

Luminoth Temple Security Station

Agon Wastes' Controller Access

Corrupted Temple Security Station

A corrupted station.

A Luminoth Temple Security Station is a security machine in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes used by the Luminoth to block access to the Energy Controllers in the Agon Wastes, Torvus Bog and Sanctuary Fortress. They have Bomb Slots configured in them, laying a Bomb will cause the room to rotate and set the desired path. Energy Controllers on Dark Aether utilize corrupted Temple Security Stations that are mirror versions of their Aether counterparts and serve the same purpose. It is unlikely that these corrupted stations are Darklings.

Noteworthy features of the room are the statue with the Bomb Slots in the center, and colored circles on the walls. The color of these circles will differ depending on the area, and match the respective area's Translator Module hologram color (amber for Agon, emerald for Torvus, cobalt for Sanctuary).


Luminoth Temple Security Station
"Object scan complete.
This is a Luminoth Temple Security Station.

You have been cleared to access the station.
Use the Bomb Slot to activate it and gain access to the Agon Energy Controller* area."
Corrupted Temple Security Station
"Object scan complete.
This is a corrupted Temple Security Station.

Lock systems bypassed.
Use the Bomb Slot to activate station and gain access to the Dark Agon Energy Controller* area."

* Scan differs depending on area.
