside what appears to be food.
  • This creature shares many similarities with another lizard-like creature, such as skin color, green armor-like parts on their bodies, a long tongue, using its tail as a main weapon in battle and its reptilian appearance.
  • Artwork of a Ghalmanian is featured on Metroid Mug 2010.
  • The Ghalmanian fought in the elevator room can be killed by the elevator and normal attacks, but the time taken to kill it using Samus's normal attacks will not allow her to get out of the elevator's way in time, as Samus cannot see the Ghalmanian from the spot that she stands at to destroy the elevator supports.
    • In the same battle, if the Ghalmanian reaches the top, it will hit the wedge and explode, causing the elevator to drop.
    • Also in the same battle, if the Ghalmanian reaches to the highest alcove and if Samus is standing there, it will grab her with its tail and throw her at the wedge, causing the elevator to dislodge and crush them both.
  • The Ghalmanian's Japanese name includes the kanji 星人, which is shared with Zebesian, Kyratian, and Griptian. Similarly, their English names end with the -ian suffix. Since this name indicates that the Zebesian is an inhabitant of Zebes, this may imply that Ghalmanians are native to a (currently-unseen) planet named Garuman (ガルマン?) or Ghalman.


