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The "initial cave" is a room in Artaria. It appears in Metroid Dread.


The cave is the second room explored in Dread, and serves as the entrance to the interior of Artaria. It is entirely composed of cavernous rock, without any artificial materials, save for blocks, an Ammo Recharge Station and the two doors in the room. Multiple stalagmites of varying size grow in the background. Several Deer inhabit the cave on the first visit, quickly running away when startled by Samus Aran. This room also provides multiple tutorials for the game's controls.

The lowest part of the cave is a winding passage with multiple steps and ledges to be jumped over. Soon, Samus is presented with her first obstacle under which she can slide. This gives way to a high ledge with a door, and a Breakable Organic Block above. A second tutorial teaches Samus how to use Free Aim, which she must to destroy the block and continue. Once destroyed, the block exposes a ledge Samus can jump to, leading to another gap to slide under. This is followed by a short shaft with Fake Blocks in the walls and a Kreep crawling along them. Samus can either shoot the blocks out and grab the ledges they expose to climb it, or Wall Jump.

At the top is the first Ammo Recharge Station, and another ledge to the right with a Missile Block. To the station's left is a tunnel that is one diameter off the ground, which bars Samus from entering it without the Morph Ball. When approaching the Missile Block, the game provides another tutorial on how to fire Missiles and detect Fake Blocks. Once Samus passes through several walls of those, she can reach the exit and continue her mission.

Connecting rooms[]


When the X are released from Elun, one of the Klaida will morph into a Dropter when killed.


"While tilting [L Stick] to run, press [ZL] to slide."

"Hold [L] to enter Aim Mode, and tilt [note 1] [L stick] to aim."

"Hold [R] to ready Missiles, and press [Y] to fire.
Some blocks can be destroyed only by using specific weapons."

"Some destructible blocks are hidden. If you run into a dead end, try shooting at your surroundings. Striking some blocks with Missiles may reveal how to destroy them."



  1. ^ In E3 2021 footage, the tutorial said "Press L to enter Aim Mode" and "Tilt L stick to aim".