List of rooms in Metroid: Zero Mission
This is a list of rooms in Ridley in Metroid: Zero Mission. Larger rooms have their own pages and are linked here. Many of these names are unofficial; such names will be highlighted in quotation marks.
Eerie Cave[]
The Eerie Cave is the first room visited in Ridley's Lair in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. During a normal playthrough of Zero Mission, Samus must first enter the Eerie Cave after freeing the Kiru Giru from the Tangle Vines in Norfair, but finds herself unable to progress much further in Ridley's Lair. Therefore, she must return to Norfair above and reenter Ridley's Lair through Imago's hideout. However, the Imago boss fight can be skipped through Sequence Breaking, making the Eerie Cave the only required entrance to Ridley's Lair.
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Save Room 1[]
"Save Room 1" is the first Save Room in Ridley. It is accessible from the left side of the Eerie Cave, and connects to the cocoon cavern. It is most useful for saving progress prior to the Imago battle.
See here for the room's equivalent in Metroid. This is the only Save Room in Ridley that repurposes an existing room from the original game.
Cocoon cavern[]
The "cocoon cavern" is a room in Ridley. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. The room has a much larger role in the remake, but through Sequence Breaking it is possible to skip it. After Samus releases the ensnared Kiru Giru from a room directly above this one, it falls into the floor. This opens the path to Ridley's Lair for Samus, who can then take an elevator into the fortress.
This room is now composed of natural cave rock. The floors appear to be covered in some sort of residue, as when Samus drops down to parts of the floor in Morph Ball form, a noticeable sound is heard, and a cloud of fluid bursts up where she lands. The bottom part of the room now features a rocky outcropping from the ceiling, as well as a Green Hatch blocking access to the next room. Under normal circumstances, this hatch cannot be opened until a short time later. If Super Missiles have been acquired early, Samus can bypass the upper part of the room altogether. Jumping up to the outcropping and proceeding up (after a screen transition) takes Samus to the cavern's upper shaft.
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Imago's hideout[]
Imago's hideout is the nesting chamber of Imago in Ridley's Lair. While its location remains the same in Metroid: Zero Mission, the design and role of Imago's hideout is thoroughly overhauled in this remake. In a normal playthrough, it is necessary to enter Imago's hideout in order to progress through Ridley's Lair, since this is where Samus can obtain her first Super Missile. While still connected to the same room as in Metroid, the main entrance to Imago's hideout is now through a tunnel in Norfair, where the Kiru Giru larva burrowed after being freed from Tangle Vines.
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Hall of pillars[]
The "hall of pillars" is a room in Ridley. It appears, with some differences, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room is roughly the same in length as the original game and the architecture's green color is retained. It is now set in what are likely Chozo ruins, with multiple buttresses and broken columns visible in the background. The lava now engulfs the entire room, but is still at a safe enough level that Samus cannot be engulfed by it. There are fewer pillars, with three of the five in the room being indestructible, and the remaining two made of Fake Blocks. While there is no longer an overly tall pillar blocking the exit anymore, and Samus can jump over all pillars, it can still be preferable to use the tunnel under the floor. The entrance to it is once again found in the floor beside a short bridge over lava. The tunnel has a noticeable grate over it in the foreground.
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Artificial Passage[]
The Artificial Passage is a room in Ridley's Lair/Ridley. It appears in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the bricks in the upper half of the room now have a smoother, mauve and purple appearance, and the drop is concealed behind an illusory floor. The raised section at the bottom of the (shorter) shaft is now a dark pink, with parts of the walls being purple. The lava is also absent. Unlike in the original Metroid, there is no door on the bottom right, and it is possible to get back up to the top of the shaft via the Turbo Bomb and (later) the Space Jump. It is also possible to grab the upper ledges, making it much easier to go across the top floor of this room.
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Pronged hall[]
The "pronged hall" is a short room located between the upper left half of the Artificial Passage and the shaft of doom. Half of the room's ceiling and floor is grey, and the other is green. Two partially collapsed pillars, a common fixture throughout Ridley, are present in the background. It is divided in half by a large wall with a Bomb Block at the base on each side.
Destroying these releases a large group of Multiviolas, which can overwhelm Samus if she does not kill them quickly. Rolling into the wall through the openings reveals that it is illusionary, and only a pair of ceiling pillars ("prongs") remains. Samus can use this room to get to the other side of the Artificial Passage for its Energy Tank, if she fell through the false floor.
See here for the room's equivalent in Metroid.
Path over lava[]
The "path over lava" is a room in Ridley's Lair/Ridley. It appears, with differences, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room's appearance has been altered significantly. It is now a straightforward corridor over a larger pool of lava, and is superheated. Therefore, if Samus has skipped obtaining the Varia Suit it will not be safe for her to progress through this room. The Dessgeegas remain, but the Violas have been replaced by a pair of Holtz. Ruins including brick walls and buttresses can be seen in the background, as well as two supports for the bridge-floor within the lava. The entire bridge is made of Fake Blocks, making it unsafe for Samus to use Bombs against the enemies.
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Shaft of doom[]
The "shaft of doom" is a room in Ridley. It appears, with differences, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, it is now mandatory to explore this room in the normal course of events, unless Super Missiles are acquired early (therefore allowing Samus to skip fighting the Imago). Unlike the original game, there are fewer enemies and more platforms and ledges. These make it much easier to climb up the shaft, no longer necessitating backtracking to previous rooms. The shaft's architecture is much more clearly of Chozo origin and exits into more rooms, including a Save Room, the Ridley Map Room and a new room with two expansions.
The walls and floors are now a dark pink and purple, and the pillars in midair have a fuschia color. Ruins including columns in threes can be seen extending into the background. Halfway along the shaft, the open space turns into a small crevice that the Morph Ball can fit through, leading to an overhang and a pedestal beside it with a Missile Tank on top.
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Save Room 2[]
"Save Room 2" is the second Save Room in Ridley. It is accessible from the left side of the shaft of doom, and leads to a dead end.
Ridley's maze[]
"Ridley's maze" is a room in Ridley. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. It did not exist in the original Metroid. This room is found in the bottom left corner of Ridley. It is comprised of the same light purple architecture as much of the rest of the lair, with red-tinted ruins (likely of Chozo origin) in the background. It can only be accessed by breaking through a floor of Boost Blocks in the previous room, which requires running into it with the Speed Booster from another hallway.
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Map Room[]
The Map Room provides Samus with an opportunity to download a map of Ridley. It connects to the shaft of doom and Zebbo Nest and can be accessed from either end. The downloaded map reveals most of the area, except for secret rooms such as Ridley's maze, the chain reaction chamber and Ridley's runway.
Zebbo Nest[]
The Zebbo Nest is a long corridor that runs through the bottom of Ridley's Lair in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, where Imago's hideout was redesigned, the Zebbo Nest is more unique in layout.
Notably, there are hidden passages in the ceiling, masked by bluish-purple grating. Samus can run through these walkyways to put more space between herself and the Zebbos' Air Holes, making the room somewhat easier to traverse. In Zero Mission, these flat walkways are long enough to activate the Speed Booster; this is required for Shinespark puzzles in the vertical shafts on either side of the Zebbo's Nest. Samus can also use a Shinespark to easily launch straight through the Zebbo Nest.
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Save Room 3[]
"Save Room 3" is the third Save Room in Ridley. It is accessible from the left side of the Zebbo Nest, and leads into Ridley's rightmost shaft.
Ridley's rightmost shaft[]
"Ridley's rightmost shaft" is a room in Ridley's Lair/Ridley. It appears, with differences, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the shaft is much more sparsely populated and has fewer platforms. It is now constructed from pink and purple building material. By normal means it is one of the last rooms visited in Ridley's Lair, due to the game's main path going left from the Eerie Cave rather than right. However, through a shortcut in the room to the right of the Eerie Cave, Samus can visit this room first. Otherwise, she will visit the room on her way to Ridley and when leaving the lair after his defeat. When climbing over a midair wall near the top of the room, Samus drops through a Pit Block onto a small bridge. Laying a Bomb on this bridge will reveal it is composed of Bomb Blocks, underneath which is a line of more Pit Blocks. Samus can drop through these into the shaft below.
The room's size and purpose have been expanded in the remake. In addition to the original four rooms it led to in Metroid, it now features two hidden hallways in the right wall. These each have a door leading into new rooms with expansions. Samus can access the lowest one by running through the Zebbo Nest until her Speed Booster activates, Shinesparking in the next room, a Save Room, and then quickly jumping up to the first midair platform near the base of this shaft. From here, she must Shinespark into the right wall to enter the first secret passage.
As she is returning from the first secret room in the mentioned passage, Samus can Shinespark upwards where a notch in the ceiling exists. This takes her into a second hidden passage, with an exit into another room. To re-enter the shaft, Samus must build up speed in that room and Shinespark through the wall on her left in this room.
Connecting rooms
Chain reaction chamber[]
The "chain reaction chamber" is a room in Ridley. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. It did not exist in Metroid. This is a new room in Ridley found within the right wall of the lair's rightmost shaft. To enter it, Samus must build up her Speed Booster in the Zebbo Nest, Shinespark toward the sloped floor in the subsequent Save Room, and quickly jump up to a midair platform in the shaft, then finally Shinespark into the wall on the right. Doing that leads to a passage into this room. If the Speed Booster has been skipped, likely on Low Percent Runs, then it is impossible to visit this room.
The chamber is devoid of enemies. Initially, it appears as a corridor with a low-hanging ceiling and a pillar hanging near the right end. Samus must run from the hidden passage in the previous room into this chamber until her Speed Booster activates, crouch to enable a Shinespark, quickly roll underneath the pillar and Shinespark up. At the top, she must grab the ledge next to her and pull herself above it, entering Morph Ball mode in the process. Samus must lay a Bomb to destroy a block beside her. This begins a chain reaction of a series of Bomb Blocks rapidly exploding. The explosion leaves two pillars, including one in front of the Missile Tank itself, and a small midair duo of two blocks that are Pit Blocks with delayed crumbling. The entire floor below is made of Pit Blocks, which means that if Samus falls through them, she must start the puzzle over.
While the Space Jump helps in obtaining the tank, Samus can collect it without the upgrade providing she carefully navigates the line of Bomb Blocks as they explode with the help of her Power Grip and by Wall Jumping. Once Samus reaches the pillar in front of the Missile Tank and scales it, she can drop down to obtain the tank. Underneath it is a Pit Block that she can drop through to reach the entrance.
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Ridley's runway[]
"Ridley's runway" is a room in Ridley. It appears in Metroid: Zero Mission. It did not exist in Metroid. This is a new room in Ridley found within the right wall of the lair's rightmost shaft. To enter it, Samus must build up her Speed Booster in the Zebbo Nest and maintain a Shinespark through the Save Room, before quickly Shinesparking into the wall in the rightmost shaft, beside the first midair platform. Continuing into the "chain reaction chamber", Samus must again activate her Speed Booster and return the way she came, then Shinespark into the ceiling of the shaft where there is a divot. This will bring Samus into another passage leading into the runway room. If the Speed Booster has been skipped (for example, in a Low Percent Run) then Samus cannot visit either room.
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Middle corridor[]
The middle corridor, also known as the middle passage is a room in Ridley's Lair/Ridley. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. The room's appearance is changed in Zero Mission, and it no longer has the wall diving the room in half. It is now entirely constructed from dark pink and purple Chozo architecture, while retaining the large number of Air Holes and enemies, this time reduced to only Dessgeegas. There are now three drops in the room, above which are destructible floors. The rightmost floor is a trap, and falling into it causes Samus to fall through Pit Blocks into a Zebbo Nest below. The second floor is positioned above a small pool of lava, should Samus fall into it she can jump to a ledge to the right, roll underneath a row of pink tiles and use a Bomb to expose a hidden shaft through a fake Air Hole. The third floor guards another lava pool, but also a Missile Tank.
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Cache 1[]
"Cache 1" is a small room located between the middle corridor and the upper gambit shaft. It did not previously exist in Metroid. much of the room's walls consist of damaged grating, with multiple torn holes throughout them. When Samus enters the room, she must climb over a wall in Morph Ball form and roll into a constricting tunnel, atop which is a pedestal with a Missile Tank. Laying a Bomb removes a row of destructible blocks and allows Samus to access the tank. The item is surrounded by four Multiviolas. After this, Samus can jump to a ledge on the left and destroy a pillar above with a Bomb, then jump up two more ledges to reach a tunnel obstructed by a Super Missile Block. Through here is a midair cube made of Bomb Blocks, which explode in a spiraling pattern when detonated. The very last block contains a Super Missile Tank.
Gambit shaft[]
The "gambit shaft" is a room in Ridley's Lair. It appears, with differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the shaft is shorter, but slightly easier to navigate. The walls are now of solid construction, made of dark pink and purple walls. At the bottom of the shaft is a small bridge over an empty gap, with the lava no longer present. Hanging from the ceiling are two short pillars, with a midair pedestal in between them, atop which is a Missile Tank. A line of Pit Blocks is below this. To get the tank, Samus can freeze one of two Violas crawling along the midair pedestal and jump off of it onto the tank. If Samus runs in from either room on the bottom left or right until her Speed Booster is activated, she can Shinespark up through the top right ledge to get back to the top of the shaft quickly. With the exception of "Cache Access", every room the shaft connects to is new in Zero Mission.
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Cache Access[]
"Cache Access" is a straightforward corridor, accessible from the gambit shaft. Unlike the original game, it is most likely visited from that room first, rather than the other way around. The door that led into it from the Artificial Passage has been removed, and it leads into Cache 2. In terms of appearance, the lower part of the room is filled with lava, although it poses no threat to Samus. Her primary obstacle in the room is a group of Dessgeegas.
See here for the room's equivalent in Metroid.
Cache 2[]
"Cache 2" is another new room in Zero Mission. It contains two expansions, including a Super Missile Tank in plain sight. Once Samus collects it, she can jump into a hidden ledge in the right part of the ceiling which is lower. This is revealed to be an illusion disguising a pillar-like ledge. Samus can morph into a small crevice between the pillar and the ceiling to find a path to an upper part of the room. Shooting a block directly above Samus reveals a Missile Tank. After this, she can continue into the next room.
Cache 3[]
"Cache 3" is the third and final cache room in Ridley. This room features two midair block platforms with thin gaps around them, some of which Samus can only fit into with her Morph Ball. It contains two Missile Tanks. The first Tank is the easiest to acquire, first by shooting Fake Blocks in the side of the first midair platform and rolling under it, then jumping atop the platform. Samus must then fall down the right side of the platforms, quickly shooting into the wall underneath the door to expose a Fake Block in front of the second tank. She must quickly grab the ledge before she falls through a pair of Pit Blocks directly underneath, and roll into the crevice with the item. Should Samus fall through the Pit Blocks without collecting it, she can make use of a Morph Ball launcher in the bottom right corner of the room to blast back up to the top, and try again. She can also use it after collecting the item in order to get back to the exit and leave.
Sloped passage[]
The "sloped passage" is a new room in Zero Mission. It is a long corridor between the lower gambit shaft and the Multiviola Nest. As the name implies, there is a large hill in the floor that descends into a slope. A large wall is found on the right side of the room, with its lower half partially made of Boost Blocks. The upper half is barricaded with Fake Blocks, allowing for passage from the other side and so that Samus can still get through this room if the Speed Booster is skipped. Within the Boost Block wall is a group of Holtz, Violas and Multiviolas clustered together. By running through the room with the Speed Booster active, Samus will blast through the lower wall and destroy these enemies with ease.
Multiviola Nest[]
The Multiviola Nest is a room in Ridley's Lair in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the Multiviola Nest ironically no longer has Multiviolas, and it is much shorter in length due to the addition of a new room to the left. The pillars have been removed as well. Three Air Holes are home to Zebbos, while three Holtz lurk above. The right end of the room is blocked off by a Pit Block, so Samus can only fully traverse the room from left to right; if she enters through the Blue Door on the right, she is stopped by a dead end. Additionally, falling into one of the pits in the room directly above will drop her into the right side of the Multiviola Nest.
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Save Room 4[]
"Save Room 4" is the fourth and final Save Room in Ridley. It is located between the gambit shaft and Ridley's room access. Use of it is recommended ahead of the Ridley battle.
Ridley's room access[]
"Ridley's room access" is a corridor in Ridley's Lair and Norfair. It appears in Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission and Super Metroid, and directly precedes the room containing Ridley himself. Each iteration has differences in design. In the remake Metroid: Zero Mission, Ridley's room access has been altered in design. The room is constructed from sand-purple blocks, with large columns and arches of ancient temple ruins in the background. It is possible these are of Chozo origin, and if so, it may suggest they once had a presence in this area. The room is no longer a corridor and is instead a larger room with a higher ceiling. All enemies have been removed, with the only hostile (aside from a Gadora guarding the door) being Geegas that spawn infinitely from an Air Hole in the floor.
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Ridley's room[]
Ridley's room is the room where Ridley is battled in his lair. In the remake Metroid: Zero Mission, Ridley's room is found in the same place as the original game, but its design has been notably changed. The room is constructed from sand-purple blocks, with large columns of ancient temple ruins in the background. The room has a much higher ceiling than before, with the creature-like decorations completely absent.
When Samus Aran first enters the boss arena, she finds that it is completely empty. Without interference, she can cross a bridge over lava and enter the next room, which contains the unknown Gravity Suit and an Energy Tank. However, when Samus returns to this room, the doors lock, trapping her inside. Ridley swoops down from above, and as the boss battle begins, the ends of the bridge crumble away, exposing the lava on either side of the chamber much like the original game.
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Ridley's reliquary[]
"Ridley's reliquary" is a room in Ridley. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, a remake of Metroid, the Silence theme plays in this room, which it does not for the other two games. The room's layout has been significantly altered. It no longer contains lava or enemies, instead being a long corridor with pink and purple tiles, and what appears to be a brick wall and aqueduct-like structure in the background. On Samus's first visit to Ridley's room, he is not there, but he appears once she has explored the reliquary. A rugged Chozo Statue is present here, and holds the third Unknown Item, later revealed to be the Gravity Suit. Collecting it enables Samus to shoot the Chozo Block behind it, and morph into its hands to replenish her energy and Missile Ammo. She can walk past the statue through the wall to obtain an Energy Tank on a pedestal.
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Ridley's shortcut[]
"Ridley's shortcut" is a room in Ridley. It appears, with significant differences between versions, in Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. In Zero Mission, the room has been significantly updated and is somewhat easier to navigate. It now consists of architectural ruins above a shallow pool of lava, with only a few pits that Samus can fall into. A barrier is now present in front of the first half of the room, seemingly making it a one-way corridor. To get past it, Samus must fire at a Missile Block in the ceiling above the door. This opens a hidden vertical tunnel that ends in a Pit Block and allows Samus to navigate to the other side. Using this, it is possible to skip the Imago battle, which Samus would face in the Eerie Cave's other direction.
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