List of rooms in Metroid: Zero Mission
This is a list of rooms in Norfair in Metroid: Zero Mission. Larger rooms have their own pages and are linked here. Many of these names are unofficial; such names will be highlighted in quotation marks.
Brinstar-to-Norfair elevator shaft[]
The Brinstar-to-Norfair elevator shaft is a room in Norfair. It appears, with slight differences, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room is slightly shorter and now comprised of rocky material. The Koma statues are now found on short pillars below the elevator platform, which now has small Chozo Statues on either side. A gap is present underneath the floor, but what is underneath is not made clear. A pair of midair pillars now exists below the lift platform, holding up the Koma statues. The pillars also have two ledges protruding to either side. Two Rippers are present in between the gap, which are difficult to avoid without the Ice Beam, which can freeze them into temporary platforms. Above each ledge are blockages composed of Screw Attack Blocks, with a Pit Block against the pillars.
Connecting rooms
Save Room 1[]
"Save Room 1" is the first Save Room in Norfair. It is accessible from the base of the Brinstar-to-Norfair elevator shaft and connects to the Norfair main corridor.
Western lava-filled path[]
The "western lava-filled path" is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room has not changed much. It now contains Air Holes based in the lava, which is now more shallow, and some of the platforms appear to be constructed. Boulders, stalactites and cave walls are visible in the background. The wall that separates the other half of the room is now much smaller, and is obstructed by two Fake Blocks. Behind it is a ledge which acts as a point of no return, as Samus cannot jump back up to it once she drops down until she obtains the Power Grip in Crateria, which is accessible through the next room. The base of the ledge is formed out of Boost Blocks, allowing for a Ballspark through the path from neighboring rooms.
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Transport to Crateria[]
"Transport to Crateria" is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission, with a slightly larger role in the latter. In Zero Mission, the room has been overhauled. It is now set in a cave without any of the bubble-like material in the original version, and now has an elevator to Crateria, which did not exist in Metroid. When Samus first steps into Norfair, she must access Crateria through this room to obtain the Power Grip, which allows her to explore the rest of the area. The elevator platform is bordered by two small Chozo Statues, and underneath it are two Koma pillars. The lower half of the room is cordoned off by a wall with a high ledge, which prevents Samus from easily climbing it until she obtains the Power Grip. However, it is possible to overcome that limitation with the Turbo Bomb technique.
Connecting rooms
Missile Tank tunnel[]
The "Missile Tank tunnel" is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room's appearance has been slightly updated, removing the bubble-like material at the end and setting the room entirely in a cave. An Air Hole spawning Gamets has been added. The platforms are now man-made (or perhaps of Chozo origin) and are raised higher than in the original game. Its basic purpose, of containing an optional Missile Tank, has not changed.
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Norfair main corridor[]
The "Norfair main corridor" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with differences, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. The room is significantly changed in Zero Mission, with much of the room now consisting of stone Chozo architecture. The cloud-like platforms are now concentrated mostly near the center of the room, and several zizagging walls have been installed. These partially consist of Boost Blocks, allowing Samus to Shinespark through them once she has the Speed Booster. Part of the floor past the walls is raised, and comprised of Fake Blocks, these can be shot to temporarily open the bridge, which is necessary for collecting an item (see below). Slopes on either side of the raised section enable Samus to perform multiple Shinesparks at once.
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Blue-bubble shaft[]
The blue-bubble shaft, also known as the purple bubble shaft, is a notable room in Norfair. It appears in the original Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission, but not in Super Metroid. As the name implies, the blue-bubble shaft is a lengthy vertical shaft composed of bluish-purple bubble-blocks in Metroid. In Metroid: Zero Mission, the surfaces of the walls, floors, and ceilings are covered with natural green rock[1], although the blue bubble-like material is still visible beneath them.
The blue-bubble shaft is perhaps one of the most important rooms in Norfair. It runs vertically up and down the entire length of the area along its right side, thereby directly connecting all significant portions of Norfair: the Ice Beam's location in the upper-right section, the elevator to Brinstar in the middle, the various upgrades in the lower half, and the elevator to Ridley's Lair at the very bottom. Therefore, it is necessary to reach the bottom of the blue-bubble shaft in order to access Ridley's Lair.
Connecting rooms
Ice Beam access corridor[]
The "Ice Beam access corridor" is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the Ice Beam is only obtainable in Norfair and this is initially the only room Samus can enter from the blue-bubble shaft. The large central wall has been removed and replaced by multiple midair cloud platforms, all of which appear as blocks with the exception of one. It is suspended directly over a deeper pool of lava, with two ledges on the left and right above the surface. The leftmost ledge is sloped. Samus must carefully jump over the platforms to cross the room and obtain the Ice Beam. There are no longer any Squeepts in the room, but multiple Sovas dwell on the floor and ceiling. Hard Mode adds Dragons in the lava, and their spitting attacks can disrupt Samus's navigation of the room and cause her to fall into the lava, forcing her to quickly jump and grab a platform to pull herself out.
Connecting rooms
Ice Beam room[]
The "Ice Beam room" is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room is now encased in a small chamber that appears to be constructed out of Chozo material, with dark blue panels in the background. The lava is now shallow and cannot be entered. When Samus enters, the door locks as a Green Hatch, preventing her from backtracking. The Ice Beam can now only be obtained here, with the other room in Brinstar containing a standing Chozo Statue that directs Samus to this room. After Samus collects the Ice Beam, she can morph in the Statue's hands to replenish her energy and Missile Ammo.
The back room is now accessed at the base of the wall, under the platform the statue sits on. It has changed into a purple cave, with two pillars on either side, one of which is in midair, and a ceiling lined with stalactites. A single Ripper floats in between the pillars. It acts as a hidden tutorial for the Ice Beam, as Samus can freeze the creature and use it as a platform to climb over the left pillar and leave the room.
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Long bubble shaft[]
The "long bubble shaft" is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In both games, this is a long vertical shaft made of clustered bubble-like material, which varies between small and purple in the original Metroid and larger in Zero Mission. In the latter, they have a green border and a red center, resembling the color scheme, membrane and nuclei of a standard Metroid. A shallow pool of lava is found at the bottom, along with two midair bubble platforms above this.
Connecting rooms
Save Room 2[]
"Save Room 2" is the second Save Room in Norfair. It is accessible from the base of the long bubble shaft and is a dead-end.
Norfair's upper-right path[]
Norfair's upper-right path is a room in Norfair. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room's appearance has been significantly altered to differentiate it from other chambers in the game. It now consists of two rooms, which are now entirely constructed out of Chozo architecture. In the background, buttresses of a large structure and ash are visible. The lava is now more shallow and easier to escape from, especially with the Power Grip. To cross the room, Samus must make use of high walls and ledges, and freeze Squeepts to use as platforms.
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Heated Missile corridor[]
The "heated Missile corridor" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room has somewhat changed. It now entirely consists of Chozo architecture, and there are more cloud-like platforms. The lava is more shallow as well. Unlike the original Metroid, the room is superheated, so it is safer for Samus to visit it when she has obtained the Varia Suit. There is now only one Missile Tank on one pedestal structure at the far left side of the room.
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Norfair's gauntlet[]
"Norfair's gauntlet" is a group of three rooms in Norfair. It appears in Metroid as a single room, and in Metroid: Zero Mission as multiple. In Zero Mission, the room is split in three. It cannot be fully and safely explored until Samus has obtained Super Missiles (either in the Imago's hideout or through Sequence Breaking) and Varia Suit. It cannot be visited anyway until the Speed Booster has been obtained, as the door to this room in the blue-bubble shaft is concealed by Boost Blocks.
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Hi-Jump access corridor[]
The "Hi-Jump access corridor" is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, due to Boost Blocks being added to the blue-bubble shaft, this room cannot be accessed until the Speed Booster is obtained, unless Samus uses a hidden shortcut at the very top and climbs up a few doors. In this version, the room is set in a dark cave, and the platforms are found directly above the lava's surface with their supports suspended in the lava. A few boulders can be seen in the background, also in the lava. Once again, the room's primary obstacle is the enemies, this time a collection of Gerutas.
Connecting rooms
Hi-Jump room[]
The "Hi-Jump room" is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the front half of the room is now a much tighter space. It is composed of blue architecture, with a curving wall covered in etched Chozo markings visible in the background. The Chozo Statue holding the Hi-Jump is found on a lower ledge, above the now plainly obvious tunnel. Like other statues in Zero Mission, Samus can morph into its hands after collecting the item to replenish her energy and Missile Ammo. Upon entering the back half of the room, there is now a screen transition.
While the Silence theme plays in the first half, the standard Norfair theme plays in the back area. This part of the room is now superheated, making it dangerous for Samus if she does not have the Varia Suit. The lava is still present, but is much more shallow and there are fewer enemies. Directly above Samus is a cramped rocky overhang from above, with Fake Blocks impeding her path. As in the original game, a tall wall stands in her way, but it can be scaled by freezing and standing on a Squeept to get to its other side.
Connecting rooms
Superheated runway[]
The "superheated runway" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with significant differences between version, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room has been significantly expanded and increased in size. It is now superheated, as is part of the preceding room, making it unsafe for Samus to proceed through here until she has the Varia Suit. Normally, Samus cannot proceed through this room anyways without the Speed Booster, as there is a long path - likened to an airport runway in the strategy guide - in this room, which leads to a midair platform with a wall made of Boost Blocks.
Past this is a tall, slightly leaning wall of rock that stands in front of the exit. Along the "runway" are numerous obstructions and enemies (Mellas and Sovas), which impede the Speed Booster. Samus can clear these out using beam shots and Bombs. Once the runway is clear, Samus can run until the Speed Booster activates, Spin Jumping as she reaches the edge to jump through the Boost Block wall. She should then be able to jump down from the top of the wall to the exit. If she misses the jump, she may fall into an open pool of lava below and have to climb out of it, then try again.
Connecting rooms
Brutal path[]
Room ID: h16-
The "brutal path" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the path is a short hallway that runs between the superheated runway and a Save Room. Compared to its appearance in the original Metroid, this is now a straightforward horizontal corridor in a partially lava-filled cave, with crumbled ruins visible in the background. The lava bubbles up from under a bridge spanning the length of the floor, but does not rise to a level where it can harm Samus. A single Barisute stands in her way, but is easily dispatched with her weapons.
Connecting rooms
Save Room 3[]
"Save Room 3" is the third Save Room in Norfair. It connects the brutal path to the east green bubble shaft.
East green bubble shaft[]
The "east green bubble shaft" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Metroid, it is a two-part, sparsely populated shaft with three total levels. The topmost level leads to the Screw Attack. The second and third levels are virtually identical, containing a ledge of bubbles and a midair platform beside it. These are used to get to the ceiling, where Samus can shoot her way up to climb the room. It is best to visit this shaft once the Varia Suit has been obtained. The second part of the room is accessed from an even lower hall in Norfair. While Samus cannot climb through the ceiling, she can drop through the floor into a shaft resembling others in Norfair to access a room with Missile Tanks.
Connecting rooms
Screw Attack corridor[]
The "Screw Attack corridor" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Metroid, the room is visually identical to the "Hi-Jump access corridor". It features a large lava pool with three midair platforms of metal brick suspended over it. Crawling along two of the larger platforms are a pair of Sovas, and Dragons inhabit the lava below. Their spitting projectiles make it harder to cross the room. On the other side of the room is a Red Hatch leading into the Screw Attack's chamber.
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Screw Attack room[]
The "Screw Attack room" is visually identical to other item rooms in Norfair, with the same domed wall, Chozo etchings and raised platform that the Chozo Statue - holding the Screw Attack - sits upon. Lava can be seen below the floor, but it is not high enough to cause damage to Samus.
See here for the room's equivalent in Metroid.
Three rock corridor[]
The "three rock corridor" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room's appearance has been significantly altered with the increased memory of the Game Boy Advance. It is now set inside of a cave with extreme heat, making it unsafe for Samus if she does not have the Varia Suit. Of the two corridors connecting the shafts, this is the most dangerous due to the presence of lava and the aforementioned heat. There are now three large pillar-like rocks in the room that impede Samus's progression. She must utilize the Power Grip and her Morph Ball to jump atop midair platforms and climb over the rocks. The lava from the room's original appearance remains, and can pose a danger to Samus if she is not careful.
Connecting rooms
Twin hill corridor[]
The "twin hill corridor" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room's appearance has been significantly altered due to the increased memory of the Game Boy Advance. The lava has been reduced in level, and it is not possible to fall into it except for two Fake Blocks in the floor. A long walkway extends over the lava with two hills that sink into their center, and embedded into the center of each hill and the center is an Air Hole. Samus can run through this room in order to activate her Speed Booster, and then Shinespark from the base of the "east green bubble shaft" into the adjacent corridor.
Connecting rooms
Precarious path[]
The "precarious path" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, this room cannot be entered until Samus has obtained Super Missiles, as it is entered through a Green Hatch. the room's appearance has not been changed much. The lava is now much more shallow, and the room's ceiling and walls are made of purple rock, which also comprises the platforms. They are easier to navigate now with the Power Grip. The wall midway through is now made of rock, and is again navigated via a thin tunnel at its base, which is partially obstructed by Fake Blocks.
A walkway has been added to the room, replacing some of the platforms after the wall. After Samus returns from the "Fire-Sea Room", she can run along the walkway until her Speed Booster activates, and Shinespark to the left. She will blast through the upper half of the middle wall, which is made of Boost Blocks, and continue to the other end of the room. Samus can also build up speed in the "twin hill corridor" and quickly run into this room, jump up and Shinespark right to bypass much of the room.
Connecting rooms
Short green shaft[]
The "short green shaft" is a shaft of short height that is isolated from much of the rest of Norfair. It is found to the left of the blue-bubble shaft, which is further separated in Zero Mission by the "Varia shrine". The shaft is constructed out of turquoise bubble-like material.
In Zero Mission, the destructible block in the initial ground is now two tiles in front of the door. When falling into the lava, it disappears, indicating that it was a mirage. It reappears when Samus steps back above the bridge. Apart from this, it has not changed much aside from the placement of an additional platform.[2]
See here for the room's equivalent in Metroid.
Fire-Sea Room[]
The "Fire-Sea Room" is a room in Norfair, seen in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room has been expanded. Visual details in the background depict brick walls and collapsed pillars, like in other rooms of Norfair. Freezing a Gamet on both sides of the pillar holding the item, and using it as a platform will aid Samus in collecting the item. Samus can now break through the left wall of the room, revealing a hidden tunnel leading to a Missile Tank. The tunnel is long enough for her to activate her Speed Booster and use a Shinespark to quickly reach the exit of the room.
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West green bubble shaft[]
The "west green bubble shaft" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the shaft has more rugged walls compared to the original Metroid, and connects to a Map Room and a hidden tunnel leading to Kraid's Lair. The upper shaft is now much shorter. Upon entering the fake lava pool, it disappears as if it were a mirage. Samus can morph into a lone block in the floor to fall through to a lower shaft with multiple ledges and platforms. The genuine lava below is now a much deeper pool, with four block-like platforms in the lava providing a way out should Samus fall in. Once Samus is able to use the Gravity Suit later in her mission, she can safely drop into the lava to reach a lava-filled passage with two expansions. In the floor at the bottom of the lava is a pair of Missile Blocks, which give way to a ledge blocked by Fake Blocks. Once those are removed, Samus can enter the passage.
Connecting rooms
Map Room[]
The "Map Room" is visually identical to other Map Rooms throughout Zebes. There is a slight slope in front of the door, with the map downloading machine hanging from the ceiling on the left. When the map data is downloaded, not all rooms are unveiled, with the lava-filled passage and Kraid access tunnel being two that remain uncharted. Because Metroid did not have a map, this room does not exist in the original game.
Hopping-Mad Corridor[]
The Hopping-Mad Corridor is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room is comparatively much less of a puzzle, with the large boxes removed. To compensate and make it easier to cross the lava, the columns of glass bubbles are higher and spaced closer together.
Connecting rooms
Vine-infested passage[]
The "vine-infested passage" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room's appearance has been significantly altered. The lava has been removed, and it is now set in a cavern with a rugged ceiling and floor, parts of which are raised. Massive fissures can be seen in the background, potentially leading to other caves within Norfair. The entire path is littered by Tangle Vines, some of which are found ensnaring and potentially strangling Gerutas. The vines are installed above and below inactive, red-colored vines, which may in fact be dead Tangle Vines. Samus must destroy the vines in order to proceed.
Connecting rooms
Single-block-wide bridge[]
The single-block-wide bridge is a room in Norfair. It appears, with differences between versions, in Metroid and its remake Metroid: Zero Mission. In the original Metroid, the shaft is composed of green bubble-like tiles. Initially, it appears to be a small square-shaped room with a bubble bridge over a pool of lava. If Samus lays a Bomb on the block directly underneath the door, a hidden tunnel opens up in the floor, allowing her to get under the bridge. The lava turns out to be false, although a Dragon inhabits it as though it were real lava. A door to the Wave Beam access corridor is found directly under the lava. It is possible to Bomb through part of the floor on the lower right, but it does not lead anywhere.
Connecting rooms
Wave Beam access corridor[]
The Wave Beam access corridor is a room in Norfair. It appears, with differences between versions, in Metroid and its remake Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room's appearance has been completely changed. It is now set in a corridor of glass bubbles. While the lava is retained, it is below the surface of the floor and therefore cannot harm Samus. It extends into the Wave Beam's chamber, where it is still unreachable. What appear to be more glass bubbles or some sort of membrane can be seen extending into the background.
In the center of the room are two columns of glass bubbles, which are actually Bomb Blocks. Between the columns is a single Barisute, which is released as soon as the rightmost Bomb Block column is destroyed. Laying a Bomb against one will destroy the rest in a chain reaction. After defeating the Barisute and destroying the second wall, Samus can continue on to the Wave Beam. On returning to this room, the Barisute and columns respawn. Samus can shoot the creature through the wall using the Wave Beam to kill it much easier, then remove the columns again and leave.
Connecting rooms
Wave Beam room[]
The "Wave Beam room" is no different from other item rooms in Norfair. Its features include a domed wall, Chozo etchings and a raised platform on which the Chozo Statue sits. It holds the Wave Beam upgrade. Lava can be seen below the floor, which appears to flow into it from the previous room.
See here for the room's equivalent in Metroid.
Save Room 4[]
"Save Room 4" is the fourth Save Room in Norfair. It connects the single-block-wide bridge to the Path of Destruction and is useful for saving before the Kiru Giru encounter in a forthcoming room. There is a drop from the leftmost door to the platform below, and a slope leading to the door on the right.
Path of Destruction[]
The Path of Destruction is a room in Norfair, seen in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the Path of Destruction's layout and puzzle have been altered. The corridor is now much narrower, requiring much less platforming to jump across the lava. Most of the glass bubbles blocking the path can be easily destroyed with any weapon, but the two at the far end of the path are Boost Blocks. Samus needs to clear the way in order to build up enough speed and activate her Speed Booster, but there are too many blocks to break one at a time with her Ice Beam; by the time Samus has destroyed enough blocks, they have already started to respawn. Therefore, it is required to use the Wave Beam in order to proceed through this corridor, since its wall-bypassing properties can quickly clear the way for Samus's Speed Booster.
Connecting rooms
Kiru Giru larva hall[]
The "Kiru Giru larva hall" is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. It did not exist in the original Metroid. This hallway is found after the Path of Destruction, which in the original Metroid was a dead-end. It is set in a cave isolated from the superheated or lava-filled areas before it. Two living Kiru Giru specimens are encountered in this room, and Samus must defeat them in order to proceed.
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Varia shrine[]
The "Varia shrine" is an optional room in Norfair. It did not exist in Metroid. It is a short shaft with two entrances from the blue-bubble shaft. However, this room is not accessible until after the Speed Booster has been obtained due to Boost Block floors in the bubble shaft, unless a shortcut at the top is taken. The room appears much like other item or Chozo Statue rooms rooms in Zero Mission, and the Silence theme plays while inside of it. At the top of the room is a ledge, and a curved wall in the background with etchings of Chozo symbols. A multi-sided pillar with more etchings is present on the ledge, with two more below the ledge.
This room contains a standing Chozo Statue that, when used, creates a nav point on the Map in Brinstar.[3] This ultimately leads to the Varia Suit. After the statue is used, it assumes a seated position and shuts its eye, restoring Samus's energy and Missile Ammo. It can be returned to in order to replenish her ammo again. On Low Percent Runs or other speedruns, visiting this room may waste time, and even on normal runs it is not necessary to visit this room in order to find the Varia Suit.
Save Room 5[]
"Save Room 5" is the fifth and final Save Room in Norfair. It connects from the bottom of the blue-bubble shaft to the "path of vines", after which is the ensnared Kiru Giru battle. There are no unique features about this room, which features slopes leading down to the saving platform.
Path of vines[]
The "path of vines" is a room in Norfair. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room's appearance was drastically altered. It no longer contains any lava and is now set in a narrow cave-like environment. More than half of the floor is raised, leaving a tight passage that is infested with Tangle Vines. Several of them can be seen ensnaring Gerutas, a creature that was present in this room in the original Metroid. If the vine is killed before the Geruta is, it will assume its normal behavior until it is destroyed. In addition to living specimens, numerous red vines that appear to be dead and shriveled Tangle Vines are found lining the ceiling and floor. A Kiru Giru carcass is found near the center of the room, indicating it was preyed upon by the vines.
Connecting rooms
Kiru Giru's room[]
The "Kiru Giru's room" is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission, with significant changes between versions. This room has been significantly altered and its role expanded in the remake, Metroid: Zero Mission. It is now comprised of a light purple rock and set in a cave environment with decayed red vines strewn about the ceiling and floor. It is possible that these are dead Tangle Vines, as living specimens are found in the previous room. The door locks upon entry, and as Samus approaches the wall, she can use her Morph Ball to enter a small tunnel at the wall's base and fall through several Pit Blocks, before coming to a Bomb Block. This leads into an open chamber, at the top of which is an ensnared Kiru Giru larva.
Connecting rooms
Ridley Elevator[]
Ridley Elevator is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission, with some differences. In both games, this is a small room containing an elevator and a large statue resembling a monstrous creature with two heads to the right. In Metroid, this room appears to be mostly of artificial construction, while in Zero Mission it is set in a cave. The elevator leads to Ridley's Lair.
Connecting rooms
Broken Statue room[]
The "broken Statue room" is a room in Norfair. It only appears in Metroid: Zero Mission and did not exist in Metroid or Super Metroid. This room is optional to explore. It can only be visited after Ridley is defeated, when the monster busts in the previous room fall off the wall, therefore opening a path to this room. It is constructed out of blue material, with numerous square tiles on the wall in the background.
As the name implies, the room contains a partially destroyed, standing Chozo Statue. It is seen decapitated through unknown means, with parts of its head and left shoulder found on the floor. It is not functional as with other statues on Zebes, and there is no trace of a power-up. Given that the Chozo Statues which lead to power-ups match the color scheme of the statue holding that item, it would seem that this statue was meant to lead to the Screw Attack, since that statue is colored the same shade of grey. Depending on whether Sequence Breaking was done, Samus may have obtained the Screw Attack before or after coming to this room, rendering the statue meaningless.
Connecting rooms
Norfair transporter[]
The "Norfair transporter" is an optional room in Norfair. It did not exist in Metroid. It is a long, artificial tunnel and the lowest room in Norfair. While being constructed from building materials, curved veins of the area's cavernous rock can be seen in the foreground. The entire walkway is held by three supports on the lower floor, and is lined with Fake Blocks and a final obstruction of Boost Blocks.
This room is an extension of the "broken Statue room", which has a tunnel running through Ridley Elevator and into here. If Samus runs to the very end of this room with her Speed Booster active, she will break through blocks in the floor and reveal a Morph Ball launcher. When used, it launches her through the ceiling into the "west green bubble shaft", providing her with a shortcut.
Secret tunnel[]
The "secret tunnel" is an optional room in Norfair. It did not exist in Metroid. It is a short tunnel that connects directly to a hidden room in Kraid, acting as a shortcut between the two areas. Most of the room is natural cave, with a pit near the right and two ledges leading out of it, while the ceiling and floor near the exit are made of flat purple material. This room cannot be visited until Power Bombs have been obtained (from the Space Pirate Mother Ship), as a blockage exists here that must be destroyed with the item.
Lava-filled passage[]
The lava-filled passage is a room in Norfair. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission, and is exclusive to that game, not having existed in the original Metroid. This room is almost entirely engulfed in lava, and is difficult to ascend with limited abilities. As such, it is recommended that Samus return here when she has the Gravity Suit and Space Jump, which become available to her later in Zero Mission. The Gravity Suit renders the lava harmless, and the Space Jump allows her to navigate the room.
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- ^ Metroid: Zero Mission: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide pg. 39
- ^ Metroid: Zero Mission: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, page 71 - 188 LOWER LAVA FAKEOUT: "When you reach the end of the middle corridor, shoot or bomb through a block in the bridge to gain access to what appears to be a lava pit. After you dive into the red liquid, you'll discover that the lava was an illusion."
- ^ Metroid: Zero Mission: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, page 54: 115 ANCIENT ADVICE "You'll find a Chozo Statue in the labyrinthine lower-right section of Norfair. After you roll into the statue's arms, it will show you the location of the Varia Suit and restore you to full adventuring health."