List of rooms in Metroid: Zero Mission
This is a list of rooms in Chozodia and the Space Pirate Mother Ship in Metroid: Zero Mission. Larger rooms have their own pages and are linked here. Many of these names are unofficial; such names will be highlighted in quotation marks. While blue is represented to be the Mother Ship and green represents the Chozodia areas, some hidden areas within the Mother Ship may still be indicated in green. Internally, there is 99 listed rooms total.
All rooms in Zero Mission have explicit identification numbers visible through access with a Debug Config Menu of a beta ROM. Within the Map Viewer Debug Menu, the values "H" and "G" are used to represent Samus's coordinates of an area. The "H" Value represents which room Samus is located in, and the "G" value is used to represent the entrance Samus used in order to access the room. For the purposes of this list, the "H" value of the room will be listed first, followed by the "G" value of the first entry into a room, then the "G" values of other entrances in order of normal availability to the player. For example, the "Laser room" would be listed as "H019-G041 (G042)". Some rooms contain multiple versions of themselves, listed under alternate values. If a room contains a main page for itself, Room IDs may be listed on that respective page instead.
If a proper name for the room exists, that name will be put first, followed by the room's "GH" value. Then a short description of the room will be given, possibly with a picture, as to allow for identification of the room. If the "G" value has a Hatch over a door, the "G" value will be labelled by a color corresponding to the door hatch. If a latent ability is required to use the entrance, an abbreviation for the upgrade will be placed next to the "G" value of the room, such as PB for Power Bomb or MB for Morph Ball. Some values may be glitched.
Mother Ship landing site[]
The "Mother Ship landing site" is a three-part room in Chozodia, outside the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. Following the crash-landing of Samus's Starship back on Zebes, she emerges from it without her Power Suit, lost in the crash and infiltrates the Mother Ship in order to find an Escape Ship. In a cutscene, she is seen observing the Mother Ship from afar. Samus's mission begins on the far right of this room. A wall on the right prevents Samus from reaching the area shown in the cutscene, and her crashed Starship cannot be seen from this room. While she is here, an Acid Rain storm is occurring. The environment outside of the Mother Ship consists of purple rock material, lined with large green plants that resemble long strands of curved grass. Tall mountains can be seen in the background.
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Mother Ship entrance[]
The "Mother Ship entrance" is a room in the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. The entrance is a short corridor with a secret ventilation duct underneath. The corridor itself is unremarkable, consisting of purple architecture and a background wall with a motherboard-like pattern. The doors into and out of the room are Green and Red Hatches, making it impossible for Samus to come in that way as she enters the Mother Ship suitless. She instead enters through a secret ventilation shaft from outside the Mother Ship, which runs underneath the entrance's floor. This part of the room is pink and has a long grate in the foreground. The shaft is narrow enough that Samus is forced to crawl through it. It leads into the Mother Ship's Map Room.
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Map Room[]
The "Map Room" contains the Map Station for Chozodia and the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It has a secret underground entrance, from which Zero Suit Samus enters the room. This is hidden beneath two Fake Blocks. Samus is able to interface with the Map Station despite not having her Power Suit. Once she has downloaded the map, or skipped it (by jumping over the map interface), she can continue into the Mother Ship.
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Save Room 1[]
"Save Room 1" is the first Save Room in the Space Pirate Mother Ship, and by extension Chozodia. The background has a purplish tint with two large tanks visible, and the right part of the floor is on an incline. Like other rooms in the Mother Ship, it fully restores Samus's energy. Using the Save Station before proceeding is recommended because Samus's Energy Tanks are reduced to 99 units following the destruction of her Power Suit. After saving, Samus can continue into the rest of the ship using a passage above a Red Hatch to her left.
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Mother Ship's first chamber[]
The "Mother Ship's first chamber" is a room in the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. The chamber is a large room comprised of purple architecture. In the background, more architecture can be seen including what appear to be portholes, vents and buttresses. A small incline exists in the center of the floor, which leads directly underneath a pillar attached to the ceiling. Toward the left, there is a wide midair platform with two shutters, which will close shut below if the Pirate Alarm System is triggered, in which case it can be circumvented through a narrow gap above. Two more midair platforms lead to an upper walkway, which slopes downward toward the exit. Above the main entrance to this room is a passage from a Save Room.
Samus comes into this room as she is exploring the Mother Ship in search of an escape vessel. When she crawls into the room via the passage, a Zebesian will be directly below her. If a Perfect Stealth run is being performed, this is the first room where it either begins or ends. Avoiding the Pirate's detection is very difficult; to do so, Samus must quickly jump down and shoot it with her Paralyzer when it turns away from her. It moves left and right frequently and if it catches her, the Alarm System will trigger, the shutters will close and intense music begins to play, forcing Samus to flee. Another Zebesian is positioned on the highest midair platform. If Samus has not been detected, she can shoot at it diagonally, when it is facing away from her, and then jump up and quickly move on before the Pirate's paralysis wears off. These Zebesians will respawn on subsequent visits.
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Spaceship Hideaway[]
The "Spaceship Hideaway"[1] is a semi-long corridor near the base of the Mother Ship. Through the door is a short step and an overhang from the ceiling, with a narrow gap underneath. Past this is a hallway with a slight upward curve in the floor.
The overhang is actually part of a concealed hiding spot, with a pair of blocks connecting it to the wall. Shortly after Samus enters the Space Pirate Mother Ship, she triggers the Pirate Alarm System and is chased by a Zebesian into this room. There is enough time for her to crawl under the gap and jump above the alcove, or remain in place, before the Space Pirate comes in and catches her. A shutter prevents her from continuing through the room until the alarm deactivates, once the Pirate loses track of Samus. Shooting the blocks above the alcove is not recommended, as the Pirate can see Samus standing up there and shoot her.
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Tripwire corridor[]
The "tripwire corridor" is a room in the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. The corridor is a large room with three laser tripwires, one of which completely blocks a door on the upper left. If Samus touches any of the lasers, the Space Pirates will be alerted to her presence, forcing her to flee. Before the entrance is a large wall with a step, which Samus can use to climb over it. The second of two lasers is present at the top here, which Samus can jump over. Continuing on, she will come to a narrow gap between an overhang from the ceiling and a small bridge. At the end of the bridge is a cracked portion of wall that Samus can shoot.
Doing so sets off a chain reaction that destroys the bridge, but also drops Samus into the final laser tripwire, thereby setting off the Mother Ship's alarm. When this happens, Samus must quickly jump to the upper right door and continue to run for at least two more rooms until she can hide again. On a Perfect Stealth run, Samus can avoid setting off the tripwire by shooting the cracked wall. The jump button must be pressed to send Samus into a Spin Jump, and she must quickly Wall Jump up the right wall to the door. Once Samus obtains the Fully Powered Suit, the tripwires (and alarm system as a whole) become negligible. It leads into two rooms, including a shortcut back into the Mother Ship from the landing site.
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Alcove shaft[]
The "alcove shaft" is a shaft found immediately after the tripwire corridor. It initially appears as a short corridor, which leads to a short shaft with a small alcove in the right wall, hence the name. A Zebesian is found here, which can be the room's only inhabitant if the alarm has not been triggered. During a Perfect Stealth run, Samus can avoid its detection by Wall Jumping up the left wall, where she will be out of its line of sight. If the alarm is active, a Zebesian will follow Samus into this room from the previous one. This is the first room where it is possible to have one Zebesian kill another if Samus stands in between them. This causes the shooting Zebesian to kill the other. At the top of the shaft, Samus can shoot a small block and crawl underneath an overhang to leave the room.
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Multi-platform shaft[]
The "multi-platform shaft" is a shaft found immediately after the previous one. It is taller than that shaft. As the name indicates, the shaft has multiple platforms, which appear to be stacked atop each other with girders, resembling a tower. These lead to a door at the top. If the alarm is active when Samus enters, a shutter will be placed in front of her. The floor directly beside it consists of Pit Blocks, which will drop her to the bottom of the shaft where a Zebesian awaits. Samus must flee from it up the shaft and into the next room, where she can hide. If a Perfect Stealth run is being performed, the shutter will not be active and Samus can avoid the Zebesian below her entirely.
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Escape-ship bay access[]
"Escape-ship bay access" is a corridor near the escape-ship bay. Samus enters it after ascending the multi-platform shaft. If the Space Pirates are pursuing her, she has a limited time to jump over a wall immediately in view, and wait until the Pirate loses interest. A shutter blocks her path further. The wall can be destroyed with a Paralyzer shot, which is not recommended if the alarm is active. Once it deactivates, the shutter lifts and Samus can crawl under a gap, then jump up to a ledge and into a tunnel in the ceiling. This takes her into the escape-ship bay.
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Escape-ship bay[]
The escape-ship bay is a room on the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. As the name implies, the room is a docking bay for Escape Ships, with three ships visible in the bay in-game. However, the actual ships cannot be immediately accessed, as they are barred by gates marked with an emblem similar to those on Space Pirate vessels. The room is primarily composed of the purple mechanical structure present throughout the Mother Ship. Narrow shafts exist above and below the ship bay.
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Hangar Shaft[]
The "Hangar Shaft" is a room on the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This is one of the longest vertical shafts in the entire Mother Ship, with multiple entrances and divided sections. It has an upper half with six exits into four different rooms, and a lower half connected by ventilation ducts with a single exit. The upper half features a platform taking up the width of the room, with safety rails visible on it in the foreground. Down below (which is what Samus initially enters) is a large chamber with a wall in the middle that is shaped like a T. A thinner walkway is found atop this. In the right wall are two tunnels leading in from the escape-ship bay, the lowest of which is enclosed by Missile Blocks to its left and Pit Blocks underneath. The Pit Blocks drop Samus below to a door, behind which is a Save Room.
Behind the T-shaped wall are two more platforms. Each platform is supported by girders in the background. The floor underneath the last platform is made of Screw Attack Blocks. An alternate entrance is present in the next shaft, leading into a pink-colored segment of the shaft with three floors consisting partially of Bomb Blocks. These can be destroyed with the Paralyzer. At the base of the shaft is a slightly inclined walkway with another platform below. To avoid alerting two Pirates at the bottom of the shaft, Samus must jump down and Spin Jump to the left to get atop the platform, and crawl underneath a small gap in front of the exit door on the left.
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Save Room 2[]
"Save Room 2" is the second Save Room on the Mother Ship. It connects to the Hangar Shaft, and can be accessed after dropping into that room via a hidden tunnel. The door to this room is permanently locked in Hard Mode, making it inaccessible.
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Cracked surface shaft[]
The "cracked surface shaft" is a room on the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This shaft is found near the main hangar and escape-ship bay. While one shaft, it initially is split into two halves due to the presence of blocks that cannot be destroyed until the Fully Powered Suit has been obtained. When first entered, noticeable cracks can be seen in the floor and ceiling (hence the name). The cracked floor closest to the door can be shot with the Paralyzer. As soon as Samus drops through this newly created hole, a Zebesian will spot her and set off the Pirate Alarm System. She must quickly escape into a tunnel on the right, back into the Hangar Shaft.
Shortly thereafter, Samus enters the lower part of the shaft via other rooms. The lower shaft consists of two levels, each separated by a large obstruction that can be shot, and leads to a door on the left wall, which is directly underneath the floor with the tunnel. This leads into a room with destructible walls and a shutter. If Samus is detected in the adjacent shaft with searchlights, a Zebesian will follow her into this room; otherwise she is free and clear. After Samus obtains the Fully Powered Suit, she can use her Missiles and Screw Attack to destroy blocks in the floor separating the two halves of the shaft. A Zebesian spawns in front of the middle door on the lower left, and will detect Samus upon entry. Another Zebesian is present above the floor where Samus crawled into the tunnel. A Super Missile Tank can also be obtained (see below).
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Small compartment[]
The "small compartment"[2] is a three floor shaft in divided sections. The upper half contains a solid wall partially made of Screw Attack and Missile Blocks. The floor directly to the right of the wall is made of Pit Blocks, which drop to the second floor below. A shutter is present here and will be active if the Pirate Alarm System has been triggered, and retract when it is turned off. Past the shutter is a midair platform and a partially destructible floor on the lower left. This leads to the last floor of the room, which contains a single midair block and an exit into the "tripwire corridor". When Samus visits this room, she must drop through the Pit Blocks in the floor to avoid being cornered by the Zebesian. It will lose track of her after a few moments and leave the room. A second Zebesian on the third floor below will remain, but it cannot detect Samus. Once the shutter lifts, Samus can continue on. After acquiring the Fully Powered Suit, Samus can lay a Power Bomb to destroy the floor between the second and third levels of this shaft.
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Searchlight shaft[]
The "searchlight shaft" connects to the small compartment via two doors, and the lower cracked surface shaft via a third door at the top. The searchlight shaft is very cramped, containing five midair elongated platforms leading to the top. Unlike other rooms, there are no visible girders holding the platforms in place. As Samus ascends the shaft, she must evade five searchlights, which scan the room at random. If she is detected by one, a Zebesian will enter from the small compartment and chase her. After Samus acquires the Fully Powered Suit, the searchlights disappear from this room and it is inhabited by two Zebesians, with two more following Samus in if the Alarm System is active.
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The "gate" is a small room accessible from the lower cracked surface shaft. It is divided in half by a shutter on a pedestal, which is itself guarded by two walls on either side. They have cracks in them, which can be shot with the Paralyzer to set off a chain reaction that destroys each wall. Samus can then climb over the inactive shutter and carry on.
If the alarm is active, a Zebesian will follow Samus into the room and the shutter will be active. She will have about three seconds to shoot the right wall and drop below the entrance before the Pirate detects her. It will not jump down to investigate further and will leave after a couple more seconds, disabling the alarm.
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Save Room 3[]
"Save Room 3" is the third Save Room in the Mother Ship. As with all other Save Rooms, the Save Station itself is found in the center of the floor. This is found directly before the laser room, which can be difficult to navigate, and so using it is recommended. If the alarm is active and Samus runs into this room, a Zebesian will follow her in and she will not be able to use the Save Station, even after she stuns or kills it. She must instead exit into another room, hide if she is still in her Zero Suit and then return, at which point the station can be used again.
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Laser room[]
The laser room is a room on the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This is a large room found near the center of the Mother Ship. In the background are numerous ventilation hatches and circular windows or glass panes, some open and some shut. The background has a green color while the room's architecture itself is purple. Multiple midair structures and platforms are located in the center of this room, with some platforms consisting of Pit Blocks. Several connectors are found in this room as well, generating thin green lasers that trigger the alarm system if touched.
Samus first comes to this room after having lost her Power Suit and Starship. To safely navigate this room without triggering any alarms, she must carefully navigate the platforms and even Wall Jump along some of the longer platforms if possible. One wall structure is found directly above a crumbling platform (pictured right), and must be quickly crawled under before Samus falls through into a laser. If a laser is tripped, all lasers in the room will disappear and the alarm will activate. Four Zebesians enter this room if Samus is detected. To lose them, Samus can run into the next room and hide on a ledge above the door, then wait for a Zebesian that comes in to leave.
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The "hideout" is a small room found through the upper left side of the laser room. Initially, it appears to be a tightly packed room with an upper ledge that Samus must jump to to leave. When she does so, the right wall disappears and reveals a ledge above the entrance. If Samus tripped the Pirate Alarm System in the laser room, she can hide on this ledge until a Zebesian that follows her in gives up and leaves.[3]
After obtaining the Fully Powered Suit, a Gray Space Pirate is found on the ledge in this room and will spot Samus immediately after she enters. A red Zebesian will enter when the alarm is tripped. Samus is not required to engage with either.
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Shortcut shaft[]
The "shortcut shaft" is a small shaft with two exits, found on the left side of the Mother Ship. This leads into two possible shafts leading to the ship's large glass tube. There is a drop beside the entrance, leading down to a tunnel under the right wall. A Zebesian is hidden in an alcove here and it will detect Samus as soon as she drops down. However, Samus can escape the Zebesian easily by jumping into a hidden passage in the left wall. She can find this near the top of it, marked by five grooves. Dropping down (and shooting a Fake Block), Samus will emerge in a pink-colored passage with another drop, which eventually leads to the glass tube.
To avoid detection by the Zebesian below (in a Perfect Stealth run), Samus must jump to the left wall and quickly Wall Jump up to the secret passage without entering the Pirate's line of sight.
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Outer drop shaft[]
The "outer drop shaft" is a secret room that Samus can enter if she takes the hidden exit in the shortcut shaft. If the alarm was triggered in the previous room, it automatically ends. The shaft is near the Mother Ship's exterior. Along the shaft are several portholes through which Samus can be seen as she falls. At the end of the shaft, Samus drops into the large glass tube via a Pit Block.
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Inner drop shaft[]
The "inner drop shaft" is a very long vertical shaft. Samus descends it under the normal chain of events and drops to the bottom to leave the Mother Ship and enter Chozodia. She first crawls into the room via a tunnel in the shortcut shaft, with two Zebesians following her in. She must quickly drop to a lower part and shoot a crack in the wall. This will destroy the floor and drop Samus down a long shaft, while also releasing three Zebesians from a hidden chamber in the ceiling. Five platforms, held up by girders in the background, can be used to ascend the shaft and break Samus's fall. On return visits, there are five Zebesians in the room, each positioned on a platform. Samus can Shinespark up the shaft.
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Ship's large glass tube[]
The ship's large glass tube is a room on the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This is a large room that connects the Space Pirate Mother Ship to Chozodia and Crateria. A large glass tube (hence the name) is the central feature of this room, which is found above a large rocky outcropping with two naturally formed ledges along its sides. Several curved green plants can be seen growing from the rock, which are present around other parts of the Mother Ship's exterior. A solid ceiling is present above the glass tube, perhaps acting as a barrier for the Acid Rain storm.
On the first visit, Samus cannot do much in this room other than run through the glass tube into Chozodia. She can enter via either of two shafts, one connected by a door and the other dropping Samus into this room via Pit Blocks. If she entered through the door, a Zebesian will follow her into this room. A second Zebesian is found underneath the tube, but it will never react to Samus's presence. After obtaining the Fully Powered Suit, Samus can return through here to rampage the Mother Ship, by which point the rain will have stopped.
Once the Power Bombs have been collected, Samus can use one here to destroy the glass tube and return to the areas of Zebes she explored before her Starship crashed. She can lay a Power Bomb near the bottom left and right walls outside of the tube to reveal paths to other expansions.
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Wrecked antechamber[]
The "wrecked antechamber" connects the glass tube to the ruins of Chozodia. Given its green architecture and close proximity to Crateria, it is likely part of the Wrecked Ship. It is a simple passage with a green and blue ceiling and floor, and what appear to be vents on the wall in the background. The floor has a trapezoid-shaped ramp in the middle of it. If the Mother Ship's alarm is active, a Zebesian will follow Samus into this room.
Later, when Samus gains the Fully Powered Suit, she can Shinespark through the floor from the shaft directly below in order to obtain an Energy Tank. The very center of the floor is composed of Boost Blocks.
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Illuminated shaft[]
The "illuminated shaft" is a wide vertical shaft and the first one in Chozodia proper. Tall, ridged green columns with Chozo etchings can be seen in the background, along with Chozo etchings. Beams of light can be seen emerging from the ceiling, hence the name. There are three elongated midair platforms on the left side, along with an alcove enclosing two of them.
As soon as Samus steps into the room, she falls through Pit Blocks directly in front of the door to the base of the shaft. On the first visit, the room's lighting is dimmed and a spotlight shines over Samus. This is purely for the player's benefit and does not alert the sole Zebesian in the room to her presence. If the Alarm System is active, the Zebesian will pursue Samus and another will follow her into the room, giving chase until she hides in a later room. A tunnel at the base of the lower left wall leads into the next corridor.
After Samus obtains the Fully Powered Suit, the room is fully lit and inhabited by six Zebesians, who are no longer a threat.
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Obstructed hall[]
The "obstructed hall" is a corridor found through a tunnel at the base of the illuminated shaft. It contains three obstacles, each of which can be shot with the Paralyzer. This hall is empty, unless the alarm is active, at which point a Zebesian will follow Samus in. Immediately upon entry, there is a large block with arm-like etchings above Samus, found between a pillar and the right wall. After this, there is a wall composed of Bomb Blocks that stretches over the floor; shooting it destroys all blocks in a chain reaction. Finally, there is a barrier wall behind this with a small block at its base. Samus can shoot the block and crawl under the wall to leave the room. A small midair platform is found just beside the exit.
After the Fully Powered Suit is obtained, a Zebesian is found in this room. If it spots Samus, another will come in behind her.
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Dark-blue alcove[]
The dark-blue alcove[4] is a small room. As the name implies, there is an alcove straight above with a dark blue corner where Samus can hide if a Zebesian is chasing her. If Samus runs in from the right and hides before the Pirate enters, it will continue through the left door and the alarm will deactivate shortly after. If however Samus stands visibly in the alcove while being chased in from the left, the Pirate will see and begin to shoot at her. After the Fully Powered Suit is obtained, another Zebesian can be found hiding in the alcove. It will not notice Samus immediately and she can easily kill it.
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Save Room 4[]
"Save Room 4" is the fourth Save Room in the Chozodia area and the first in the Chozo Ruins themselves. It precedes a number of Zebesian-infested rooms. As with other Save Rooms in the Chozodia and Mother Ship, the Save Station cannot be used if the Pirate Alarm System is active as a Zebesian will follow Samus into it. She must hide from it (if suitless) or kill it (if suited) and then leave and/or return to be able to save.
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The "checkpoint" is a small room with a shutter in the middle, which locks if the alarm is active and prevents Samus from progressing. If this is the case, a Zebesian will follow her in, forcing her to evade it by jumping over a midair block with a Chozo face on it, before returning to a previous room to hide. On the other side of the shutter is a wide platform. Both this and the block are likely supported by large columns in the background. A large Chozo mural can be seen behind the wider platform.
After the Fully Powered Suit is obtained, a Zebesian is found in this room on the left side of the shutter. It will spot her and lock the shutter, but she can kill it to lift the shutter and continue.
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Hall of lights[]
The "hall of lights" is a tall vertical room containing a large structure lined with Chozo carvings. Numerous cubes, some of them damaged, can be seen in the background along with Chozo murals and bricks. Along one side of the structure is a shaft leading to the exit, however, Samus must evade at least five searchlights as she navigates the room. Three Zebesians are present in the room, some of which can spot Samus if she enters their line of sight, while others are behind walls and not in danger of catching her. A fourth Zebesian enters the room if Samus is detected. If she is, the searchlights disappear and she is forced to flee. About the same amount of Zebesians are present in this room after the Fully Powered Suit is acquired.
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Chozodia's fork[]
"Chozodia's fork" is a room in Chozodia. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This room is larger than it initially appears. It comprises both a short shaft and an upper corridor, which cannot be accessed on the first visit. As is typical of other rooms in Chozodia, the background of this room features tall green columns, Chozo murals and two rows of blocks attached to the columns. These bear Chozo faces, with the higher of the two slightly more to the left over the lower group of three. The middle and rightmost blocks of the second row are composed of Pit Blocks. Between the block rows are a shutter which activates if the Pirate Alarm System is active.
Samus enters this room while proceeding through Chozodia to the top of the ruins. Depending on whether she was detected in the previous room, she may be chased into here by a Zebesian, activating the shutter. However, it is of no concern to Samus as it only extends between two rows of blocks, some of which Samus can fall through, and there is a gap between the blocks and left wall that Samus can drop down. The exit is on the lower right.
Later, when Samus enters Chozodia through a corridor from Crateria, she will re-enter this room from the upper half. It is initially a long path that ends in a short drop. Here, Samus can fire at a Missile Block in the left wall to find a Power Bomb Tank, and then fire a Missile at another block the bottom right corner to expose a Secret Passage. Rolling through it in her Morph Ball, Samus can lay a Power Bomb to destroy a block and enter the fork shaft, then continue exploring.
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Hanging barrier hall[]
The "hanging barrier hall" is another combined corridor and shaft that follows the fork. Samus enters the corridor first, the floor of which is ramped at several points, with parts of the ceiling hanging low, hence the name. Below each low ceiling is a large block that Samus must shoot if she is being chased by a Zebesian. At the end of the corridor, Samus arrives at a vertical shaft with two ledges leading up to a low ceiling. Samus must enter the next room, the "pitfall", and re-enter this room through a higher door, which takes her above the ceiling. There is a shutter here that blocks access to the door if the Alarm System is on. On the far left of the ground on this floor are a pair of Pit Blocks Samus can use to fall to the lower level. This is useful for her to get down on later visits if the shutter is active.
In addition to the doors, there is a lower tunnel leading into the pitfall shaft. This is obscured by the right wall. It is more practical to use when visiting the pitfall shaft after Samus regains her Power Suit. After the Fully Powered Suit is acquired, this room is inhabited by four Zebesians, plus a fifth that enters if Samus is detected. They are no longer a threat at this point.
Connecting rooms
The pitfall is a room in Chozodia. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. The pitfall is a short shaft in the middle of the Chozodian ruins. It only connects to one room via three exits, including two doors and a small tunnel at the base of the shaft. The background walls are decorated with Chozo hieroglyphs, depicting a mystic, offerings to a king and warriors locking spears. Such imagery is found elsewhere in Chozodia as well. The upper level of the shaft features a floor and wall of destructible blocks, which explode in a chain reaction when shot or Bombed. A shutter is found on an upper ledge, and it locks if an intruder is detected by the Pirate Alarm System, retracting when the alarm deactivates. Directly under the destructible floor is a wall ledge, with a step below it connected to the floor.
Samus enters this room while she is fleeing Zebesians during her race through Chozodia. Upon entering this room, Samus has a limited amount of time to jump to the upper ledge before a Zebesian comes in behind her. As it walks onto the destructible floor, Samus can shoot at it to send the Zebesian to the base of the shaft, where it is no longer able to reach her. After a short time, the alarm will deactivate and the shutter will lift, allowing Samus to continue. If a Perfect Stealth run is being performed and Samus has not been detected up to this point, the shutter will not be active.
On later visits to the room (after obtaining the Fully Powered Suit), there is one Zebesian below the destructible floor.
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Eye ascension[]
The "eye ascension" is a vertical shaft with three floating-eye sensors, and is the first room with these security systems. Along the shaft are five rows of midair blocks, between which are dark blue areas. These indicate areas Samus can use to hide from the sensors by grabbing and hanging from ledges. Later, if Samus explores the "Chozodia lava pool", she will exit from it into this room, via a Pit Block. After the Fully Powered Suit is obtained, there will be three Zebesians in this room, and a barricade lowered over the door to the Zebesian pit. This can be destroyed with a Power Bomb.
Connecting rooms
Zebesian pit[]
The "Zebesian pit" is a room in Chozodia. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This is a large room in the middle of the Chozodia ruins. It is a long corridor with a low hanging ceiling, that drops into a lower vertical shaft. The room's central feature is a "pit" of four Zebesians, pacing back and forth below a bridge of Pit Blocks that have a delayed crumble. Samus must quickly crawl across the bridge, shooting Fake Blocks in her path, to avoid falling into the pit. If she does, she can climb out through the far right side of the pit after shooting a block. After the pit, Samus will run across a floor of Pit Blocks dropping her into the shaft. An alcove on the lower right of this drop has a fifth Zebesian in it, who may spot Samus. On a Perfect Stealth run, Samus can quickly shoot the left wall below the Pit Blocks and grab the ledge, then drop down when the Pirate is facing away from her and stun it. A demonstration of this can be viewed here.
The lower left floor of the pit is composed of Screw Attack Blocks, so Samus can also escape the pit that way once she acquires the Fully Powered Suit.
The room appears in a Japanese commercial for Zero Mission, showing Samus crawling through the pit with a Zebesian behind her.
Connecting rooms
Hiding place A[]
"Hiding place A" is a small room after the Zebesian pit. A platform above the ground (presumably attached to a flat-sided column in the background) can be stood on to hide if Samus was detected in the previous room. The corner above the platform is dimly lit, allowing her to hide when a Zebesian walks into the room. After it leaves, Samus can continue through Chozodia. The platform is made of Bomb Blocks.
Connecting rooms
Upper ledge chamber[]
The "upper ledge chamber" is a partially concealed room that follows the first hiding place. There is a ledge above with a small tunnel leading back into the previous room's left wall. If the alarm is active, a Zebesian will follow Samus into this room and can even follow her through the upper tunnel. The left wall appears to be solid until approached, at which point it partially disappears and shows a door behind a thinner wall. This can be shot with the Paralyzer to destroy it in a chain reaction, allowing Samus to continue.
Connecting rooms
Curved shaft[]
The "curved shaft" is a short vertical shaft near the top of Chozodia. Near the base of the shaft is a midair block with a Chozo face attached to a pillar and several blocks. Some of the blocks can be destroyed with the Paralyzer. There is also a small alcove in the floor on the bottom left, with a dark blue corner. Samus can hide here if she is being pursued by a Zebesian, which will crawl under the midair blocks (if intact) and stand there for a minute, before crawling back under the blocks and leaving. This will deactivate the alarm. Samus can make use of the blocks (or Wall Jump) to the top, where the exit is.
Connecting rooms
Hiding place B[]
"Hiding place B" is a small room similar to Hiding place A. A dimly lit ledge above the floor offers Samus a place to hide if she is being pursued by a Zebesian. A pair of blocks is present in front of a tunnel passage that leads out of the room. If Samus does not hide and is being pursued, the Zebesian, it will follow her through the tunnel.
Connecting rooms
Chacmool room[]
The "Chacmool room" is a room in Chozodia. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This large room is found near the top of Chozodia. It is a two part shaft filled with Chozo relics like flat-sided pillars, murals and blocks in the background, some of them damaged. The room's most notable feature is a unique Chozo Statue that resembles a chacmool, a Mesoamerican statue of a reclining figure. The Chozo appears to be reclining and facing the foreground while holding a Power Bomb Tank on a pedestal.
The lower part of the room is a short shaft entered via a tunnel, with three platforms. The third platform is found directly under the chacmool statue, with a narrow gap that Samus must crawl through. The chacmool and its Power Bomb Tank can be seen above. The upper part of the room, where the chacmool is, continues to the right. A ledge above leads to another gap that Samus must crawl through, and above this is the exit. There is a Bomb Block in the floor directly beside the chacmool, which can be shot or Bombed. Under this is a Pit Block, providing a useful shortcut to the lower part of the chamber.
When Samus enters the higher part of the room via a door in the following shaft, the Power Bomb is gone. As she continues through the room, a Zebesian can be spotted carrying it out. Samus is not able to catch up to it in time or shoot it to recover the item, although she would not be able to use it anyway as she is suitless. After obtaining the Fully Powered Suit, Samus can track down the Zebesian and Power Bomb within the Space Pirate Mother Ship. The same Pirate is seen in "Armory access" bringing it into the adjacent room.
Connecting rooms
Chacmool access[]
"Chacmool access" is a short shaft to the left of the Chacmool room. It is initially entered after Samus crawls through a gap under the chacmool-like Chozo Statue to a door into this room. As she drops off the ledge with the entrance, she will fall through several rows of Pit Blocks to the base of the shaft, and she can crawl left under the wall. If a Zebesian was following Samus, it will lose her after she drops through the Pit Blocks, as it will not drop down after her. On the other side of the wall are three platforms leading to the top. A door on the left leads to a Save Room, and the exit on the right. A shutter is found in front of the exit, which will retract when the Pirate Alarm System deactivates.
Connecting rooms
Save Room 5[]
"Save Room 5" is the fifth Save Room in Chozodia. It is found through a hidden door in the left wall of Chacmool access.
Connecting rooms
Eye pit[]
The "eye pit" is a large room with a stealth element. A large wall hangs from the ceiling in the center of the room, dividing it in half apart from a small gap near the bottom. Three floating-eye sensors patrol up and down the walls, which will detect Samus if she comes into contact with their constant yellow sight beams. To circumvent this, she must make use of the numerous midair blocks and passages, which have dark blue backgrounds behind them indicating safe spaces. Samus can wait for the eyes to pass before dropping down or climbing up. No Zebesians inhabit the room on subsequent visits (post-Ruins Test), by which point Samus can shoot and destroy the eye sensors.
Connecting rooms
Patrolled path[]
The "patrolled path" is a long corridor. Four Zebesians are present in the room and pace back and forth, hence the name. Some of them do so on platforms, which are attached to the familiar green flat-sided pillars, two of which are themselves attached to the ceiling and not the floor. Said platform has a narrow gap underneath it that Samus can crawl through, with a dark blue portion that allows her to hide. There is a high chance that at least one Zebesian will detect Samus as she navigates the room. To avoid this, Samus must carefully time her movements so that she does not run into the line of sight of a Pirate.
For instance, if she quickly stuns the first Zebesian as it is walking in the opposite direction, she can crawl into the narrow passage under the second platform before the Pirate atop it notices her. A third Pirate will then be pacing back and forth on a raised section of floor to the right. Samus can stun and run past it before the second Zebesian sees her, and then exit the room before she is detected by a fourth on a ledge above. If Samus is detected at any point, the Zebesians will chase her into the following shaft. If she was detected in the previous room, two extra Zebesians will follow her into the patrolled path, making a total of six in the room.
Connecting rooms
Chozo Shaft East[]
"Chozo Shaft East" is a room in Chozodia. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This is a very long vertical shaft on the eastern side of Chozodia's ruins. On the first visit, it appears darkened. On subsequent visits, it will be lit up, with rays of sunshine pouring in from the ceiling. The room's architecture is much like that of the rest of Chozodia, featuring Chozo murals and hieroglyphs in the background depicting clerics bringing offerings to a king, warriors with locked spears and mages. The shaft leads into multiple rooms, some of which have expansions. Near the top of the shaft is a slight slope on a platform in the left wall, and another flat platform a little further down on the right wall. Both are instrumental in a later puzzle.
Samus first enters this room while she is fleeing Zebesians in Chozodia on her way to the top of the ruins. If the Pirate Alarm System is active, a Zebesian will follow her into the room. Initially, much of the shaft is inaccessible to her. While it is possible to visit the upper part of the shaft with carefully timed Wall Jumps, Samus cannot reach any rooms without her Power Suit. She can only jump to a ledge above and crawl into a tunnel that leads to a tightly cramped room.
After returning with the Fully Powered Suit, the room is fully explorable and now patrolled by three Zebesians near the base. Walls guarding the top and bottom left door exits are made of Screw Attack Blocks. If Samus skipped the Screw Attack however, there are hidden tunnels in the wall and floor beside/under each wall that will allow her to circumvent them, marked by Missile Blocks. To obtain an Energy Tank in a corridor within the nearby Space Pirate Mother Ship, Samus must perform a series of complicated Shinesparks through the water in the flooded chamber, and enter this room via the top door (this will require the Screw Attack). She must preserve her Shinespark and drop to the sloped ledge below, then Shinespark into the slope and crouch to continue her speed charge. Next, she must drop to the platform on the right below and Shinespark into the wall, which will take her to the Energy Tank. From that room, she can Shinespark back into this one.
On the slope platform, Samus can shoot a Missile Block in the wall to access a secret tunnel in the flooded chamber containing a Missile Tank.
Connecting rooms
The "crawlspace" is a room in Chozodia. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. The crawlspace is a tightly packed, dimly lit corridor found near the apex of the Chozodia ruins. Much of it consists of a trio of narrow passages between the floor and outstretched portions of the ceiling and right wall. There are several gaps in the ceiling. Two Zebesians are found in alcoves on the top right, potentially as lookouts for potential intruders. Samus crawls through the lowest passage in this room while she is en route to the top of the ruins. If the Pirate Alarm System was tripped in a previous room, a third Zebesian will follow Samus into the crawlspace, and the two already in the room will crawl through the passages in front of them. The pirate on the highest level will stand up as it crawls under more open sections of the ceiling, thus slowing it down. Once Samus exits the tight passage, she can run into the next room and carry onward. Later, when Samus has acquired the Fully Powered Suit, she can roll into the top right of the highest passage and unmorph, then fire a Missile at a block in the ceiling. This allows her to reach a higher alcove with a Power Bomb Tank.[5]
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Connecting rooms
Tri-pillar shaft[]
The "tri-pillar shaft" is a simple, short shaft. Its primary feature is a group of three midair pillars of increasing height, which Samus can climb to get to the exit on the upper left. A Zebesian will follow Samus in here if the alarm is set off, otherwise it will be empty.
Connecting rooms
Chozo inner temple[]
The "Chozo inner temple" is a room in Chozodia. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This is one of the largest single rooms in Chozodia. It is the last room containing Zebesians before the Ruins Test. From the entrance, there is a short passage that leads into an open and much larger chamber. In the center of the room is a large M-shaped structure in midair. Atop the structure are five flat-sided green columns, which are part of the background. Further into the background, large black portions of wall are visible, as are Chozo hieroglyphs present in other areas of Chozodia, which depict a cleric blessing a disciple, offerings to a royal, and warriors with their spears interlocked.
On the underside of the structure are platforms made of Pit Blocks; one Zebesian is found atop each, patrolling left and right. To the left of the structure is a tall midair wall, and to its side are four midair block platforms, which lead to the top of the wall. The top of the wall has a slight incline and is connected to a bridge that runs under two ceiling blocks. It ends with a large Fake Block that, when shot, destroys the entire bridge in a chain reaction.
Samus enters this room on her way to the top of the ruins. If the Pirate Alarm System is active, a Zebesian will follow her into the room and give chase. The three Zebesians in the room already will drop from their perches and pursue her as well. To avoid them, Samus must climb to the top of the wall and quickly cross the bridge, then shoot the block at the end of it to destroy the bridge. This will drop the Zebesians to the bottom of the room, where they will lose track of her. A shutter blocks the exit until the alarm turns off. On subsequent visits, a larger barrier with Chozo markings lowers in front of the exit, which can be destroyed with a Power Bomb.
Connecting rooms
Save Room 6[]
"Save Room 6" is the sixth Save Room in Chozodia and the final one in the Chozo ruins. It is reached via the top right exit of the Chozo inner temple. The entrance is on a raised floor blocked off by a wall. Two Pit Blocks are in the floor and Samus can access the Save Station by falling through them. This Save Station precedes the Ruins Test battle. On later visits, Samus can access the top left door by using the Screw Attack to destroy the wall.
Connecting rooms
Flooded chamber[]
The "flooded chamber" is a room in Chozodia. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This room is found near the very top of Chozodia, an area of Zebes where the Space Pirate Mother Ship lands during Zero Mission. The initial room, which is first visited by Zero Suit Samus after she escapes the Space Pirates, consists of a short path leading to an upward shaft with ledges in the walls. At the top of the shaft is a left-facing walkway leading into the top of the ruins.
In the background, repeating Chozo hieroglyphs can be seen. These depict four Chozo greeting each other with spears, and a winged Chozo with a cane and a crown standing before another kneeling, orange-colored Chozo (this may represent a king, prince or priest). Characters in Chozo language are also found on the walls and floor.
The floor beside the entrance door consists of Missile Blocks. These can be destroyed to gain access to the rest of the room. Under the floor is a pool of water, in which Samus becomes submerged. A Super Missile Tank can be obtained here (see below), and another shaft with multiple sloped ledges can be used to leave the room. The sloped ledges and long path under the water are useful in order to begin and maintain a Shinespark, which is needed to obtain an item through the next room. Near the top of the wall dividing the two shafts above water is a set of Pit Blocks, which Samus can use to drop back to the left side of the room more quickly. Another set of Pit Blocks underwater is accessible from a nearby room.
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Connecting rooms
Top of the ruins[]
The "Top of the ruins" is a room in Chozodia. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. In this room, Samus completes the Ruins Test and obtains the Legendary Power Suit. This is a square room at the very top of Chozodia. The back wall is decorated with hieroglyphs, and a mural depicting a Chozo warrior with shoulders resembling that of the Varia Suit. It appears against a white oval shape with an ornate pattern, and what appear to be two wings. Above the top of the oval is a group of stripes that fan out to the left and right, beside which are characters in Chozo script. Above is an ornate pattern of elongated red and yellow hexagons.
The Chozo mural holds a glistening mirror in its hands. On either side of it are more engravings, depicting two Chozo in white robes and gold crowns kneeling with an object in their hands, four blue sphere-like symbols seen throughout Chozodia - these are Power Suit symbols according to the strategy guide - and two Chozo in armor with spears. Under the warrior itself is a long, pleated skirt, with an etching at the bottom. This was drawn by Samus as a child, and depicts her with two Chozo, possibly Old Bird and Gray Voice.
At the very top of the room are two small ledges. Above the one on the right is a path out of the room through the wall. The end of the path consists of a group of Pit Blocks, which drop to the flooded chamber outside.
Connecting rooms
The "exterior" is an opening between the east shaft in Chozodia and the hidden "energy runway" in the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It is only accessible by Shinesparking through walls in either room, at which point Samus will pass through this "room" and enter another by breaking through a wall of Boost Blocks. The Chozodia side is covered by a rock wall, while part of the Mother Ship's hull can be seen on the right.
While unlikely, it is possible to softlock in this room if, instead of Shinesparking, Samus Spin Jumps through the Boost Blocks in the energy runway and allows them to respawn. The room does not have proper collision since she is not normally able to explore it.[6]
Connecting rooms
Energy runway[]
The "energy runway" is a corridor only accessible through a Boost Block wall in Chozo Shaft East, which requires a complicated series of Shinesparks. Initially, there are two walls of Boost Blocks, both of which Samus will blast through as she Shinesparks in. Below the walls is a lower floor with an upward incline at the end, atop which is an Energy Tank. Samus will automatically collect it before colliding with the wall. To leave the room, she can run along the floor and build up energy for another Shinespark, and she can return the same way. Should Samus get stuck in between the two Boost walls, a tunnel in the ceiling will allow her to escape back into the "runway" part of the room, so she can try Shinesparking again.
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Connecting rooms
Chozodia lava pool[]
The "Chozodia lava pool" is a room in Chozodia. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This room exists near the center right side of the Chozo ruins. It cannot be accessed until after the Ruins Test battle, because its only entrance is barricaded by Screw Attack Blocks at the base of a shaft Samus runs through without her Power Suit. If the Screw Attack is skipped on a Low Percent Run, the barricade can be bypassed by Bombing part of the floor at the base of that shaft and rolling through a tunnel underneath the blockage.
The pool is a large room containing the only presence of lava outside of Norfair during Zero Mission. When Samus enters, a floor is present above the lava. She can destroy it using her Screw Attack, or Bomb through a lone block on the left, to drop into the lava. The pool is divided almost in half by a large stalactite-like overhang from the ceiling. On the overhang's other side (left) is a notch in the wall and a ledge, which Samus can use to climb out of the pool. Curiously, there are Chozo hieroglyphs on the wall in the background, even in the lava, and these do not appear to have suffered any damage from its exposure to the substance.
A tunnel on the lower right leads into an alcove out of the lava, containing a Super Missile Tank. Otherwise, Samus is free to continue out of the pool and down a drop in front of a tunnel out of the room. This tunnel ends in a Pit Block in a shaft that Samus explored previously, and is a one-way exit.
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Connecting rooms
Spaceship concourse[]
The "spaceship concourse" is one of the Mother Ship's largest rooms, and it can only be accessed after the Fully Powered Suit has been obtained. A T-shaped wall in the center of the room divides it in half. The top of this features a Work Robot that lays idle until approached, when it can be pushed to the side with Missiles. Walls on either side of the top prevent it from falling to a lower level. The room is inhabited by four Zebesians, with two following Samus in if the alarm is active.
During the self-destruct sequence, Samus can take a shortcut through this room if she Ball Sparks in from the top of the sloped shaft. Portions of the walls in this room are made of Boost Blocks, and Samus will launch through them. The door to the Hangar Shaft will be open, allowing Samus to fly through its upper floor, then through that room's tunnel leading into the escape-ship bay. Otherwise, Samus will have to navigate the room the normal way, with the pace of the Work Robot potentially threatening her escape.
Connecting rooms
Sloped shaft[]
The "sloped shaft" is a medium length shaft near the center of the Mother Ship. As its name implies, it features three slopes in its walls, which provide room for Samus to perform consecutive Shinesparks. Two non-sloped platforms in the walls are made of Screw Attack Blocks. It is inhabited by three Zebesians, one of whom will spot Samus and trigger the alarm upon her entry. This summons a fourth Zebesian. During the end countdown sequence, there is only one Zebesian and the door to the "Missile pit" is locked. Samus can run until her Speed Booster activates in the robot-patrolled hall, and then Shinespark against the slopes in this room to keep her charge going. Atop the final slope, she can Ball Spark through the door to be taken through two rooms directly into the escape-ship bay, saving time.
Connecting rooms
Robot-patrolled hall[]
The "robot-patrolled hall" is a corridor with two floors. It can only be visited after acquiring the Fully Powered Suit. A Work Robot patrols the top floor, which can be reached through Fake Blocks on the left side of the floor. If Samus clears the robot out of her way, she can run across the top floor and break through two Boost Blocks in the floor on the right. This is a faster way to get through the room. The bottom floor consists of a wall with a tunnel through it; said tunnel is lined with Bomb Blocks, which can slow Samus down, particularly during the escape sequence. On all visits to the room, there is a Zebesian in it, with another entering if Samus is spotted.
Connecting rooms
- For the officially-named room on the G.F.S. Valhalla, see here.
The "stairwell" is a short shaft on the west side of the Mother Ship. There are two ledges in the left wall, and one on the right wall. These are patrolled by three Zebesians, who are joined by two more that enter the shaft from both doors when Samus is detected. During the escape sequence, there are still three Zebesians here.
Connecting rooms
Probe-packed corridor[]
The probe-packed corridor is a room on the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This room is found near the top of the Mother Ship, and is inaccessible during Samus's initial infiltration of the ship. It is a straightforward corridor inhabited by three Atomics, referred to as "probes" in the strategy guide (hence the name). These are found near the end of the room. Under the floor is a a narrow tunnel with three overhangs from above, and two raised sections of floor underneath, making the tunnel resemble a "mouth" of sorts. In the background are multiple steel brackets, curved to the right and separated by a rectangular lining.
This tunnel can be accessed by shooting out Fake Blocks in the floor in front of the entrance. This allows Samus to avoid the Atomics if she wishes. Alternatively, Samus can run to the other side, killing the Atomics (easy enough with the Screw Attack) and fall through a pair of Pit Blocks in the floor at the end. If the Pirate Alarm System has been tripped, two Zebesians will appear, one from each door, in an attempt to stop Samus.
The Atomics are not present here on Easy Mode. This room is destroyed with the rest of the Mother Ship at the end of Zero Mission, and no trace of it is present in Super Metroid.
Connecting rooms
Bridge access shaft[]
The "bridge access shaft" is a tall vertical shaft that leads into the bridge of the Mother Ship. The wall is elongated and outstretched in three parts: the lowest protrudes from the left wall and twists upward, the middle wall stretches from the right and down, and the final wall stretches from the left and ends in a large cube shape. A portion of the middle downward-curved wall is composed of Power Bomb Blocks, which can be destroyed to create a permanent shortcut. It is patrolled by five Zebesians, with two more entering the room if Samus is detected.
Connecting rooms
Mother Ship bridge[]
The "Mother Ship bridge" is the command bridge of the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It has darker purple architecture and several red "eyes" and ridges along its walls in the background. There are three levels of the bridge, and the second and third are divided by a ceiling barricade of Bomb Blocks. The three front windows of the vessel are located to the left, and the setting sun can be seen through them. This room is patrolled by three Zebesians. It leads into multiple areas, including the armory where the Power Bomb that was stolen from Chozodia was taken, a Save Room and the final chamber of the game, which contains Mecha Ridley.
Connecting rooms
Ventilation shaft[]
- For other rooms with this name, see Ventilation Shaft (Disambiguation).
The "ventilation shaft" is a simple, weaving tunnel that leads down to the armory. If Samus was being pursued by Zebesians, they will lose track of her as soon as she drops or jumps into this shaft.
Connecting rooms
Armory access[]
"Armory access" is a small chamber in the Mother Ship, entered through a tunnel in the ceiling. The Zebesian that stole the Power Bomb from the Chacmool room in Chozodia is seen here again, taking the item into the next room. To follow it, Samus must Bomb through three blocks on the left, and down twice into a cracked floor/ceiling underneath her. If she trips the alarm in the next room and returns here, a Zebesian will follow her in.
Connecting rooms
Mother Ship armory[]
The "Mother Ship armory" is a room on the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. This room is found near the top of the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It cannot be accessed until the Fully Powered Suit has been obtained. It is a short vertical room with a high ceiling, a pedestal in the center and two laser tripwires on either side of it. Touching these sets off the Pirate Alarm System.
While exploring Chozodia in search of the Ruins Test, Samus enters a large chamber with a chacmool-like Chozo Statue, holding a Power Bomb. By the time she reaches the statue, a Zebesian has taken it and is seen leaving the room. Unable to catch up to it, Samus continues through Chozodia until she completes the Ruins Test and earns the Fully Powered Suit. Returning to the Mother Ship, Samus reaches its bridge and descends into a tunnel. At the end of this, the Zebesian from earlier can be seen taking the Power Bomb into this room. Following after it, Samus finds the Zebesian gone, but the Power Bomb on the pedestal in the center of the room.
It is possible to collect the item without touching the tripwires by Space Jumping over them. Setting off the Power Bomb will not trigger them. If the tripwires are touched and the alarm is set off, three Zebesians will enter the room via both doors, two from the entrance.
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Connecting rooms
The "reliquary" is a small vertical chamber found to the left of the armory. Initially, it appears as a small chamber, into which a Zebesian will follow Samus if she triggered a tripwire in the previous room. Laying a Power Bomb in the room will obliterate a portion of the ceiling and reveal a secret area above. Here, there are two Zebesians on upper ledges and a pedestal with a second Power Bomb Tank on top.
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Connecting rooms
Upper antechamber[]
The "upper antechamber" is a small room connecting the bridge to Save Room 7. There is little of importance aside from a slightly slanted ceiling and floor. If the alarm is active, a Zebesian will follow Samus in. She must kill it and wait for the alarm to stop before using the Save Room, as if she does not the station will be inoperable.
Connecting rooms
Save Room 7[]
"Save Room 7" is the seventh and final Save Room in the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It is found through a small antechamber connected to the bridge. This is the last Save Room before the final boss, although it can be used at any time after recovering the Fully Powered Suit. Samus can only use the Save Station if the alarm is inactive; if it is on a Zebesian will follow her inside and render the Save Station inoperable. In that case, she must leave and re-enter to make it work again.
Connecting rooms
Missile pit[]
The "Missile pit" is a small downward shaft in the center of the Mother Ship. It can only be accessed after acquiring Power Bombs. When Samus enters the room, she is greeted with a center wall that has two cracks at its base on either side. Laying a Bomb next to one of the cracks exposes a Super Missile Tank between them, but it also causes a chain reaction of blocks destructing. Samus is dropped into a pit containing three Zebesians. Once she has dispatched them, she can jump back to the top and grab onto the block the Super Missile is resting on to grab it. Careful and quick movements can allow Samus to get the item without dropping into the pit.
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Connecting rooms
Pit access[]
"Pit access" is a simple shaft connecting between the Missile pit and the cracked surface shaft. It has a platform in the right hand wall, but nothing else of importance.
Connecting rooms
The "launchpad" is a tall vertical shaft on the lower inside of the Mother Ship. As the name implies, there is a pathway on the floor to the right, which is long enough for the Speed Booster to activate. Along the upper shaft are five alcoves on either side, which contain five Zebesians. Once the Power Bombs have been recovered and the glass tube has been destroyed, Samus can lay another Power Bomb at the base of the ship on the right. This exposes an opening, which she can use to enter this room. Running in until the Speed Booster activates, Samus can Shinespark up when she runs through a barricade, to launch to the top of the room. A Power Bomb Tank is found here on a pedestal. The Zebesians will notice Samus as she Shinesparks to the top of the shaft, activating the alarm system, but they can be killed by shooting down as Samus falls.
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Connecting rooms
Probe-filled shaft[]
The "probe-filled shaft" is found on the lower right of Chozodia. It can only be accessed after Samus acquires Power Bombs. It appears to be a part of the Wrecked Ship that would later be fully explored during Super Metroid. Four Atomics are present in this room, except on Easy Mode. The floor is uneven, found on an incline, and eight platforms are found along the shaft, held to their position by two metal girders in the background.
To obtain a Energy Tank in the wrecked antechamber, Samus must enter the adjacent infested slope and clear it out, then run back into this room until her Speed Booster activates. Before her Shinespark expires, she must stand to the left of the lowest midair platform and Shinespark up. She will collect the Energy Tank on her way.
Connecting rooms
Save Room 8[]
"Save Room 8" is the eighth and final Save Room in Chozodia. It is found in the Wrecked Ship. Since it is close to the Chozodia ruins, it is comprised of similar architecture, with a domed wall in the background.
Connecting rooms
Infested slope[]
The "infested slope" is a sloped corridor, which is also part of the Wrecked Ship. As the name implies, it is infested with six Zeelas (seven on Easy Mode). To obtain the mentioned Energy Tank, Samus must clear the Zeelas out of the room and run back into the probe-filled shaft, then Shinespark into the ceiling. There are three metal girders in the background, but otherwise nothing else of importance.
Connecting rooms
Platform shaft[]
The "platform shaft" is a short shaft further into the Wrecked Ship. There is a single platform in the middle of the shaft. On Normal and Hard Mode, there are three Atomics in this room; on Easy, it is empty.
Connecting rooms
Super Missile maze 1[]
"Super Missile maze 1" is a shaft in the Wrecked Ship. Above the floor (which is ramped in the middle) is an initially hidden maze of tunnels in the ceiling. These are inhabited by six Zoomers. The tunnels lead to three different paths, all of them dead ends. The highest one ends with a Super Missile Tank, however.
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Connecting rooms
Super Missile maze 2[]
"Super Missile maze 2" is a larger chamber with a maze in the ceiling, concealed within scaffolding. Several paths are blocked with Bomb Blocks, and explode in a chain reaction when destroyed. The Super Missile Tank itself is in the center top of the maze, concealed within a Fake Block. A path on the right leads to a Pit Block shaft that will drop Samus below the ground. Once she has collected the item, Samus can follow a maze path on the left and drop through a Pit Block to get to the exit. There is also a tunnel directly below the door which can be used to get to it without going through the maze. Unlike the previous room, it is empty of enemies.
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Connecting rooms
Wrecked Ship entrance[]
The "Wrecked Ship entrance" is a room in the Wrecked Ship. It first appeared in Super Metroid, although chronologically it is first seen in Metroid: Zero Mission as part of Crateria and Chozodia. In Zero Mission, the room appears in two parts, one in Crateria and one in Chozodia, and serves to connect the two areas. There is a screen transition between each part. As the name states, this room leads directly into the Wrecked Ship, which is briefly glimpsed in Zero Mission as part of Chozodia. It is a long corridor with blue and green architecture and a slanted ceiling, and circuitry and ventilation ducts visible in the walls. On the Crateria side, it leads into the flooded cavern, and cannot be visited until the Power Bombs are obtained as the door between the rooms is a Yellow Hatch.
Connecting rooms
Alternate entrance[]
The "alternate entrance" is a small room near the back of the Mother Ship. After Samus acquires the Fully Powered Suit, she can return to the Mother Ship landing site to claim a Power Bomb Tank. Laying a Power Bomb near its location will open up a tunnel into this room. As Samus rolls forward, she will drop through a Pit Block, and can lay a Bomb to get out of the wall. This chamber has little else in the way of appearance aside from a high ledge, upon which the exit door can be found.
Connecting rooms
Wall tunnel[]
The "wall tunnel" is a long corridor divided in half by a large wall. Before the entrance is a large destructible box beside the wall. To get into the tunnel, Samus must lay a Power Bomb to remove blocks obstructing it. A shutter is present at the other end of the passage, but it will not be extended unless the alarm is active. If the Power Bombs have been skipped, Samus can jump above the destructible box into the ceiling to find a secret passage. This loops into the wall tunnel, allowing her to continue. During the escape sequence, the shutter is locked in place, but Samus can get above and around it through another secret passage in the ceiling.
Connecting rooms
Energy vault hall[]
The "energy vault hall" is a long, two floor corridor located very close to Mecha Ridley. It houses the last Energy Tank in the game, assuming all had been collected up to that point. The floor underneath the entrance is composed of Boost Blocks. By running across the floor to the end, Samus can build up her Speed Booster and quickly Spin Jump through the Boost Blocks to open up the lower part of the room. Here, there is a longer path with an Energy Tank at the end, and several green tripwires.
If they are triggered, a shutter will close over the Energy Tank and two Zebesians will enter the room. If this happens, Samus must leave and come back to try again. To collect the Energy Tank and avoid the alarm, Samus must either carefully and rapidly Spin Jump between the lasers, or Shinespark. If she activates the Speed Booster again, crouches and quickly drops to the lower floor, Samus can Shinespark to the right, collecting the tank before she hits a wall.
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Last barrier[]
The last barrier is the penultimate chamber of the Space Pirate Mother Ship, and Zero Mission itself. A large wall divides the room in half. A notch in the left side of it can be exposed to allow Samus to get into the wall. She will then drop through four Pit Blocks to the other side. Coming back during the escape sequence, Samus can shoot the wall at its very top right and climb into it. She will drop through two fast crumbling Pit Blocks, with the ones she fell through previously having a delayed break. This gives her enough time to Bomb the left side to allow her to escape the wall.
Connecting rooms
Ship's last chamber[]
The ship's last chamber, also referred to as the robot's room is a room on the Space Pirate Mother Ship. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission, and is the final room in the game. This room is potentially witnessed in the cutscene that plays when Samus enters Kraid's Lair. The authentic Ridley is seen in a purple air lock-like hallway aboard the Mother Ship, glaring. The chamber is a square room with no other exits. It stretches into the background, with a hangar door visible in the very center. This door cannot be accessed, and where it leads to is unknown. The background walls seem to fan out from the door. On the ceiling, a large round hatch is present, as well as thick wires with red sections. What purpose the wires serve is unknown, but it is possible that they provide power to the room, or to projects being built in it.
Mecha Ridley, an unfinished robot built in the likeness of Ridley, was under construction in this room. When Samus enters the Mother Ship, a closeup of its eye is seen opening, with the implication that it has detected Samus's presence aboard the ship. Samus makes her way to this chamber after obtaining the Fully Powered Suit and destroys the Ridley replica in a battle.
After its defeat, it crumples to the floor and spawns a large number of Energy Capsules. Seconds later, the robot reactivates long enough to activate a five minute self-destruct mechanism. The door unlocks, allowing Samus to escape the Mother Ship in five minutes before its destruction.
This room, and the Mother Ship and Chozodia in general, did not exist in the original Metroid. Due to the Mother Ship's destruction at the end of Zero Mission, no trace of it is found in Super Metroid.
Connecting rooms
- ^ Metroid: Zero Mission: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide (pg. 79) - 215 SPACESHIP HIDEAWAY: "The scurvy aliens will continue to chase you until you elude them. Seek out secret coves to hide in while the pirates look for you."
- ^ Metroid: Zero Mission: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide (pg. 79) - 219 ON THE RUN AGAIN: "Eventually you'll drop into a small compartment where you'll be able to wait out the alarm."
- ^ Metroid: Zero Mission: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, page 80: 223 RIDE OUT THE ALARM "If you tripped the alarm during your run through the laser room, jump to a hidden ledge above the right-hand hatch in the next room. A pirate will investigate then turn around and leave."
- ^ Metroid: Zero Mission: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, page 80: 225 STOP IN THE SHADOWS - "Pirates will chase you into the ruins. Keep running and crawling left until you see a small dark-blue alcove above the walkway. Hop up to the ledge and wait in the shadows until your pursuers lose you and the alarm quiets."
- ^ Metroid: Zero Mission: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, page 96: 303 power bomb tank - "Climb to the top of the carved block and clear it with a Power Bomb blast. Roll left into a room where Space Pirates wait in narrow passages. Venture right through the top passage, blast the waiting alien then break through a block in the ceiling with a missile to access a hidden alcove."
- ^ biospark2. Chozodia softlock. YouTube. February 4, 2016. Retrieved December 8, 2022.