
The Glowing spidervine is a species of vine-like flora indigenous to Tallon IV. It is carnivorous, and uses bioluminescent light to attract its insect prey. It is not dangerous to larger organisms, however. One room in which it is seen is the Landing Site.

It has so far only been found in Metroid Prime.


"Species: Glowing spidervine
Bioluminescence attracts insects to be consumed by spidervine."


  • Concept art names a green and yellow species of mold called "spider mold". It is not known to correspond to anything in-game, but may bear a relation to the Glowing spidervine.
  • The spidervine in the Landing Site is notable for its role in a Sequence Break to obtain the Space Jump Boots early, which is only possible in the initial release version of Prime. This entails Samus locking onto the spidervine with her Scan Visor, and Dashing off of her Gunship onto the ledge leading to the Alcove, where the Boots are found.

