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Mighty Griptians[1] are a stronger variation of the standard Griptians.


These creatures eventually replace all of the weaker variants later in the game, suggesting that Mighty Griptians are actually Griptians that have matured and/or reached a more advanced stage of their life cycle. They are slightly darker in color and are more fearsome and dangerous; they have grown spikes along their backs (increasing the damage of their roll attack) and a set of wing-like protrusions from their shells. In some instances they can be seen hovering above the ground as they are rolling, but only for a short moment.

Despite the fact that they are much stronger than the standard Griptians, they can still be defeated very quickly with a Super Missile or a Lethal Strike, provided they are knocked over by a Missile or Bomb first. However, they do not stay down for long; Samus must act quickly while they are fallen.

If Samus tries to Overblast a Mighty Griptian, they will always push her off, even if their health is low. If Samus fires a Super Missile at a rolling Mighty Griptian, it will knock them down instead of killing them.

A pair of them attack Samus in the "confrontation room" while she is pursuing the Deleter, and some Mighty Griptians are summoned by MB in the Bioweapon Research Center, but not engaged in gameplay. Finally, Mighty Griptians attack Samus during the post credits as she is running through the "path of perils" leading to the Control Bridge.

Official data[]

Nintendo Official Guidebook for Metroid Other M[]

MetroidFusion Fan
Warning: Fan Translation(s) Ahead

This article, section, or file contains text that is unofficially translated by Metroid fans. Some information (such as proper English names) may not be accurate. If an official translation becomes available, the fan translation(s) may be replaced.

"Griptians are armadillo type creatures that attack by rolling into a ball and charging. They can burrow into the ground and appear under Samus to tackle her."

Metroid: Other M Premiere Edition[]

Mid-Level Enemies (pg. 13)
Griptians and Mighty Griptians
"Griptians and Mighty Griptians resemble armadillos, right down to their hardened exterior. In battle, both types of Griptians will ball up and roll around as they attempt to bowl you over. If they miss or take damage, they’ll burrow into the ground with their spikes and erupt underneath you, inflicting damage. Watch for the trail on the ground to indicate where the Griptians are burrowing, and ambush them. Use Normal and Super Missiles to destroy these bullies as they try to knock you over."


