Phaaze landing 3

Massive tentacles on Phaaze.

Massive tentacles are an incredibly large form of tentacle caused by Phazon Corruption. They slowly grow on planets that have been struck by a Leviathan Seed. The Scan Visor reveals them to be semi-sentient.

They can only be seen on planets that have reached an advanced stage of corruption such as the Pirate Homeworld, as reported by Gandrayda's last message before contact with her was lost that showed that the corruption is spreading much more quickly than on other planets. They are first seen as Samus enters the planet and in the background during the fight with Gandrayda.

Many more of these tentacles can also be seen on planet Phaaze, the source of all Phazon. A slightly different variant of these massive tentacles can be seen in the Sanctum where Samus battles both Dark Samus and Aurora Unit 313; these tentacles have a spherical, glowing stub located at their tip.


"Massive tentacles grow from deep within the planet's surface. They appear semisentient."

