


The Harmony-Class Drone is a hostile maintenance unit seen on Aether in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Its appearance is akin to a stylized depiction of a chemical compound; this and its gameplay behavior is identical to the Pulse Bombu from Metroid Prime and thus serve the same role. It also resembles the Atomic from the 2D games, minus one yellow segment on its body.

The Drones were constructed by the Luminoth to clean organic matter from their homes. They accomplish this through the use of focused energy beams and small pulses of electricity that are "dropped" by the mechanoid onto surfaces beneath it. However all Harmony-Class Drones went rogue at an unknown point during the Luminoth-Ing war and they now view any living matter as filth. This leads to their hostility toward all life-forms that enter their designated areas, though their cleaning apparatus is a small threat to sentients. Harmony-Class Drones are only found in two rooms: Transport C Access and Minigyro Chamber.

The Diligence-Class Drone's log entry states the Harmony-Class was built to be its successor and vastly outperformed the former, likely its greater range of movement being a contributing factor. Another interesting piece of information mentioned in the same log is the Harmony-Class Drones being altered for use in the war sometime before they went rogue.

Logbook entry[]

Harmony-Class Drone

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Temporary scan

Mechanism: "Harmony" Class Drone
Rogue maintenance unit.
Roving mechanoid with energy-based attacks. Avoid direct contact.

Logbook entry

The Luminoth designed the Harmony units to be free-roaming, independent cleaning units. They use focused energy beams and kinetic pulses to perform their duties. Unfortunately, they now consider all living things as filth that must be cleansed from the world.

Development notes[]

The internal file names of Metroid Prime's Bombu species and Metroid Prime 2's Diligence and Harmony drones are "AtomicAlpha" and "AtomicBeta". This suggests that their shared physiology was intentional as they were initially meant to be the 3D interpretation of the Atomic.

An unused Logbook entry exists for the Harmony-Class Drone in the data of the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Bonus Disc. The model shown is the Scatter Bombu model and its text is identical to the final Logbook entry.


  • Although the internal files explains the near identical appearance and behavior between the Pulse Bombu and Harmony-Class Drone, no in-universe explanation is given for this. It is safe to assume that the two entities underwent a sequence of events not dissimilar to the Triclops and Mechlops, an organism from Tallon IV brought over to Aether where the Luminoth would later build a robot based on it. It is known that the Chozo of Tallon IV met the Luminoth in the past, and thus would explain how the Pulse Bombu reached the latter's planet.

