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List of rooms in Metroid Fusion

All the rooms in Metroid Fusion have explicit identification numbers visible through access with the Debug Menu. Within the Debug Menu, the values "H" and "G" are used to represent Samus's location on the BSL Station. The "H" Value represents which room Samus is located in, and the "G" value is used to represent the entrance Samus used in order to access the room. For the purposes of this list, the "H" value of the room will be listed first, followed by the "G" value of the first entry into a room, then the "G" values of other entrances in order of normal availability to the player. For example, the Operations Deck would be listed as "H014-G141 (G065, G027, G022, G193)".

If a proper name for the room exists, that name will be put first, followed by the room's "GH" value. Then a short description of the room will be given, possibly with a picture, as to allow for identification of the room. If the "G" value has a Security Lock over the Hatch, the "G" value will be labelled by a color corresponding to the Security Level if the door has a security level greater than 0. If a latent ability is required to use the entrance, an abbreviation for the upgrade will be placed next to the "G" value of the room, such as PB for Power Bomb or MB for Morph Ball. A majority of the room names are unofficial.

Elevator 6[]

Room ID: H018-G000 (H018-G035)


Transport to Main Deck.

• None
Connecting rooms
Elevator 6 (elevator)
Sector Navigation Room (gray hatch)

Navigation Room 6[]

Room ID: H003-G006 (G034)

The Navigation Room for Sector 6 (NOC). Notable missions include Samus being ordered to download the Varia Suit data while avoiding the Blue X Parasites, and tracking down the X-Infected rogue Security Robot B.O.X.|B.O.X. Security robot]].

Save Station 6[]

Room ID: H002-G004 (G005)

The main Save room of Sector 6 (NOC).

Recharge Station 6[]

Room ID:

The Recharge Station for Sector 6 (NOC).

Sector 6 Main Research Hall[]

NOC Main HUB Room

Room ID: H001-G001 (G002, G051, G079)

This room is the main research area for Sector 6 (NOC) and connects to deeper parts of Sector 6's facilities. It is a large and straightforward room connecting the main room's basic station rooms (Elevator to Main Deck, Nav Room, Save Station and Recharge room) to the entire bulk of the sector. Near the main entrance to the Recharge Station is a bombable floor that reveals a dead end corner behind a breakable wall located to the right which also houses a Zozoro wandering a ceiling. If Samus has access to the Screw Attack, she can use it to destroy a hidden wall off to the left of this area and reveal a secret door which leads to a hidden tunnel to Sector 4 (AQA).

There is a Missile Expansion in this room, seen from the dead-end corner area of this room. To obtain the expansion, Samus must destroy a wall-block within the adjacent room off to the right and use the hidden Morph Ball tunnel to reach it.

This room contains 9 Menus and one Zozoro, the latter of which is completely avoidable due to roaming around in an unimportant corner area of the room. Interestingly, any of the blocks from the the breakable floor that are destroyed will not return for the rest of the journey.

NOC Main Entrance[]

Room ID: H004-G008 (G007, G050, G075)

This room is the main entrance into the rest of Sector 6. This is the first room Samus enters that houses NOC's environment beyond here. A Purple Geron block access to the depths of Sector 6 and must be destroyed in order for Samus to progress further into the facility.

This room contains ...... A Purple Geron is present upon the first visits of the room. More enemies are present post-Varia Suit acquisition.

Main Entrance Alcove[]

Main Entrance Alcove

Room ID:

The Main Entrance Alcove is a secret room containing one Energy Tank. Samus can reach this room by bombing a breakable block in the wall from the right side of the previous room (NOC Main Entrance) and entering this room via a hidden Morph Ball Tunnel.

NOC Access Hallway[]

Room ID: H005-G009 (G010)

This straightforward hallway contains the first Blue X Parasite encountered by Samus within Sector 6 (first Blue X Parasite overall if Samus did not encounter any of them in Sector 5 (ARC) prior to Sector 6's encounter).

After the Varia Suit has been obtained, more enemies are present.

NOC Hub Shaft[]

NOC Hub Shaft

Room ID:

This tall room connects to many other rooms within Sector 6 (NOC). Contains Blue X-Parasites.

Power Hall[]

Room ID:

Long dead-end hall.

SA-X Hall 2[]

NOC SA-X Hall 2 Alt

Sector 6 Storage Depot[]

Fake Missile Expansion

Room ID:

This room contains a hidden Missile Expansion, tucked away behind a bombable wall. Prior to reaching the expansion, an X Parasite mimicking said Expansion is placed before the bombable wall in an attempt to fool Samus from reaching the real Missile Expansion.

Save Station North Access Tunnel[]

Save Station North Access Tunnel

Room ID: H041-G047 (H041-G091)

The Save Station North Access Tunnel is a short hallway connecting the first standalone Save Station to the rest of Sector 6 (NOC). It is filled with 9 Menus upon entry. They remain stationary within the center of the room and will only begin to chase down Samus once she gets within close proximity towards each of them.

NOC Faculty Hall[]

NOC Faculty Hall

The Faculty Hall is a tall room leading into the continued pathway towards the Data Room. Samus first enters the Faculty Hall during her escape from the SA-X in the previous room(s). The Faculty Hall also connects towards a Save Station to the West the East and a hidden room to the bottom-right (requires Morph Ball). to reach the bottom floor, Samus must destroy a few breakable squares blocking the pathway.

The Faculty Hall contains a few Blue X Parasites hidden within a few destructible squares. Samus must take caution when destroying these blocks during her trip to the Data Room or towards the hidden room.

NOC Data Room access[]

Room ID:

This room contains Menus and a one-time Gadora.

NOC Data Room[]

Room ID:

The Data Room located in Sector 6 (NOC).

NOC Alcove[]

NOC Alcove 2

Room ID: Contains Zozoros and a Missile Expansion.

Boosting Area[]

Speed Boosting Room (Fusion)

Room ID: H040-G090

The Boosting Area is a rather large and optional hidden room containing two Power Bomb Tanks. Its name is derived from the mass amounts of Speed Boosting opportunities needed throughout the entire room. There is only one way in and out of this room and to first enter it, Samus must charge up a Shinespark from a previous corridor and use a Shinespark directly left through an opened Red Hatch. She will normally enter this room Shinesparking through a massive amount of Speed Booster blocks until she hits the leftmost wall of this room (passing by one of the Power Bomb Tanks).

To obtain the first Power Bomb tank (seen when entering) Samus must make her way to the bottom floor and charge up a Shinespark, then carefully aim upward from below through a long row of Speed Booster blocks and into a column filled with Speed Booster blocks that is surrounding the nearby Power Bomb tank. Once Samus Shinesparks through this column and hits the above walkway from underneath, she has a split second to maneuver herself towards the Power Bomb tank before falling onto the row of hidden Pit Blocks below her.

The second Power Bomb Tank (seen when taking the lower path) requires an intricate Speed Boost. Samus must first charge up a Shinespark from the below ground, then use it on the ramp seen below and quickly utilize her Space Jump (while still Boosting and before hitting the row of Speed Booster Blocks at the end of the ramp) to carefully aim towards a row of Speed Booster blocks surrounding the Expansion from above. She can exit the small surrounding area from the hidden Pit Blocks below. This is one of the more difficult Expansions to obtain, as this requires precise movements.

Samus can exit the room normally through a Pit Block in the next/previous room or she can charge up another Shinespark to Shinespark through the open doorway and wall of blocks within the next room/previous once more.

Sector 6 Tunnel to Sector 4[]

Sector 6 Tunnel to Sector 4

NOC Hidden Walkway[]

Room ID

This room contains an Energy Tank, the key to obtaining it is via a hidden Speed Booster walkway (which also is needed to exit said room.)

Restricted Zone Security Gate[]

this gate blocks access into the restricted zone deep within Sector 6.Upon first arriving at the large gate, Samus triggers an alarm in the form of a computer announcer .Upon leaving the room after, large earthquakes can be heard and after some backtracking does Samus encounter the BOX robot once more. Only after reobtaining the wave beam is Samus able to bypass the shutter and access the Restricted Zone.

Sector 6 (NOC) Transport Tunnel to Sector 5 (ARC)[]

Sector 6 Tunnel to Sector 5

Room ID: H038-G083 (H038-G084)

This room is the connecting access Tunnel between Sector 6 (NOC) and Sector 5 (ARC). From the Sector 6 side, this room is located within the Northern-Right corner of Sector 6 (NOC), hidden behind Screw Attack Blocks (meaning Samus must also have access to the Screw Attack to exit from this tunnel into Sector 6 (NOC)).
