! This is a rare creature/object. It may only be scanned in one or few encounters.

Greater Ithraks are two-legged, predatory, vaguely reptilian inhabitants of the Alimbic Cluster. They are much fiercer than their Lesser Ithrak cousins. Greater Ithraks are invulnerable to damage from the front whilst on the ground; their weak spot is their tail. The only time Greater Ithraks can be injured from the front, however, is when they are struck while still clinging to a wall or dropping. They are found at the New Arrival Registration and Sanctorus.

They slightly resemble the Dragotix from Metroid: Other M.

Damage Chart
Hunters icon power Hunters icon missile Hunters icon voltdriver Hunters icon battlehammer Hunters icon magmaul Hunters icon judicator Hunters icon shockcoil Hunters icon imperialist Hunters icon bomb
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 100% 50% 200%

Damage Chart (Backside)
Hunters icon power Hunters icon missile Hunters icon voltdriver Hunters icon battlehammer Hunters icon magmaul Hunters icon judicator Hunters icon shockcoil Hunters icon imperialist Hunters icon bomb
400% 400% 400% 400% 400% 400% 400% 400% 200%
  • Charged attacks do a maximum of 170 damage per hit, except for Judicator.

Damage Chart (From Ceiling)
Hunters icon power Hunters icon missile Hunters icon voltdriver Hunters icon battlehammer Hunters icon magmaul Hunters icon judicator Hunters icon shockcoil Hunters icon imperialist Hunters icon bomb
0%* 400% 0%* 400% 400% 400% 0% 400% N/A
  • *Charged Power Beam and Volt Driver still do damage.
  • Charged attacks do a maximum of 170 damage per hit, except for Judicator.

Logbook entry[]

Greater Ithrak

Metroid Prime Hunters

Logbook entry

The impenetrable hide on this cousin of the LESSER ITHRAK makes it a formidable threat. Anecdotal evidence suggests that frontal assault is ineffective against this aggressive predator.


  • The Greater Ithrak's two-legged structure and vulnerable back region make them similar to the Sheegoths (along with Baby Sheegoths), Grenchlers, Motos, Grapple Guardian and Gigafraugs.
  • The Greater Ithrak encountered at the New Arrival Registration is the only Ithrak member not to be seen hanging first before it drops to attack Samus.