Defiled Shrine Ingworms

A wall of Mutated Ingworms in Defiled Shrine, blocking access to the Dark Splinter Hive area.

In Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Ingworms are a large species of worm native to Dark Aether. Ingworms can grow to incredible size when bred and mutated by the Ing, and with it comes incredible durability, making them ideal organic barriers. An area blocked by giant Ingworms cannot be reached by Samus, as they are invulnerable to all of her weapons. It is partially due to these mutated Ingworms that Samus ultimately covers less ground on Dark Aether than its light counterpart, Aether. Smaller Ingworms can also be formed around items to be used as storage containers known as Ingworm Cache, though these can be destroyed by conventional weapons.

There appears to be at least two types of Mutated Ingworms across Dark Aether, though their difference is merely cosmetic as both behave identical. Most Ingworms appear black with red patches similar to the Ing and Darklings's color scheme. While others appear with a tannish brown color scheme similar to the worms creating the Ingworm Cache. The brown/tan type heavily resemble earthworms.


"Bioscan complete. This is a collection of mutated Ingworms.
Bioforms have been bred for massive size. It appears the Ing use these creatures to block access to areas."


Ingworms can be found in these rooms:

Development notes[]

The Ingworms, among other obstructions, served as a means of blocking access to certain rooms that did not make sense to duplicate on Dark Aether.[1]


  • A wall of Mutated Ingworms also exist behind a cluster of Dormant Ingclaws within Accursed Lake. Strangely, this mass of Ingworms possesses no scan.



  1. ^ Kiwi Talkz. "#114 - Kynan Pearson Interview (Metroid Prime 2, Donkey Kong, Level Design, Management etc.)". YouTube. November 12, 2021. Retrieved May 16, 2022. (starts at 8:42)
