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List of rooms in Metroid Fusion
Main Deck • Sector 1 (SRX) • Sector 2 (TRO) • Sector 3 (PYR) • Sector 4 (AQA) • Sector 5 (ARC) • Sector 6 (NOC)
All the rooms in Metroid Fusion have explicit identification numbers visible through access with the Debug Menu. Within the Debug Menu, the values "H" and "G" are used to represent Samus's location on the BSL Station. The "H" Value represents which room Samus is located in, and the "G" value is used to represent the entrance Samus used in order to access the room. For the purposes of this list, the "H" value of the room will be listed first, followed by the "G" value of the first entry into a room, then the "G" values of other entrances in order of normal availability to the player. For example, the Operations Deck would be listed as "H014-G141 (G065, G027, G022, G193)".
If a proper name for the room exists, that name will be put first, followed by the room's "GH" value. Then a short description of the room will be given, possibly with a picture, as to allow for identification of the room. If the "G" value has a Security Lock over the Hatch, the "G" value will be labelled by a color corresponding to the Security Level if the door has a security level greater than 0. If a latent ability is required to use the entrance, an abbreviation for the upgrade will be placed next to the "G" value of the room, such as PB for Power Bomb or MB for Morph Ball. A majority of the room names are unofficial.
Elevator 1[]
Room ID: h001-g000, h042-g000 (possible glitched values)

Transport to Main Deck.

- The Navigation Room for Sector 1 (SRX).
Save Room 1[]

Recharge Room 1[]

Sector 1 Main Hall[]

Room ID: h
- g
- g
- g
- g
The Main Hall of Sector 1. Contains three Zombie Researchers as well as four doors leading into other parts of the facility. Two of the doors are locked by a high level of security, and the rooms behind these hatches cannot be accessed on the first visit into Sector 1 (SRX).
SRX Entrance Hall[]

Room ID: h004-g009 (g010)
This hall connects the Main lobby of Sector 1 to the main bulk of the facility. Five Yamebas are present upon entering the room but almost immediately 2 X Parasites from outside the room enter and attach themselves to one of the smaller Yamebas, increasing said Yameba's size. Should Samus interfere, both outside X may latch onto the same Yameba, causing an even larger growth to form.
Upon first visit, a Geron blocks the rightmost doorway and must be destroyed in order to continue into the Sector any further.
Environmental hall[]

A simple hall with the eastern portion slightly elevated. An Energy Tank is located in a small tunnel near the east door. Samus can fire at a shootable block to locate the tunnel entrance, then use her Morph Ball to retrieve it.
This room contains 5 Hornoads. If two are destroyed within the same timeframe, their X parasites will form into a Halzyn, up to two present. On subsequent visits after restoring the 5 atmospheric stabilizers, the room will house 3 Hornoads and 2 Halzyn, with one additional Halzyn able to spawn from free roaming X-Parasites.
- Room ID: H06-
- g013 (left door)
- g014 (right door)
Environmental cavern 1[]

The first room to house an X infected Atmospheric Stabilizer. It is also the first room Samus explores within Sector 1 to contain a SR388 cavern-like environment. After Samus obtains the Screw Attack, a discarded Metroid Husk is present in the room, near the east door.
- Gallery
Junction divide[]

This room is made up of two portions: the mid-sized shaft at the top of the room connecting to other rooms, and a single hallway below the shaft floor containing a shutter, connecting two rooms.
Junction Shaft[]

Northeast Save Room[]

A Save Room located northeast of Sector 1. A crack in the right wall is visible, and when shot at, reveals a small tunnel Samus can enter to a hidden room.
Environmental cavern 2[]

A large cave reminiscent of the SR388 ecosystem. It houses the second Atmospheric Stabilizer. This room is located out of the way from the general path and cam be visited before or after obtaining the Charge Beam.
This room contains Hornoads.
Rocky Road[]

A long bumpy cavern connecting the northeastern sector to its northwestern portion. Samus simply runs through here, avoiding or eliminating the X-Infected enemies along the way. The long road is useful for activating the Speed Booster.
During the Atmospheric Stabilizer crisis, this room contains 3 Motos. Each time a Moto is destroyed, another one has a chance to spawn, up to 3 additional Motos (there will only ever be 3 Motos present at one time in the room). After all 5 Atmospheric Stabilizers are clear, the room will instead house 3 Hornoad and 3 Halzyn.
West Maintenance Shaft[]

A maintenance shaft connecting between three rooms; two at top and one below. This is the first room where Samus encounters X-Infected Zebesians, crawling and jumping along the walls of the shaft. When Samus is at the top of the room, 2 flashing X Parasites immediately launch themselves to the top-right wall underneath the above right door and form into a wall-crawling Zebesian right before Samus's eyes.
Magma Cavern[]

A large room halfway filled with a pit of lava. Three Missile Tanks are housed within this large cave. The first one can be obtained by using the monkey bars on the room's roof. A second one is further west, requiring a Shinespark charged up from the Rocky Road. A third one is hidden in a small alcove buried inside the lava, requiring either the Gravity Suit or at least three Energy Tanks with quick movements to enter and escape.
A hidden door is located underneath the lava leading into a smaller room. This can be a shortcut between the Sector 1 elevator and half of the sector.
Western cave[]

A cave located west of Sector 1. Nothing of important appears inside it. The floor can be shootable, discovering a pool of magma. This pool hides a doorway to the lower floors of Sector 1. A secret doorway is located west, behind a wall of Screw Attack blocks. This door leads to a transport tube.
- Gallery

A short uneven maintenance hallway with a yellow striped platform in the center. Sounds can be heard as Samus passes through the hall.
In reality, this hall contains an access to a much lower elevation. Samus discovers this as she exits the Tourian-like area into the bottom of this room. Using her Space Jump, she reaches upward to the hall, where the yellow floor is at (revealed to be a platform lift locked in place). Samus breaks the platform using her Screw Attack and continues to move through the above Sector 1 grounds.
This room contains 4 wall-crawling Zebesians.
Environmental cavern 3[]

The third large cave housing an atmospheric stabilizer. A large Hornoad housed pit is located westward. Samus uses monkey bars and jumping to avoid falling in.
Cavern junction West[]

A small cave connecting two rooms together. It contains one X-Infected Sciser and a small pool of water.
Environmental cavern 4[]

A large cavern housing an atmospheric stabilizer. This room appears narrower at first but is wider open near the atmosphere stabilizer.
During the stabilizer incident, there is Hornoads present. When Samus returns to this room after obtaining the Screw Attack, a discarded molted Metroid shell can be found on the lower elevation floor. Notably as this is present, the X Spawner and accompanying Hornoads also appear to be absent, leaving the room free of any lifeforms.
- Gallery
Cavern cache a[]

A small wet cave with one Sciser on the wall and a Missile tank at the end of the room on the west wall.
Cavern junction East[]

A small cave connecting two rooms via a bumpy pathway. Contains one rhino enemy. If visited after obtaining the Screw Attack, the enemy will be gone, and a discarded Metroid larvae shell will be present, signifying that the latter successfully ate the former.
- Gallery
Ladder shaft[]

An Eastern maintenance shaft with ladders and platforms. Contains 5 wall-crawling Zebesians.
Flooded Cavern[]

A long cavern partially flooded with water. Contains numerous Scisers. When Samus first enters the room, she reaches a dead end. Samus must fire at the wall with her beam until she hits a fake block, revealing a small tunnel. Samus can reveal this tunnel by climbing on the ladder overhead or firing from the water below. Three fake block total must be shot. Samus must climb from the water below using a tall jump that will barely allow her to grip the edge of the tunnel, then pull up to use Morph Ball and continue through.
The room houses 3 Sciser present and three uninfected Sciser in the background. When the two X infected Sciser at top are eliminated, their X Parasites will go after the rightmost uninfected Sciser first, then the middle one next. The left Sciser-X always goes for the left uninfected Sciser if present.
Tall access shaft[]

Tall room where Samus falls through crumble blocks to the floor. A Gadora is present. Samus can return here with bombs, speed booster, or the Screw attack to reveal a hidden doorway to an adjacent room.
Flooded shaft[]

A hidden cavern located southeast of the shaft leading into Elephant Bird's room. This room can be uncovered by destroying the wall of 2 bombable blocks. It is a tall narrow room with much of it below the open doorway flooded underwater. One X infected Sciser is present, lined on a wall underwater.
This room houses a Power Bomb Tank. To obtain it, Samus needs at least the Gravity Suit. First, she must build up a Shinespark all the way from the nearby West Save room, then running through the Hornoad hall and nearby shaft into the Flooded Cavern, Samus must build up a Shinespark just before reaching the water's edge. Samus must then quickly dive down into the water without releasing the Shinespark, killing the Sciser immediately as its contact damage will remove the Shinespark (this is best achieved by using the Wave Beam or the Screw Attack). Once at the bottom of the shaft, she must walk a few steps forward and release the Shinespark upward, breaking Speed Booster blocks above if done correctly. The Power Bomb tank is hidden left inside the small roof cave inside a wall. The Wave Beam or Power bombs can uncover its location with ease.
Elephant Bird's Room[]
Main article: Elephant Bird's room
Escape roof[]

A room northeast above the Elephant Bird room. If Samus fires at a certain west wall using Missiles, she can uncover a secret tunnel.
Cavern Cache B[]

A Sciser filled hidden room containing a Missile Tank.
Environmental cavern 5[]

A large cavern housing an atmospheric stabilizer, located on the path past the Charge Beam boss. Samus can use her Charge Beam at point blank to pierce through the shielded Geron and inflict damage. Doing so saves her a walk down the lower west portion of the room. Using this technique, the Geron explodes in roughly 4 charge shots.
SRX exit hall[]

A simple hall containing a Shutter. This essentially acts at the exit to Sector 1 (SRX) as it places Samus closer to the Main halls.
Cavern cache C[]

A dead-end empty room accessed via a level 2 security hatch. When Samus explores this room using the Screw Attack, an extended roof is uncovered, revealing a Power Bomb tank and a door east leading to a transport tube. A X-rally point is present in the room despite there being no enemies present at all.
Restricted Junction Shaft[]

Service Elevator to Main Deck[]

Room ID: h032-g064 (h032-g065)
The Service Elevator is a secret elevator leading into the Main Deck and, more specifically, the Restricted Laboratory. Samus initially rides this unmarked elevator from the Main Deck side and exits through the door to the right leading into the rest of Sector 1 after the Restricted Laboratory's detachment from the Research Station.
Once this door is passed, Sector 3 Restore the Cooling Installation Timer Mission begins to play throughout the rest of the rooms until the next boss, then it returns until Samus uplinks within a Navigation Room.
Underground hall[]
A large maze like room connecting the secret Service Elevator to a Tourian-like replica area. This room contains rippers and .
There is an Energy Tank hidden inside a central wall near the ripper shaft. Samus can uncover it by firing at a wall or nearby highest elevation ripper using Diffusion Missiles, for it is concealed behind Missile blocks.
Divided hallway[]

A two-piece room divided by a bombable wall. The door to the left room is locked, and plenty of wall crawling creatures reside below Samus. Using her Wave Beam and Power Bombs, Samus eliminates enough of the creatures to allow the X parasites to fly toward the same elevation as Samus. From there, two X form into a Gold Zebesian. If either the Gold Zebesian is defeated or there is at least four free roaming X-Parasites available in the room in one timeframe, a second Gold Zebesian will spawn and can appear alongside the first one to cause double trouble to Samus. Samus must eliminate both Gold Zebesians (separately or simultaneously) in order for the left door lock to be unlocked.
- Connecting rooms
- Room ID:
Tourian Shutter Hall[]

A simple hallway containing a heavy Shutter. Samus uses her Wave Beam to open it.
Tourian Escape Shaft[]

Acid Lake[]

Room ID: h037-g008 (g007)
The Acid Lake is a long corridor filled with Beta Acid running underneath Sector 1 (SRX) within the Tourian-like areas. It contains 5 Rippers separated from one another and one shutter blocking access to a tunnel leading out of the Tourian-like area and into the SR388-like caves. Samus must cross this lake using her Screw Attack to break some of the walls while carefully avoiding the Beta Acid, then fire off her Wave Beam at the shutter lock to escape the Tourian-like area. The Rippers pose little threat as they can easily be dispatched using the Screw Attack.
This room bears a curious resemblance to the Zebesian Command Center. It is possible that this room was in the construction of becoming a copy of one.
Corrosive Pool[]
Room ID:
A simple spacious hall comprised of small platforms about a lake of acid. The room contains multiple Yameba.
Tourian Service Entrance[]

Room ID:
This is the official first room Samus enters to bear the Tourian theme aboard the B.S.L. When she enters, Sector 3 Restore the Cooling Installation Timer Mission plays throughout the rest of her mission until the next boss, then returns until she uplinks at a Navigation Room.
Samus must navigate through this room during her escape from the aftermath of the jettisoned Restricted Lab. Contains Rippers and Gerubus an and an Energy Tank, the latter can be obtained in a wall near the center of the room using Diffusion Missiles.
Tourian Main Plaza[]

Room ID:
This room connects to many other Tourian-like rooms throughout the facility. There is a hidden entrance into a Basement Storage located below the center of the ground floor.
A Zebesian is present at the top. To reach a blocked off doorway, Samus must fire at Missile blocks or hit the nearby wall or blocks directly using Diffusion Missiles.
Conjunction Hall[]
Room ID:
This hallway serves as one connecting area between Sector 1 rooms. Upon the first few visits, there is no enemies in Samus's way as she travels to restore the stabilization units. Later on after Samus restores her Screw Attack, she comes through this room via a secret entrance hatch located deep below the main hall of this room. Eliminating the Wall-crawling Zebesians in her way, she then returns to the main upper hall using her space Jump and Screw Attacking through a breakable platform (which appears to be a lift between elevations judging by the background workings).
Deep Vault Access Hall[]

Room ID:
This hallway is littered with Rippers and Beta Acid, leading to the depths of the Tourian-like facility. A Gadora lays attached to a door on the left side of the room.
- Gallery
Deep Vault[]
Room ID:
Main article: Neo-Ridley's room
This is a large storage like room located within the depths of the Tourian-like area. It is in this room where the Core-X that absorbed the frozen corpse of Ridley's Clone is housed, in a dried up stasis. Once Samus enters this room she plummets straight down and immediately notices the dried corpse and as she approaches, it awakens and transforms into an altered version of her nemesis. After the ensuing battle, the Core-X is defeated and absorbed into Samus's suit, gaining her the Screw Attack. She then exits out of this room the same way she came in (using her space Jump).
This room contains only the primary boss of Sector 1 (SRX), Neo-Ridley and its accompanying Core-X, which possess the Screw Attack. This room is built under a similar fashion as Ridley's room from super Metroid, albeit without a horizontal platform near the ground elevation and no connecting room leftward. In earlier beta builds, this room had blue tinted lighting as opposed to the final's red tinted lighting.
Zebesian Prison[]

Room ID:
A dead-end room containing only five floor crawlers. Shooting enough of them and leaving at least two free roaming X-parasites present within the same timeframe allows for a Gold Zebesian to spawn. Besides these creatures, this room serves no significance other than for Samus to restore her Energy and Missile supply for the upcoming battle against a Gadora and the Sector Boss.
Sector 1 (SRX) Save Station 3[]
Room ID:
Sector 1 Tunnel to Sector 2[]

Room ID: h049-
- g103 = Door to Northeast cavern
- g104 = Tubeway to Sector 2 (TRO)
This is a transport tube connecting Sector 1 to Sector 2 (TRO), accessed from the roof of a Northeastern cavern in Sector 1 by use of Screw Attack.
Sector 1 Tunnel to Sector 3[]

Room ID: h050-
- g105 = door to Sector 1 West lava cavern
- g107 = tubeway to Sector 3 (PYR))
This is a transport tube connecting Sector 1 to Sector 3 (PYR), located behind a wall of Screw Attack blocks inside a West lava cave in Sector 1.
Save Shaft[]

Room ID: h051-g109 MB
A hidden room located behind the Northeastern Save Room. The tall shaft houses one Missile Expansion at its top. On first visit into the Sector, Samus can use her wall jumping techniques to reach it. Otherwise, Samus can simply wait until she has the Space Jump to obtain it.
Samus wall jumping in this room is shown during the game's Attract mode.
Tourian Storage Hall[]

Room ID: h052-
- g111 = large hole in roof
- g112 = Level 0 Hatch to Storage Room
The Storage Hall is an optional hidden room located underneath the Tourian Main Shaft. As she falls, Samus notices a locked hatch to her right and a long dead-end hall to her left leading to a trapped Yard in the center. to unlock the door to her right, Samus must eliminate the Yard and allow its X Parasite to freely roam until it transforms into a Gerubus, then defeat the Gerubus and allow both X Parasites to freely roam and combine themselves to transform into a Gold Space Pirate. Defeating the Gold Pirate will unlock the door to the next room. Samus can escape this room using her Space Jump into the large hole in the ceiling.
Tourian Storage Room[]

Room ID: h053-g113
The Storage Room is a small optional room hidden within the Tourian-like area of Sector 1 (SRX). Samus can reach it through a hidden floor opening in a certain previous room, then defeat a Gold Space Pirate within the previous room to unlock the doorway connecting to the Storage Room. This room contains a single Power Bomb Tank within easily accessible reach.
List of rooms in Metroid Fusion
Main Deck • Sector 1 (SRX) • Sector 2 (TRO) • Sector 3 (PYR) • Sector 4 (AQA) • Sector 5 (ARC) • Sector 6 (NOC)