The Sanctuary Fortress contains a light energy processing system, which powers the Fortress through globes. These globes can be found in the Power Junction and Agon Transport Access rooms. Scanning them reveals that they are under a security lockdown that prevents local access to the energy stores. The Entrance Defense Hall, the Dark Aether counterpart of the Power Junction, contains identical globes that are part of a dark energy processing system, which transfers power throughout the Ing Hive. Unlike the light globes, the dark globes do not seem to be protected from local tampering.
- Light
- "Object analysis complete.
Target is part of a light energy processing system.
Power from these globes is transferred to other parts of the fortress complex. Security lockdown prohibits local access to energy stores." - Dark
- "Object analysis complete.
Target is part of a dark energy processing system.
Power from these globes is transferred to other parts of the Hive."