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Mellow hives[1] (メロの巣 Mero's nest?),[2][3] also known also as X-78Q,[4] are obstacles encountered in Metroid: Zero Mission.


As Mellows are native to Zebes, their hives can be found exclusively on this planet. It is a light purple bag-like nest that is the home of multiple Mellows, which normally swarm around the hive in circles but will break off and attack if any creature approaches near the Hive. Only three hives are encountered in Metroid: Zero Mission, all in one cavern in Corridor No. 4 of Brinstar.

Mellow hives have four visible stages of health: the first one in which the nest is entirely intact. Then the second stage when its damaged and sags somewhat. The third stage it sags even further. Finally, the nest will collapse on itself upon defeat, degrading into the ground and deflate completely. When this happens, any remaining Mellows will quickly fly away. If Samus destroys all three hives before leaving the room, they never respawn.

A hive can have four Mellows swarm around it at any given time. Immediately as one is destroyed, another one instantly spawns to swarm its Hive. The Mellows are capable of blocking Samus's shots intended for the hive, sacrificing themselves in order to protect their hive. If the Long Beam is skipped, eliminating a hive becomes tougher as Samus must inch extremely close to one while avoiding the oncoming Mellows.

If a hive can respawn, Samus can later return to this room with upgraded weaponry. Power Bombs deliver multiple hits but oddly will not be enough to eliminate a hive on full strength. It takes at least two Power Bombs to fully eradicate a hive. A hive can be frozen by the Ice Beam; doing so will prevent Mellows from spawning whilst frozen. If Samus attacks a hive with a Shinespark or using the Screw Attack or defeats it while frozen, the hive will simply explode like most other enemies.

Development Data[]

Zero Mission Event Viewer 3

Name seen in the Debug Menu's Event Viewer list.

The Event Flag viewer in the game's data lists a flag known as 44 MERONOSU (メロノス?), which triggers when all three hives are eliminated within one visit of the room. Once active, the hives no longer respawn.



