This article is written from the Real Life point of view |
"Metroid... Omoroido!" (メトロイドオモロイド Metoroido Omoroido ) is a recurring tagline for the Metroid series in Japanese media. "Omoroido" is a play on the Japanese word "omoroi" (おもろい ), which means fun or exciting, thus the phrase roughly translates to "Metroid Funroid!".
"Metroid... Omoroido!" was first spoken by the narrator at the end of the Japanese Metroid II: Return of Samus commercial in 1992.
Samus Aran makes a cameo in Super Mario RPG and can be briefly found resting in Mushroom Castle. In the original Japanese release, she says, ".. .. .. .. オモロイド .. .. ..。" as a reference to this tagline.[1] This was changed to completely different dialogue in the English localization where she instead claims she's resting up before she faces Mother Brain, most likely because American audiences would not have understood the reference to the Japanese commercial.
The Japanese website for Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion includes a "Voice of User" page featuring posts and comments from the Metroid fan community, along with responses from Nintendo. One such featured post, submitted by a user with this tagline as his username, requested that the commercial's tagline be used again. Nintendo's response, which included a link to the commercial as reference, described the phrase as "ridiculous but impressive" (ばかばかしいけど印象的 ) and said they were happy to see it again.[2]
In 2007, 15 years after its first usage, the tagline was again used in a secret message heard via the transmission console in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption by Yoshio Sakamoto. Sakamoto speaks the phrase at the end of his message after asking players to anticipate the next Metroid. Sakamoto's message can be heard here: [1]
Three years later, the tagline was again heard at the end of the Japanese Metroid: Other M commercial. This 2010 commercial uses the same font as the original 1992 commercial.
The Japanese version of the Overview and Infiltrating SR388 trailers for Metroid: Samus Returns (a remake of Metroid II) features the tagline again, with a new font.
The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Metroid Mania event, focusing exclusively on Spirits from the Metroid series, uses this tagline as its name in the Japanese version.[3]