
List of rooms in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Sky Temple GroundsDark Agon WastesDark Torvus BogIng HiveSky Temple

Portal Site[]

Portal Site

The Portal Site is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. The Portal Site is entirely identical in architecture to the Portal Terminal, its Light Aether counterpart. In a cutscene, Samus jumps through the Light Portal that would take her back to Aether, and then walks towards the end of her Safe Zone, to see how hazardous Dark Aether's atmosphere is by putting her left hand through; she immediately pulls it back in, as the atmosphere slightly burns her.

Bladepods, Light Portals and Light Crystals and Light Beacons can first be scanned here.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Portal Terminal (Light Shaft)
Portal Access (Blue Door)
Crossroads (Blue Door)


Main article: Crossroads
Crossroads DAW-MP2

Crossroads is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Crossroads is a short, winding corridor that generally consists of a large half-pipe. Several Inglets inhabit the room. True to its name, it is a crossroads or junction between different rooms.

The Aether equivalent of this room is the Transport Center. The one difference between the two is that the door to what would be Transport to Agon Wastes in the Light World is blocked by Ingworms in the Crossroads. There is no connection between areas of Dark Aether from within the dimensional planet.

Items and logbook entries

Missile Expansion

Connecting rooms

Save Station 2 (Red Hatch)
Portal Site (Blue Door)
Transport Center (one-way Light Portal)

Save Station 2[]

Save Station 2 DAW

Save Station 2 is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It consists of two parts: a long hallway with Inglets and two Light Beacons, and a small alcove that holds the Save Station with a swarm of Nightbarbs overhead.

The Aether version of this room is Save Station A.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Crossroads (Red Hatch)
Duelling Range (Blue Door)

Duelling Range[]

Main article: Duelling Range
Duelling Range

The room is similar to its Light Aether counterpart, the Mining Plaza. It retains the multiple ledges, sand floor, statue of Amorbis (which is unscannable, unlike the Mining Plaza), the apparatus for the solar lens system (the lenses themselves are not present), and and an indestructible barrier blocking access to a Light Portal. The Portal can be accessed by entering the room from Dark Transit Station.

It is in the Duelling Range where Samus battles her first Warrior Ing in a scripted encounter. Once it is defeated, the Ing disappears in a puddle, but nothing else occurs. Samus can make use of various Light Crystals and Beacons, and Bladepods positioned around the room, to refill her energy if needed. Two Warrior Ing will appear in the Duelling Range on subsequent visits, although fighting them is optional.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Save Station 2 (Blue Door)
Junction Site (Blue Door)
Ing Cache 4 (Purple Hatch)
Mining Plaza (one-way Light Portal)

Ing Cache 4[]

Main article: Ing Cache 4
Ing Cache 4

Ing Cache 4 is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. This room consists of two Light Crystals and a Light Beacon. Samus can find a Missile Expansion in a small tunnel underneath one of the Light Crystals. The Aether counterpart of this room is the Plaza Access.

Items and logbook entries

Missile Expansion

Connecting rooms

Duelling Range (Purple Hatch)

Junction Site[]

Main article: Junction Site
Junction Site

The Junction Site is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Like its Light Aether counterpart, Mining Station Access, Junction Site features a hidden expansion. However, unlike Mining Station Access, the expansion is hidden underneath the sphere through which Samus crosses in her Morph Ball tunnel, and it is not covered by a destructible brick. Samus will need to come back with the Spider Ball to roll up a track and activate a Bomb Slot, which will rotate the circular structure to allow Samus to access the Missile Expansion. She can then reset it to continue forth. The only sort of life in this room are groups of Bladepods at either end of the tunnel.

Items and logbook entries

Missile Expansion

Connecting rooms

Duelling Range (Blue Door)
Judgment Pit (Blue Door)

Judgment Pit[]

Main article: Judgment Pit
Judgement Pit DAW-MP2

The Judgment Pit is a mid-sized room. As a Dark Aether copy of Mining Station A on Aether, it contains mining equipment on the sides of the room despite containing no visible Phazon. A tall cliff overlooking the central pit houses a Luminoth Statue, which is non-interactive unlike the Light counterpart. Many Light Beacons are present, in addition to a Light Crystal in the center of the room.

It is here that Samus battles the Jump Guardian to reclaim her stolen Space Jump Boots, which it leaves behind upon its defeat. Several Bladepods surround the central Light Crystal's wide Safe Zone, which acts as a safe vantage point for Samus in the battle. During the skirmish, a large metal wall rises up in between two mechanical walls, blocking access to a small hallway leading to the exit. This metal wall lowers back into the ground once the Space Jump Boots are collected.

When Samus battles the Jump Guardian, all Light Beacons vanish. This is likely to prevent Samus from sheltering outside the central Safe Zone. Curiously, the Light Crystal next to the Red Hatch remains, providing a vantage point outside the center area. The Light Beacons return once the creature is defeated.

The Aether version of this room is Mining Station A.

Items and logbook entries

Space Jump Boots

Connecting rooms

Warrior's Walk (Green Hatch)
Dark Agon Temple Access (Red Hatch)
Junction Site (Blue Door)
Portal Access (Blue Door)
Save Station 1 (Purple Hatch)

Save Station 1[]

Save Station 1 DAW

Save Station 1 is one of the Save Stations in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It becomes accessible once Samus has recovered her Space Jump Boots and found the Dark Beam. The only decoration is a Dark Blueroot Tree. If Warrior Ing are patrolling outside, Samus should be cautious when exiting, as one is usually waiting just outside to attack her. The Aether version of this room is the Sand Cache.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Judgment Pit (Purple Hatch)

Portal Access[]

Main article: Portal Access
Portal Access

Portal Access is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. A larger open room than its Light World counterpart. A tall wall above a small pit in the middle of the hallway divides the room into two sections. Naturally, this wall cannot be passed without the Space Jump Boots. The only occupants are a Lightflyer, which flies above the center wall, and a group of Bladepods on the sides of the small pit. There are no Light Crystals or Light Beacons, but the Lightflyer can be destroyed to create a Safe Zone on the center wall. It does not last very long, but another Lightflyer will respawn. Using this Safe Zone is critical as during Samus's first visit to this room, she only has the Varia Suit, which cannot protect her from the air of Dark Aether.

The Aether equivalent of Portal Access is Portal Access A.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Judgment Pit (Blue Door)
Portal Site (Blue Door)

Dark Agon Temple Access[]

Dark Agon Temple Access

Dark Agon Temple Access is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes, appearing within Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. This small curved hallway of a room mainly serves as an entrance to the Dark Agon Temple. Only a handful of vines from Dark Blueroot Trees can be found here, as well as a few Inglets after Samus escapes the Dark Agon Temple after draining the land's Energy Controller.

The Aether version of this room is the Temple Access.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Judgment Pit (Blue Door)
Dark Agon Temple (Blue Door)

Dark Agon Temple[]

Main article: Dark Agon Temple
Dark Agon Temple mp2 Screenshot 01

The Dark Agon Temple is a room in Dark Aether in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It is Dark Aether's version of the Agon Temple. Beyond the Temple is the Dark Energy Controller for the Dark Agon Wastes. This is the first dark temple Samus journeys to in her quest to return the Light of Aether to their proper energy controllers in the light world. Once Samus acquires the three Dark Temple Keys she gains access to the room and must battle Amorbis. Samus defeats the Amorbis and obtains the Dark Suit, then heads into the Dark Energy Controller room. Sequence breaking can be done to avoid getting the Dark Suit in this room by jumping on a certain rock. However, this makes the rest of the game considerably harder, until the Light Suit is obtained.

By taking a side passage containing Light Beacons, Samus can reach a door leading to Trial Tunnel

Three Warrior Ing appear after the defeat of the Amorbis, possibly in an attempt to kill Samus and steal back the energy.

Items and logbook entries

Dark Suit

Connecting rooms

Dark Agon Temple Access (Blue Door)
Dark Controller Access (Blue Door)
Trial Tunnel (Blue Door)

Trial Tunnel[]

Main article: Trial Tunnel
Trial Tunnel

The Trial Tunnel is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. While its name would suggest the presence of a Morph Ball tunnel, the room is quite small. Evidence suggests it was intended to be much larger, however (see below). In the center of the room is a Dark Temple Key, and to the right of that is a Light Crystal, projecting a Safe Zone that envelops the room. It is accessed just off of the Dark Agon Temple entrance, by heading to the left from the Dark Agon Temple's locks.

The Aether version of this room is the Mine Shaft.Using out of bounds or free-movement camera reveals that this room is much larger than initially seen. True to its name, it features an unused, inaaccessible tunnel that appears identical to the one in the Mine Shaft, the Trial Tunnel's Light Aether counterpart. The Morph Ball tunnel, positioned behind the Dark Temple Key, is functional but blocked off by a solid wall. Using out of bounds cheats, it can be accessed. No enemies are present, and only the single Pit Block leading quickly to the lower part of the shaft remains and is usable. The camera actors inside the tunnel are either not rigged properly or absent, making Samus's travels inside the tunnel in Morph Ball somewhat confusing. A lower entrance is present and oddly also blocked off by a sand wall.

A Safe Zone is present, despite Samus never entering the area under normal circumstances. An empty doorway is also present and when Samus walks through it, the game correctly loads the connecting room Trial Grounds. On that side of the room, Ingworms block the door, preventing access to the Trial Tunnel's lower half. All of this suggests that the room was originally intended to play a much larger role, with the alternate exploration layout most likely built around the acquisition of the Dark Temple Key.

Items and logbook entries

Dark Agon Temple Key 1

Connecting rooms

Dark Agon Temple (Blue Door)

Dark Controller Access[]

Corrupted Temple Security Station

Dark Controller Access is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears within Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. The room features a Corrupted Temple Security Station that can be used to access the Dark Agon Energy Controller following the battle with the Amorbis. Samus passes through here after defeating the Amorbis in order to steal back Dark Agon's energy. This room bears amber colored Luminoth symbols along with stone and sand material making up a majority of this room's walls, with the surfaces being a more metal-made material used. The Aether version of this room is Controller Access.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Dark Agon Temple (Blue Door)
Dark Agon Energy Controller (Blue Door)

Dark Agon Energy Controller[]

Dark Agon Energy Controller

The Dark Agon Energy Controller is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It is the Energy Controller of Dark Agon, and the first Dark Energy Controller encountered in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. A mid-sized room resembling its Light World counterpart, housing an Energy Controller with accompanying devices and technology. Many "corrupted" looking Luminoth busts adorn the nearby walls of the room in pairs. The energy stolen from the Agon Energy Controller can be found here. I-Sha's hologram told Samus about the first Energy Controller, and warned her that it was heavily guarded, replenishing her energy and upgrading her Translator Module to help her.

Samus collected three Dark Temple Keys and gained access to the Dark Agon Temple, where she battled three massive worms, the Amorbis, and collected the Dark Suit, stolen Luminoth technology that would reduce damage to her from Dark Aether's poisonous atmosphere. With the Amorbis dead, Samus was able to siphon the energy from the Dark Agon Energy Controller. On the trip back, she faced minor resistance from several Ing trying to kill the Luminoth's new hero and steal back the energy, but was able to return the Light of Aether to this room's counterpart, the Agon Energy Controller.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Dark Controller Access (Blue Door)

Trial Grounds[]

Main article: Trial Grounds
Trial Grounds

The Trial Grounds are a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. The Trial Grounds are an open, circular central area and a few ledges lead to an exit on the upper level. Parts of the Light World's counterpart are present, such as the large window albeit inaccessible here. The room is inhabited by a handful of Bladepods and a flock of Nightbarbs that pour out of an opening in the wall, battering Samus and surrounding a deceased Luminoth found lying against the wall in the central area. The room's main purpose is to allow Samus eventual access to the Darkburst. Ingworms block off where an exit would normally be. Notably, this is the only Dark Agon room to contain a Hunter Ing.

The Light Aether version of this room is Mining Station B. It can be visited from a Light Portal.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Dark Transit Station (Blue Door)
Mining Station B (Light Portal)

Dark Transit Station[]

Main article: Dark Transit Station

The Dark Transit Station is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It consists of a long Morph Ball tunnel. This room contains Airthorns, creatures that cannot be scanned in normal gameplay unless a Secret World in the room is reached.

The Aether version of this room is the Transit Station.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Trial Grounds (Blue Door)
Duelling Range (Blue Door)

Doomed Entry[]

Main article: Doomed Entry
Doomed Entry

Doomed Entry is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. This mid-sized open room's name stems from the fact that upon entrance from Aether, there is no Portal back. Half of the room is filled with tall platforms in the center making up the room's higher elevation, with Bladepod littering the surrounding area and room walls. On the first visit, only a Dark Preed poses a threat to Samus, although 2 Warrior Ing slide on the left and right walls each and head to the nearby Battleground. Afterward, Phazon litters the floor and Dark Splinters roam the room. A Dark Temple Key is placed on a ledge in this room. One of the platforms in the middle of the room is controlled by a Lift Crystal, hidden behind a bright Luminoth bust. Its Aether equivalent is the Command Center.

Items and logbook entries

Dark Agon Temple Key 2

Connecting rooms

Oasis Access (Purple Hatch)
Double Path (Purple and White Hatches)
Feeding Pit Access (White Hatch)
Command Center (one-way Dark Portal)

Oasis Access[]

Main article: Oasis Access
Oasis Access

Oasis Access is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Oasis Access is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. The first time Samus travels here, a Warrior Ing will engage her. After it is killed, it is replaced with a few Inglets. A small section of the wall in this room is covered in Phazon. A dead Pirate Commando can be found lying in the center, and both ends of the room have Light Crystals if Samus needs them.

The Aether equivalent is Security Station B.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Dark Oasis (Blue Door)
Doomed Entry (Purple Hatch)

Dark Oasis[]

Main article: Dark Oasis
Dark Oasis 1

Dark Oasis is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. As its name suggests, the Dark Oasis' most notable feature is a large pool in the center of the room that is sealed off by a large wall. Part of this wall contains secondary Denzium which, despite being unstable, is a strong substance that can only be destroyed by high-energy explosives. The corridor to the right of the wall leads to a Light Portal for return to Aether. It also appears that a battle occurred here, as the corpse of a dead Pirate Commando was left. Scans indicate that the Pirate was hit with high-energy strikes and a piercing weapon. It is likely he fought an Ing, which are able to produce concentrated beams of energy, and their legs possess extremely sharp tips. It also appears that a stray shot from either combatant hit a Phazon canister, which would explain the Phazon growing in one area.

The opposite direction leads to a room containing an Ammo Station. Under the surface of the pool in the center of the room is a Flying Ing Cache, which is guarded by Ingstorm and Inglets above the water.

The Aetherian version of this room is the Main Reactor.

Items and logbook entries

Key of B-Stl

Connecting rooms

Oasis Access (Blue Door)
Hall of Stairs (Blue Door)
Ing Cache 3 (White Hatch)
Main Reactor (one-way Light Portal)

Ing Cache 3[]

Main article: Ing Cache 3
Ing Cache 3

Ing Cache 3 is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. One of the few Ammo Stations in the game is positioned here. The Aether counterpart of this room is Storage D.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Dark Oasis (White Hatch)

Hall of Stairs[]

Main article: Hall of Stairs
Hall of Stairs

Hall of Stairs is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. When Samus first enters the room, she finds herself in a small passageway with a Light Beacon in it which opens up to a larger area.

In the open area is a pillar, and behind it are two Bladepods for energy and a Light Crystal for protection. On the back of the pillar is a Lift Crystal, which controls the pillar's position. The pillar can be raised or lowered by shooting the crystal with the Light or Dark Beam, respectively. If it is lowered Samus can jump on it and onto a higher passageway with another protective Light Crystal and the exit.

The Aether version of this room is Sand Processing.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Dark Oasis (Blue Door)
Save Station 3 (Red Hatch)

Save Station 3[]

Save Station 3 Dark Agon Wastes

Save Station 3 is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Within the walls are two dead Pirate Commandos and four Phazon canisters. Its Aether equivalent is Save Station C.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Bitter Well (Blue Door)
Hall of Stairs (Blue Door)

Bitter Well[]

Main article: Bitter Well
Bitter Well DAG-MP2

The Bitter Well is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Most of it consists of a Morph Ball tunnel, and Phazon can be found on either end and in the middle of the room. Samus can use Morph Ball Bombs to jump across the Phazon without taking damage. Its Aether equivalent is Ventilation Area B.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Phazon Site (Blue Door)
Double Path (Blue Door)

Phazon Site[]

Main article: Phazon Site
Phazon Site

Phazon Site is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. The site has an abundance of Phazon (as its name would suggest), as well as a large number of Dark Tallon Metroids. The room is connected to three other rooms, one of which houses the Sonic Boom upgrade.

When Samus Aran first visits the Phazon Site, it is uninhabited. There are three Interface Modules in the room that Samus needs to scan in order to proceed to the next room. Floating platforms allow access to a higher level, where a striped door guards the Sonic Boom.

The Aether equivalent of this room is Bioenergy Production.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Watering Hole (Blue Door)
Ing Cache 2 (Striped door)
Bitter Well (Blue Door)

Ing Cache 2[]

Main article: Ing Cache 2
Sonic Boom test

Ing Cache 2 is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It is here that Samus acquires the powerful Sonic Boom, the Charge Combo for the Annihilator Beam. To access it, Samus must have the Screw Attack and the Annihilator Beam. Its light world equivalent is Storage C.

Items and logbook entries

Sonic Boom

Connecting rooms

Phazon Site (Striped door)

Watering Hole[]

Main article: Watering Hole
Watering Hole DAW-MP2

Watering Hole is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Watering Hole is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It is occupied by several Lumites and a few Ingclaws. One of the Light Crystals has been nullified and must be shot to be reactivated. Its light world equivalent is Security Station A.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Phazon Site (Blue Door)
Feeding Pit (Red Hatch)

Feeding Pit[]

Main article: Feeding Pit
Feeding pit HD

The Feeding Pit is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Samus must come to this room in order to attain the Light Beam. Lowering the two middle platforms by shooting the two Lift Crystals permits a passageway to the item. On the first entry, a swarm of Nightbarbs surrounds each tower, but are replaced by Lumites once the Light Beam is collected. Underneath the large pool of dark water is a Power Bomb Expansion. Feeding Pit's light world equivalent is Biostorage Station.

Items and logbook entries

Power Bomb Expansion

Connecting rooms

Watering Hole (Red Hatch)
Ing Cache 1 (Purple Hatch)
Feeding Pit Access (White Hatch)

Ing Cache 1[]

Main article: Ing Cache 1
Ing Cache

Ing Cache 1 is a small but significant room in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Found in the Dark Agon Wastes, Samus attains the Light Beam here. It is occupied by a single decaying Luminoth body that is the supposed owner of the weapon. Its light world equivalent is Storage B.

Items and logbook entries

Light Beam

Connecting rooms

Feeding Pit (White Hatch)

Feeding Pit Access[]

Main article: Feeding Pit Access

Feeding Pit Access is a room found in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. This room contains a one-chance scan of two Weblings, the only creatures in the room besides the two Bladepods. Once they are shot by the Light Beam, they never appear again.

The Aether version of this room is Biostorage Access.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Feeding Pit (White Hatch)
Doomed Entry (White Hatch)

Double Path[]

Main article: Double Path
Double Path (Bottom)

Double Path is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Like the name suggests, Double Path is made of two paths, one above and one below. The floor of the upper path consists of stone and some metal grating, that allows Samus to see the path below. There is a layer of raised rock in the middle of the upper path with a Light Beacon floating above it. There are two Dark Splinters in the upper path as well. The lower path has two small ponds of Dark Water with safe ground and another Light Beacon between them. There are several Darkling Tentacles that try to prevent others from crossing. The Light Aether version of this room is Command Center Access.

Items and logbook entries

• None

Connecting rooms

Battleground (White Hatches)
Doomed Entry (Purple and White Hatch)


Main article: Battleground
Battleground DAW-MP2

The Battleground is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. A large and spacious room comprised of two different elevations. The bottom floor contains much sand with flat surfaces and Ing biology. The top floor contains a few ledges spread apart from each other. There doesn't appear to be a way to reach the top elevation from the bottom floor. This room houses much Ing presence, such as a large amount of Bladepods, a few Ingclaws on one side of the room, and multiple Warrior Ing. This room also uniquely houses two types of wall growths situated high above the walls in both purple and turquoise colorations; it is unclear what these are exactly. Large Ingworm-like structures can be seen residing in room's ceiling areas, creating red-hole crevasses on the walls. Some structures contain or are near Red Eye cores.

On first visit, a Dark Temple Key can be seen within the middle of a Safe Zone in the center of the room. When Samus first enters this Safe Zone, a Warrior Ing steals the Key. Samus combats it and 5 other Warrior Ing to acquire this Key. Unless Sequence Breaking was involved to skip this room's first visit, Samus returns to this room after obtaining the Dark Visor to discover the location of a hidden Sky Temple Key. It is housed on a small cliff above the Ingclaw area, requiring the use of Invisible platforms to reach the Flying Ing Cache containing it.

The room's Light Aether equivalent is the Central Mining Station.

Items and logbook entries

Dark Agon Temple Key 3
Key of J-Stl
Ing Webtrap (not an item but only appearance of creature)

Connecting rooms

Double Path (White Hatches)
Warrior's Walk (Green Hatch)

Warrior's Walk[]

Main article: Warrior's Walk
Warrior's Walk

Warrior's Walk is a room in the Dark Agon Wastes. It appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Only accessible by Super Missiles, it connects the two parts of the area. Phazon can be seen below the walkway, as well as a Missile Expansion. To get to the expansion, Samus can use a Bomb to break the floor. A single Inglet is encountered on the first pass but never again is crossed. Its light world equivalent is Central Station Access.

The name may refer to anyone who can survive the Phazon underneath, or that it is a pathway through which a warrior, Samus Aran, walked.

Items and logbook entries

Missile Expansion

Connecting rooms

Battleground (Green Hatch)
Judgment Pit (Green Hatch)