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List of rooms in Metroid Fusion

All the rooms in Metroid Fusion have explicit identification numbers visible through access with the Debug Menu. Within the Debug Menu, the values "H" and "G" are used to represent Samus's location on the BSL Station. The "H" Value represents which room Samus is located in, and the "G" value is used to represent the entrance Samus used in order to access the room. For the purposes of this list, the "H" value of the room will be listed first, followed by the "G" value of the first entry into a room, then the "G" values of other entrances in order of normal availability to the player. For example, the Operations Deck would be listed as "H014-G141 (G065, G027, G022, G193)".

If a proper name for the room exists, that name will be put first, followed by the room's "GH" value. Then a short description of the room will be given, possibly with a picture, as to allow for identification of the room. If the "G" value has a Security Lock over the Hatch, the "G" value will be labelled by a color corresponding to the Security Level if the door has a security level greater than 0. If a latent ability is required to use the entrance, an abbreviation for the upgrade will be placed next to the "G" value of the room, such as PB for Power Bomb or MB for Morph Ball. A majority of the room names are unofficial.

For Sector 3, the names of all Ultra-Heated rooms will be highlighted in Orange.

Elevator 3[]

Room ID: ???


Transport to Main Deck. Bears the PYR theme color of red.

• None
Connecting rooms
Elevator 3 (elevator)
Sector Navigation Room (gray hatch)

Navigation Room Station 3[]

Room ID: h003-g041 (g007)

The Navigaton Room for Sector 3 (PYR). Notable missions include the order to both unlock Level 2 Security Hatches and download the Super Missile Data, and restore the cooling unit in Sector 3's Main Boiler (this briefing is initially heard in Sector 5 (ARC), but can also be commented on here).

Sector 3 Main Save Station[]

Room ID: h002-g006 (g005)

The main Save Station of Sector 3. Leads to the Navigation Room (left door) and the Recharge room (right door).

Recharge Station 3[]

Room ID: h027-go51 (g052)

The main Recharge room of Sector 3. Connects to the Save Room (left door) and the Main Hall (right Door).

Sector 3 Main Research Hall[]

Room ID: h001-g001 (g002, g003, g004:MB/Screw Attack tunnel)

Fiery Hall[]

Room ID:

An ultra-heated hallway that runs underneath the Sector 3 Elevator and Station facilities. Contains small pools of lava and monkey bars to travel over them. This room is entirely optional to explore, as upon the first visit, Samus will receive damage from the room's high heat temperatures, leaving her forced to turn back in the meantime. Samus can wait until she has acquired the Varia Suit to explore, or she can return here once she has the Gravity Suit for further protection against the fires.

The adjacent room towards the West is not ultra-heated so Samus can travel thru here and back if she has enough Energy Tanks at her disposal (before obtaining the Varia Suit). Alternatively, it is possible to build up a Shinespark in both adjacent rooms and use it to fire straight towards the doors of this room. A Shinespark will minimize the amount of damage Samus receives from the heat of this room as she speeds across the room.

This room contains

Sector 3 Storage Vault[]

PYR Storage (Full)

Room ID: h029-g056 (g087: Secret access to Transport Tube)


PYR Security Hall[]

PYR Security Hall (Full)

Room ID:

A small dead-end room, but in reality, the wall is made up of Speed Booster blocks, revealing to be actually a long hallway leading to a Level 2 Security Door. A tunnel above the Door can be accessed using the Speed Booster, the tunnel will then reveal itself to be a hidden tunnel leading directly into the Level 2 Security room.

Initially this room has no enemies, but X Parasites will spawn once the Green Hatches have been unlocked.

A Missile Expansion can be acquired, hidden underneath a walkway close to the open door. Samus merely needs to fire her beam at a few blocks on the floor, then fire at the wall to reveal the hidden missile Expansion.

This room's layout was altered in the prototype. There was originally a hidden ladder that allowed Samus to escape. In the final, an extra ledge is placed instead to make the climb back up more easier.

Security Room Level 2[]

Security Room 2

Room ID:

Auxiliary Save Room[]

Room ID:

Auxiliary Recharge Station[]

Energy Station PYR

Room ID:

Molten Lake[]

Room ID:

Molten Shaft[]

Room ID:

This room has a Power Bomb Expansion hidden underneath a lava-filled maze.

Molten Hall[]

Room ID:

A small connecting room. 4 Zolas patrol the roof, bombarding the floor area with their dropped flames.

This room contains 4 X-infected Zolas. 2 additional Zolas may spawn if any free-roaming X parasites are present.

Boiler Entry Shaft[]

Room ID:

A tall room leading to the Main Boiler. Samus must use her Ice Missiles here to proceed further towards the top-right Door.

This room contains

Hot Zone[]

Room ID:

A large ultra-heated room on the path to the Main Boiler. Features many enemies present and platforms.

This room contains

Main Boiler Access[]

Main Boiler Access

Room ID: h017-

  • g032: To the large ultra-heated room (right Door)
  • g033: To the Main Boiler (left Door)

A small ultra-heated room leading to the Main Boiler. One Zola patrols a platform of three hidden Pit Blocks suspended above a small puddle of lava, while another Zola disperses flames from above this room.

This room contains only 2 Zolas.

Main Boiler[]

Room ID: h030-g072 (g073)

Main article: Main Boiler

The Main Boiler is a large room housing power to the temperature controls aboard the station. It contains many broken walkways, the damage most likely done by the nearby creatures. Samus passes through here on her way into the Main Boiler control Room during the countdown before the B.S.L station explodes. After restoring the Cooling unit's power, she revisits this room as she makes her way back out of Sector 3 (PYR).

This room contains a number of Sidehoppers and a one-time Gadora. This room was shown to have an alternate palette in Prototype builds, after restoring the Cooling Unit.

Main Boiler Control Room[]

Human Core-X

Room ID:

Main article: Main Boiler Control room

The Main Boiler Control room is an important room aboard the B.S.L. It overlooks the space station's temperature controls. During Samus's mission aboard the B.S.L., the cooling unit malfunctioned and her computerized CO orders her to restore the cooling unit before the auto-destruct explosives go off as a result and the entire station explodes. Samus makes her way into this room and she soon discovers it was an X mimicking a scientist at the helm of the controls. The scientist eventually transforms into its Hard Core-X form and Samus is able to defeat it, absorb its power core inside, and restore the cooling unit back into proper operational order.

Lava Storage Room[]

PYR East Lava Pool[]

Room ID: h020-

  • g040: lower left Door near Shutter
  • g075: upper left Door
  • g078: hidden right door underneath lava pool

A large lava pool located to the east of Sector 3 (PYR). The bottom of the two left entrances is blocked by a shutter, and cannot be passed unless Samus has the Wave Beam in her possession. Samus can locate the top-most entrance in an adjacent room to access this room early. A Missile Expansion is located directly near the top-left door, blocked by walls and a pit block. To reach it, Samus must cross the large lava pool using the Zolas crawling above the platforms of hidden blocks by freezing them with Ice Missiles. Alternatively, Samus can simply wait until she has the Space Jump in her possession.

This room contains Zolas.

Eastern Lava Tower[]

Room ID:

An extremely tall hidden room stretching from the bottom of Sector 3 all the way to the top. The top of this room is a dead-end, as the floor above can only be broken by the Speed Booster and neither the top of this room nor its above adjacent room has proper room to build up a Shinespark. For Samus to fully explore this room, she needs to locate a hidden entrance found at the bottom of this room. Using a Speed Boost gained from the lower-adjacent Lava Pool room, Samus can then build up a Speed Boost ad the bottom dead-end, then fire it directly upward near the right-most edge of the room. She will immediately boost all the way to the top of the room, obtaining an unmissable Power Bomb Expansion in the process.

A Second Power Bomb Expansion is located in this room. To obtain it, Samus must return into the shaft immediately after the long boost upward (the Speed Booster blocks do not reform until Samus leaves the room).

This room contains no enemies and two Power Bomb Expansions.

Sector 3 Transport tunnel to Sector 5[]

Sector 3 Tunnel to Sector 5

Room ID: h038-g088 (g089)

A secret transport tube linking Sector 3 (PYR) to Sector 5 (ARC). A Power Bomb expansion is cleverly hidden above sight from within a container stored in a small attic chamber above Sector 3's doorway. It can be easy to overlook as this transport tunnel is the only one that contains any items whatsoever. It is also well hidden from sight, as not only is it stored inside a small container but part of the mini-map obscures view of said container. Carefully eyeing the map can help detect the item's presence nearby. To obtain the Expansion, Samus must simply destroy a hidden respawning Bomb Block, then fire at the container to obtain the Expansion inside. A single Power Bomb will uncover both.

Sector 3 Transport Tube to Sector 1[]

Sector 3 Bridge to Sector 1

Room ID: h039-g085 (g086)

A hidden transport tube leading from Sector 3 into Sector 1 (SRX). Both rooms adjacent to the two sides of the tunnel are blocked by a wall of Screw Attack blocks, and thus require the Screw Attack to be able to enter and use the tunnel.
