This article is written from the Real Life point of view Globe

Luminoth alpha thought
"Cannot translate alien text."

This article, image or section covers Spanish media that has not yet been fully translated into English.

Hobby Consolas 314 cover

Cover of issue 314 of Hobby Consolas.

Hobby Consolas is a print and digital-based gaming magazine published in Spain. It is one of two Spanish magazines, alongside Games Tribune, to have covered the Madrid-developed Metroid: Samus Returns. It conducted interviews with Nintendo EPD producer Yoshio Sakamoto and senior MercurySteam producers Rafael Martínez in issue 314. Notably, the cover depicts a possibly exclusive render of Samus Aran, which is directly based on one of her classic renders from Metroid II: Return of Samus (included in the in-game Gallery and Europe-exclusive artbook). The interviews (in Spanish) can be read here.


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