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List of rooms in Metroid Fusion
Main Deck • Sector 1 (SRX) • Sector 2 (TRO) • Sector 3 (PYR) • Sector 4 (AQA) • Sector 5 (ARC) • Sector 6 (NOC)
The following is a list of all rooms located within Sector 5 (ARC). There is a total of 52 rooms listed (including alternate forms of rooms).
All the rooms in Metroid Fusion have explicit identification numbers visible through access with the Debug Menu. Within the Debug Menu, the values "H" and "G" are used to represent Samus's location on the BSL Station. The "H" Value represents which room Samus is located in, and the "G" value is used to represent the entrance Samus used in order to access the room. For the purposes of this list, the "H" value of the room will be listed first, followed by the "G" value of the first entry into a room, then the "G" values of other entrances in order of normal availability to the player. For example, the Operations Deck would be listed as "H014-G141 (G065, G027, G022, G193)".
If a proper name for the room exists, that name will be put first, followed by the room's "GH" value. Then a short description of the room will be given, possibly with a picture, as to allow for identification of the room. If the "G" value has a Security Lock over the Hatch, the "G" value will be labelled by a color corresponding to the Security Level if the door has a security level greater than 0. If a latent ability is required to use the entrance, an abbreviation for the upgrade will be placed next to the "G" value of the room, such as PB for Power Bomb or MB for Morph Ball. A majority of the room names are unofficial.
For Sector 5, the names of all sub-zero temperature rooms will be highlighted in cyan.
Elevator 5[]
Room ID: H026-
- g000: Elevator entrance
- g051: Right door to Sector 5 (ARC)

The transport elevator to Main Deck. Bears the theme color of Sector 5 (ARC).

Room ID: h003-
- g006: right doorway
- g050: left doorway
The Navigation Room for Sector 5. Notable orders & missions from this room include the Computerized CO. sending Samus to unlock the Level 3 Security Hatches and obtain the Ice Missile data, the order to restore the cooling unit in Sector 3 (PYR), the order to retrieve the Power Bomb data, and the mission to hunt down and terminate the rampaging Nightmare.
Save Room Station 5[]

Room ID: h002-
- g005: left door
- g004: right door
The main Save Room for Sector 5's facilities, located in between the Navigation Room (left door) and the Recharge Room (right door).
Recharge Room Station 5[]

Room ID:
The Recharge Room for Sector 5's facilities. The Save Room is located through the left Door, while the Main hall for Sector 5 is off towards the right door.
Sector 5 Main Hall[]

Room ID: h001-
- g001: Top-left entrance
- g066: bottom-left Level 3 Door to Storage hall
- g077: top-right Door
- g081: bottom-right Level 3 Door to small containment hallway
The main hall for Sector 5 (ARC), bearing the overall main theme color for the Sector. This room is quite empty save for a few X-infected Zeelas roaming about. For Samus to proceed further into the sector. she must locate and destroy a Missile block hidden within the center right of the room. Past another destructible block lies a door which Samus can use. The ground floor doors are locked, due to being Level 3 Security Hatches.
Samus returns to this room after obtaining the Ice Missile data, this time the X have multiplied and have spawned into more Zeelaa than before. When Samus enters this room next, an alarm is sounded while the room flashes red with a computer voice declaring an "emergency in Sector 3". All doors except the one leading to the Navigation Room become locked, forcing Samus to return there.
Subsequent visits into this room remain the same as the second visit, only without the alarm setting. This room plays multiple themes.
On first visits, this room contains 2 Zeelas. An additional Waver will be spawned on the bottom floor by any free-roaming X Parasites. After the Ice Missile data is obtained, this room will contain 6 Zeelas. Three additional Wavers can be spawned by any free-roaming X Parasites.
Sector 5 Containment Hall[]
Room ID: h004- (Normal Environment)
- g007: bottom-left Level 3 Door
- g008: top-left Door to Storage Room
- g009: Bottom-right Door to Sub-Zero Main Plaza
- g078: Center-left Door to ARC Main Hall
Room ID: h007- (Post-Destruction)
- g011: Bottom-left Level 3 Door
- g012: Top-left door to Storage Room
- g013: bottom-right destroyed Door to ruined ARC Main Plaza
A large room with a glass window interior in the background. Samus travels through this room multiple times during her trips in Sector 5 (ARC).
When Samus is returning to the Navigation Room after obtaining the Power Bombs, the shadow of Nightmare can be seen in the background.
During Samus's hunt for the Nightmare, this room becomes quite destroyed, with much of the ice melted. Much of the roof has collapsed, blocking most ladders Samus previously used.
This room contains Choots. During the mission to track down Nightmare, the top area of this room can be used to build up a Shinespark for use in the top-left storage room.
Containment Storage[]

Room ID: h005-g010
A small storage room located top-left of the Containment Hall. A Missile Expansion is obtained here. A Power Bomb expansion can also be obtained here, obtainable during the mission to hunt Nightmare. The expansion is located behind a hidden adjacent room blocked by many Speed Booster blocks. To obtain it, Samus must build up a Shinespark in the previous room (using the destroyed walkway) and release it facing leftward through the open doorway.
This room contains
ARC Main Plaza[]
Room ID: h008- (Normal Environment)
- g014: Top-left Door to Containment Hall
- g015: Left Door to Western Exit Hall
- g016: Bottom-right Door to Waver Cave
- g030: to Data Room Access
- g056: to Sub-Zero Hall
- g099: Bottom-Left Door to Sub-Zero Service Corridor
Room ID: h- (Post-Destruction)
- g
- g
- g
- g
- g
- g
Main page: ARC Main Plaza
The first room of Sector 5 to introduce the overall main theme of Sector 5 ARC. As such, this is the first room of Sector 5 to be covered in sub-zero temperatures. Due to Samus's Metroid infused DNA, she will immediately receive massive damage from this room's sub-zero temperatures and will be unable to Speed Boost into the lower rooms unless she obtains the Varia Suit first.
Samus first enters this room safely on her way to obtain the Ice Missile Data. A Blue X parasite is immediately seen near the entrance. This room connects to many rooms throughout the rest of Sector 5. including the Data Room. A Level 4 Security Hatch guards further rooms and is never opened by Samus during her exploration.
When Samus is tracking down the Nightmare, this room becomes destroyed as a result of the latter's escape from imprisonment. The ice creating the sub-zero environment has melted away, leaving the bottom half of this room largely flooded. As a result, Samus cannot explore the lower levels once more until she obtains the Gravity Suit. The Level 4 Security Hatch at the top of the room is now destroyed as a result of the rampage, allowing Samus to enter the once locked hallway.
This room contains Wavers and Blue X parasites. Post Nightmare's rampage, the room will contain Aqua Zebesians and Skultera. A large Geron is present pre-destruction and can appear post-destruction if Samus has not yet destroyed it.
When entering this room during both trips to the Data Room, the default Sector 5 Main theme will play. During the hunt for Nightmare, Sector_3_Restore_the_Cooling_Installation_Timer_Mission will play throughout the entire mission.
ARC Western Exit Hall[]

Room ID: h009
- g036: right Door to ARC Main Plaza
- g064: Left Door to Save Room
A long Zeela infested Hallway. A one-way shutter blocks access to the left door.
On the first visit, Samus uses this room to build up a Speed Boost to break a Speed Booster block floor in order to continuing exploring Sector 5 (ARC). Samus enters this room a second time after obtaining the Ice Missile Data. Samus enters this room a third time once she obtains the Power Bomb Data. This time a large Geron blocks the hall, and must be obliterated by Samus's newly acquired Power Bombs to proceed.
This room contains Zeelas and a left facing shutter. A Large Geron will appear once the Power Bombs have been obtained.
ARC Sub-Zero Hall[]

Room ID:
A long one-way hall under sub-zero temperatures. A bottom small walkway is available to Samus, which reveals the presence of a Power Bomb Expansion. To obtain it, Samus must navigate a small pit block filled tunnel at the top of this room. Two X-infected Rippers patrol the areas above hidden Pit Blocks. These serve as freezable enemies to land upon using the Jumpball as Samus crosses to the leftmost side of the room. The final portion near the Power Bomb Expansion contains lots of Pit Blocks but Samus can be in Bi-pedal form here, allowing to jump back up to the higher ground before any Pit Blocks she steps on reforms.
This room contains two x-infected Rippers. Although they can be destroyed, they serve to aid Samus in acquiring the one Power Bomb Expansion located at the left end of this room.
Waver Cave[]

Room ID: h012-
- g021: left Door to ARC Main Plaza
- go22: right Door to Electrical Shaft
A small room Samus must pass as she explores Sector 5. Samus can use Bombs to cross to the other side(s) of the room. The walls are thin enough for Samus to fire at a lodged Waver from its opposite side of the wall it wedged itself into.
This room contains 5 X-Infected Wavers and one Blue X.
Sector 5 Electrical Shaft[]

Room ID: h025-
- g025: Top-Left Door to Waver Cave
An electrical room of sorts. Connects to other Sector 5 facilities. Upon first visit, Samus makes a large fall downwards towards her destination. On her second visit, after obtaining Ice Missiles, Samus can freeze a mutated Kago and use it to climb back up to the higher doorway. On her third visit, after obtaining Power Bombs, the Kago is gone and one of the exits is destroyed. Samus is forced to use her newly acquired Power Bombs here, revealing a basement floor to use as a detour for her escape.
This room contains one Kago. Will mutate. After the Power Bombs have been acquired, the Kago vanishes.
ARC Kago Hall[]

Room ID:
A long hall containing two Kago. Samus passes through here unhindered upon her first visit. Once she returns here after obtaining the Ice Missile Data, the Kagos mutate and block access to the exit out of Sector 5, forcing Samus to find an alternate way out (though it is possible to utilize a frame-perfect Shinespark which can allow Samus to break through the mutated Kagos and proceed through the left door as normal).
Should Samus return here after obtaining the Power Bomb Data, the door will become completely destroyed (most likely caused by the nearby SA-X). Samus is forced to detour around this room.
This room contains two Kago upon the first visit. They will mutate upon the second visit (after obtaining Ice Missile Data).
ARC Security Hall[]
Room ID: h023-
- g108: Left door to Level 3 Security Room
- g109: Bottom-right door to Electrical Power Hall
- g110: Top-right door to Power Bomb Expansion Storage Room
A hall leading to the Security Room. Samus runs though this hall on her way to reach the Security Room.
Although small, in reality it is actually larger than first seen. Samus's second visit in this room is after obtaining Power Bombs and escaping a SA-X hunting her in a previous room. The Basement floor of this room where Samus enters into contains a visible Power Bomb Expansion. Samus can use one of her recently acquired Power Bombs to not only destroy the wall blocking access to the expansion but also expose a ladder to climb up to the higher elevation (back to the hallway leading to the Security Room).
An even higher elevation remains hidden in this room. Once Samus reaches this room's center hall, she can use a Power Bomb to destroy blocks covering the roof. This exposes a more open shaft area Samus can climb to reach a hidden storage room. On first visit, Samus would need to freeze the flying Rippers and using them as platforms to climb upward towards the rightmost highest door. Alternatively, Samus can always return here with the Space Jump for an easier and/or more straightforward climb up.
This room contains Zeelas and Rippers upon the second visit (after obtaining Power Bombs).
ARC Security Hall Storage[]

Room ID: h024-g111
A small storage room containing a single Power Bomb expansion.
Security Room Level 3[]

Room ID:h011-
- g019: left Level 3 Security Door
- g040: right Door to Security Hall
The Security Room containing the control panel for unlocking all Level 3 Security Hatches. Samus finds this unmarked room as she works to obtain the Ice Missile Data.
Security Service Depot[]
Room ID: h010-
- g018: Top (marked) Level 3 Security Door
- g020: bottom (hidden) Level 3 Security Door</span
A small room marked on the Map, towards the left of the Central Save Room.
This room contains Blue X Parasite and Zeelas.
Central Save Room[]
Room ID:
Data Room Access[]
Room ID:
The hall connecting Sector 5 (ARC) to the Data room. As stated by the Computerized CO., the Data Room is locked behind a Level 3 Security door. so Samus must locate the Security room first and unlock the Level 3 hatches before entering the Data Room. This hall has a one-way shutter, preventing Samus from normally exiting the Data Room in the same manner in which she entered (Samus would need to take an alternate route out of the Data Room to return to the previous Sector 5 areas).
This room has no enemies whatsoever, only a Shutter near the center shootable from the left side. This room is not under Sub-Zero temperatures so Samus will not receive any damage should she somehow enter this room without the Varia Suit.
ARC Data Room[]
Room ID: h006-
- g052: Level 3 door on the left, leading to Shutter Hall
- g089: Level 3 door on the right, leading to Frozen Shaft exit.
The Data Room located in Sector 5 (ARC), locked by a Level 3 Security Hatch. Samus uses this Data Room twice after unlocking the Level 3 Security Hatches. Samus's first trip here involves downloading the Ice Missile Data. After her mission aboard the Main Deck, Samus is instructed to return to this same Data Room to download the Power Bomb data. Samus visits this room one more time during her hunt for the Nightmare in Sector 5. During this visit, she discovers that the room has been destroyed, no longer being of any use throughout the rest of her mission aboard the B.SL. Research Station. A large hole is left behind in the top right of this room, allowing Samus to pass through here and enter a newly discovered area of Sector 5 as she continues to hunt down Nightmare.
This Data Room is the second largest Data Room to appear throughout the entire research station as it contains a top section above the initial Data Room machine. It is currently unknown as to what purpose the top floor of this room served other than connecting between other portions of Sector 5.
Data Room Exit Shaft[]
Room ID:
- g014: Center-left Door to Storage Room
A large shaft room under Sub-Zero temperatures. Samus is forced to navigate this room due to the Data Room's entrance being one-way locked. After entering the Data Room, Samus exits through here and drops a long way towards the bottom ground floor, where she can search for an exit out of the current Sector. Using Ice Missiles, Samus can freeze the hovering Rippers and use them to reach a Storage Room on a high-left side of this room, located underneath the Data Room on the Map.
This room contains Rippers and Blue X-Parasites.
Data Storage Room[]
A small storage room containing a lone Energy Tank.
Sub-Zero Shaft[]

Room ID: h052-g047 (MB)
A tall hidden shaft located East of the Data Room's exit. A Missile Expansion lies at the top of this room and can be collected as early as the first visit. To obtain it, Samus must destroy the lone Zeela on the floor and allow its X-Parasite to free roam until it becomes a Chute. Samus must then wait until the Chute gains height, then freeze it with an Ice Missile, allowing Samus to jump on it to reach a higher ledge to stand on. Samus must then destroy the Zeela on the roof (or destroy the Chute without falling off the high ledge) and allow another X-Parasite to free-roam until it transforms into a Ripper. Samus can then freeze the Ripper and stand on top of it to fire at the roof and obtain the hidden Missile Expansion buried in the ceiling. Alternatively, Samus can return to this room once the Space Jump has been obtained to obtain the Missile Expansion with much ease.
This room contains two Zeelas. One Chute may be spawned by any free-roaming X-Parasites, then one Ripper may spawn via the same methods. A Missile Expansion is located at the top ceiling of this room.
Sector 5 Electrical Power Hall[]

Room ID:
A computer-filled room Samus discovers during her return to a Navigation Room after obtaining Power Bombs. As Samus moves closer to the left side of the room, the SA-X can be heard entering through the right Door Samus recently entered through. Samus has but mere moments to evade the SA-Xs view by hopping over a large wall positioned near the center of the room. Though it appears to be a dead end, the door is cleverly hidden past a large wall with tunnels destroyable by Bombs or Power Bombs. Although some tunnels can be revealed using Power Bombs, it is actually one tunnel that only requires normal Bombs that is the true exit from this room. Because of this hidden trick, it is quite common for Samus to immediately lay a Power Bomb to expose all the room's tunnels, which will also not only destroy the large jumpable wall but will immediately alert the SA-X to Samus's presence.
When this room is first entered, Environmental_Sound_(Disquieting) is heard, but is immediately replaced by the tracks accompanied by the SA-X's presence once it enters the room. On subsequent visits to this room, the usual Sector 5 Main Theme is heard.
Staff Service Hall[]

Room ID:
A hall connecting to many important facilities throughout Sector 5 (ARC) such as a Tubeway and the attic of the nearby Data Room. Because of this, the hall is initially blocked by a Level 4 Security Door (the only Red Hatch available throughout the entire Sector). Samus is unable to open the Red Hatch due to being locked at all times during her visits to Sector 5. However, during Nightmare's rampage, it destroys the door, allowing Samus to enter said service hall.
Through this hall lies a hidden roof. A doorway above leads to a transport tube. Another hidden roof in this room lies above the door roof. By destroying the Bomb Block on the roof above the right Door, Samus can uncover a hidden attic leading to a Missile Expansion. Once above, Samus must deal with two X-Infected Zebesians. After another climb up, the Missile Expansion can be seen, guarded by another Zebesian and locked inside a small Morph Ball tunnel by two shutters.
This room contains 2 Zebesians. A third Zebesian will spawn once one of the original two is destroyed.
Ruined Path[]
Room ID:
A destroyed path connecting the Data Room 2nd floor with the Easternmost facilities of Sector 5 (ARC). Many of the Doors have been demolished, no longer creating separate rooms and instead creating one large open room littered with X-infected enemies.
This room contains
ARC Hydro Service Shaft[]

Room ID:
A tall shaft connecting to the above Sector 5 rooms to an underwater portion of the sector. At first visit, the room appears as a small square room thrashed by the runaway Nightmare. The left door leading into West Sector 5 is destroyed, along with a right portion of a wall that Nightmare seems to have gone through. The damage left behind blocks entryway, forcing Samus to locate an alternate way around the room. By firing at the floor of the square room, Samus can reveal a crumbling floor that drops her into the room's underwater shaft. Samus can exit the room at its underwater floor via a door on the right of the flooded area. A hidden morph ball passage exists on the left. While normally the Gravity Suit is needed to reach it, it is possible to enter the tunnel on the initial plunge downward using a well-placed Missile, before Samus hits the floor.
This room contains Skultera and one Zebesian, who is seen sinking to the floor of the underwater shaft.
- Connecting rooms
- ARC frozen water storage (via Morph Ball tunnel, initially blocked by a Missile block)
ARC Frozen Water Storage[]

A small room made up of long beams, providing little movement around this room. An Energy Tank lies above a small Morph Ball tunnel directly above Samus. To reach it, Samus must carefully jump across five hidden Pit Blocks above the suepended walkways (three on the botmom walkway, two on the top-left walkway). Samus must use the Spring Ball to reach the above areas and she must not use any bombs in this area or else she may activate a hidden Shutter near the Energy Tank, blocking off access to said tank until she re-enters this room again.
ARC Hydro Station Access[]

Room ID:
A small room containing one lone Aqua Zebesian.
ARC Ruined Room 1[]
Room ID: h019-
- g034: center-left destroyed door, to Damaged Storage Vault
- g035: bottom right destroyed door, to Ruined hall 2
- g119: Save Room Door
Damaged Storage Vault[]

Room ID: h048-g118
A damaged storage room on the path of the rampaging Nightmare. The map suggests it was once a connecting hall to the melted Hydro shaft before being blocked off on one side. 5 Zeelas, three above and two on ground, patrol this room. If one is defeated and its X-Parasite is left to free-roam, it will become a Red Zeela clinging onto the left mutilated wall.
A hidden Power Bomb Expansion is hidden within this room and can easily be uncovered using a Power Bomb. Its location is on the floor to the far left, underneath where the Red Zeela would normally spawn at.
This room contains 5 Zeelas and one hidden Power Bomb Expansion. A Red Zeela may form if a X-Parasite is left to free-roam around the room.
Hidden Recharge Room[]
Room ID: h049-g121
A hidden recharge room located to the secret Eastern-most sections of Sector 5. It is across from the Southeastern Save Room.
ARC Northeastern Save Room[]

Room ID: h050-g122
A Save Room located within the Eastern facilities of Sector 5 (ARC). It is located across from the South-Eastern Recharge Room, further towards the east.
Northeast Access Hall[]

Room ID: h020-
- g037: left destroyed door
- g038: Top-right room blocked by Gadora
A North-Eastern ruined room leading up to the Electronic Junkyard. One of the doors leading onto the mentioned room is destroyed, forcing Samus to enter the room via the roof above, though first Samus must clear the blocking Gadora present.
This room contains seven Zeelas and one Gadora present on the first encounter. Four additional Zeela can be spawned by any free-roaming X-Parasites.
Electrical Roof[]

Electronic Junkyard[]

Room ID:
Main article: Electronic junkyard
A large room with much mechanical junk in the background. This is the room where the Nightmare is housed at.
Interestingly, a copy of this room exists in Sector 6 (NOC), suggesting that Nightmare and its accompanying room were originally to be housed in Sector 6 (NOC) before being relocated to Sector 5 (ARC).
ARC Main Storage Hall[]

Room ID:
ARC Hydro Station[]

Room ID: h047-
- g113: Bottom-Left Door to Tall Hydro Shaft
- g114: Bottom-Right Door to Hydro Tunnel
- g116: Top-Left Door to Hydro Access room
An electrical looking room flooded with water. Given the adjacent room, it is possible this room is where the water is pumped out into ARC for freezing to create the icy environments.
Samus traverses through this room as she tracks down the Nightmare. Zebesians patrol the halls alongside Skultera, the former being highly sluggish due to the underwater environment they are submerged in.
This room contains Skultera and Zebesians. Some X Parasites may attach themselves to said Pirates to form Aqua Zebesians.
Sector 5 Hydro Transit Tunnel to Sector 4[]

Room ID: h051-
- g115: left door
- g123: right tunnel to Sector 4 (AQA)
An underwater tunnel connecting Sector 5 (ARC) to Sector 4 (AQA). It is possible that this tunnel is where the water from Sector 4 (AQA) is pumped into for Sector 5's environments to be frozen and create the icy environments.
The passageway is blocked off by Speed Booster blocks so Samus will be unable to pass through this tunnel fully until she obtains the Gravity Suit (due to being unable to use the speed Booster underwater without the Gravity Suit). Samus visits this room after obtaining the Gravity Suit as she searches for a way to return to a Navigation Room.
This room has no enemies whatsoever. A Power Bomb Expansion can be found in a hidden cellar located at the top of this room. To gain access to the top of the room, Samus must Speed Boost through one row of blocks and build up a Shinespark, then position herself in between the two rows of Speed Booster blocks and fire a Shinespark directly upwards. If successful, Samus will blast through multiple rows and stacks of hidden respawning Speed Booster blocks, then hitting the roof of this room where the Power Bomb expansion will be within view and in easy reach. Samus can escape back to the ground floor by walking left, falling on top of multiple Pit Blocks.
Sector 5 Tunnel to Sector 6[]

Room ID: