Sourced name
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A Heat Bull[1] (ヒートブル) is a fiery version of the Bull that appears in Metroid: Other M.


Instead of exploding with a poison cloud, it has a much more violent flaming explosion. If Samus approaches them, they will react aggressively by charging towards her and detonating on contact. Its tubes can be frozen over by the Ice Beam, but this prevents the creature from expelling the volatile gas within, which in turn causes it to explode after a while.

Heat Bulls were only seen in Sector 3 / Pyrosphere within the BOTTLE SHIP, suggesting that these creatures may not be found in the wild, and are the result of Galactic Federation experiments.

Official data[]

Metroid: Other M Premiere Edition[]

Low-Level Enemies (p. 7)
Bulls and Heat Bulls
"Bulls and Heat Bulls may be low level enemies, but they can still be extremely dangerous. They float in the air and slowly waft toward you as they prepare to attack. If they get too close, they'll knock you off your feet. Regular bulls spew poisonous gas, while Heat Bulls spit fire from their tube-like nodes."

Nintendo Official Guidebook for Metroid Other M[]

MetroidFusion Fan
Warning: Fan Translation(s) Ahead

This article, section, or file contains text that is unofficially translated by Metroid fans. Some information (such as proper English names) may not be accurate. If an official translation becomes available, the fan translation(s) may be replaced.

"Flying low in the air, Bulls will explode if they get too close to Samus. The Heat Bulls in Sector 3 will charge at Samus, so try to fight at a distance."



