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For other uses, see Ball (Disambiguation)

One of the most unique and integral items of the Metroid games, the Morph Ball (モーフボール Mōfu Bōru?), also previously known as the Morphing Ball (モーフィングボール Mōfingu Bōru?), Maru Mari (丸まり Marumari?) or Round Ball[1] is the Alt-Form of Samus Aran. It turns her into a sphere 0.8 meters in diameter, allowing her to enter small tunnels and openings, which often lead to previously inaccessible areas.

Samus has had several distinct movement systems and weapons at her disposal in Morph Ball form, most notably the Bomb. When facing enemies in Morph Ball mode, the dynamic of a battle may change. Many enemies within the Prime series have unique behaviors when dealing with Samus's Morph Ball, with some enemies only being able to be defeated by it and its weaponry. Morph Ball mode combined with some type of bomb is vital in defeating many bosses from the series, including the Amorbis in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and the Queen Metroid in Metroid II: Return of Samus. In non-Prime games, it usually plays an important role in escaping from enemies, such as in Metroid: Zero Mission. In almost every game, a combination of the Morph Ball and a Bomb is the only way to detach a feeding Metroid. In the three Zebes-based games, the item is almost immediately acquired by going left (from the sidescrolling perspective) after entering Brinstar. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes also bears two unique bosses (Spider Guardian and Caretaker Class Drone) that force Samus to battle exclusively within Morph Ball mode.


Samus normal roll

The Morph Ball has many upgrades, such as the Bomb Module, Cross Bomb, Power Bomb, Spring Ball, Force Ball, Boost Ball, and Spider Ball. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption introduces the new Hyper Ball ability, which allows Samus to generate deadly arcing tendrils of Phazon energy around her when in Hypermode. In Metroid Prime Pinball, the Morph Ball is the ball the player plays with on the pinball machine and introduces the Force Ball.

When Samus obtains a Morph Ball upgrade in the Prime series, a distinct animation occurs:

  • In Prime, Samus curls forward while still remining at her position, then the side shells of the Morph Ball close in on her. The scene transitions into Samus's Morph Ball idle and glowing before the item acquisition text occurs. The acquisition of the Bomb Module features Samus dropping a bomb, while the acquisition of the Power Pomb does not use this animation because she is already in Morph Ball mode at the time of acquisition.
  • In Echoes, Samus performs a flip forward into mid-air, then as she is constantly spinning, her body is covered with energy, slowly being engulfed until she is seen in her morph Ball (still spinning in mid-air). A few seconds later, she unmorphs and lands to the ground in her bi-pedal form.
  • In Corruption, the animation is roughly the same as Echoes, but Samus herself can be seen within the center of her Morph Ball during the animation. A similar animation is also used for the acquisition of the Screw Attack within the same title.


Morph Ball animation 300px Orpheon

Samus transforms into the Morph Ball in Metroid Prime.

Throughout the series (most prominently in Echoes), the Morph Ball has changed in appearance according to suit upgrades. The Morph Ball when Samus is in possession of the basic Power Suit is a yellow or gold hue and has three grooves that spiral outwards from the center on each side. Between the two halves is a ball of energy, which is believed to be the essence of Samus. The energy varies in color depending on the suit Samus is wearing: With the Power Suit it is yellow, with the Varia Suit it is usually blue, green or white.

In Metroid Prime, the Morph Ball's structure changes with the acquisition of the Spider Ball: The edges of both halves become concave and filled by the same energy as the core, which is now green. The Morph Ball's color scheme changes twice more after this: When the Gravity Suit is acquired, it becomes purple with a blue core, and ultimately it becomes black with a deep red-orange core when Samus is infused with the Phazon Suit. When the Fusion Suit is enabled, the Morph Ball's spiral color matches the secondary color of the Fusion Suit, while the core's color matches with the primary color of the currently worn suit.

Morph Ball Concept

Concept art for the three Morph Ball designs in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, the Varia, Dark and Light Suits.

In Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, after the Dark Suit is acquired, the Morph Ball becomes more wheel-like in appearance, in accordance with the shoulder pads of said armor. After acquiring the Spider Ball, a large red dot appears on sides of the Morph Ball. After the Light Suit is acquired, the Morph Ball becomes spherical again but has a spiraling groove on the sides.

In Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, the Morph Ball becomes a Phazon-blue ball with hexagonal tiles over it after the PED Suit is acquired. When the Hazard Shield is collected, extra plating is added to the Morph Ball. Also, if Samus touches either Liquid Phazon or a Phaz-Ing enemy while in Morph Ball mode, she will become engulfed by hazardous Phazon, which will eat away at her suit.

In Metroid: Other M, the Morph Ball has a different appearance. The ball and energy are yellow with the Power Suit like in past appearances, but there are now three red stripes that spiral out from the center in the place of the grooves, making it closer in resemblance to the Fusion Suit's Morph Ball form. When the Varia Feature is authorized and activated, the energy becomes green and three shorter yellow stripes are placed alongside the red ones, similar to the small blue stripes on Dark Samus's Morph Ball. When the Gravity Feature is activated, the Morph Ball does not change since the Gravity Feature does not change the suit's color in this game.

In Metroid: Samus Returns, the Morph Ball undergoes a dramatic redesign: The spiraling lines are replaced by more linear grooves and rivets, while the edges are each encircled by a red ring. However, the Gravity Suit once again changes the color scheme to purple and blue.

Use by enemies of Samus Aran[]

DarkSamus morphball

Dark Samus's Morph Ball. Notably, the eye that appears on Dark Samus's hand at the end of Prime is present in the core.

According to a Space Pirate Data "Hunter Weapons" in Prime, the Pirates found the Morph Ball to be a very curious and intriguing technology, but attempts at reverse-engineering the Morph Ball technology all ended in a disaster: the Science Team "wisely decided to move on" after the first four test subjects were horribly broken and twisted after engaging their Morph Ball prototypes. The Pirates were successful in creating an Alt-Form for the Bounty Hunter Weavel however, in the form of the Halfturret. Instead of morphing, Weavel splits himself in two so that the upper half of his cybernetic body moves around and can fit through small spaces while the lower half becomes a stationary turret.

Dark Samus also possessed a twisted variant of the Morph Ball. She is shown using it in the second fight with her in the Sanctuary Fortress in Echoes, and she creates Dark Echoes which can use the Morph Ball during the fight with AU 313 at the end of Corruption. On both occasions, she uses the Boost Ball and is able to generate massive amounts of kinetic energy at once, which propels her around the area at shocking speeds. Dark Samus's Morph Ball is similar to Samus's and has an eye on each side in Echoes. It is very hard to actually make out the appearance of Dark Samus's Morph Ball in Corruption because it is always traveling at great speeds. The energy surrounding it while it is using the Boost Ball also obscures its appearance.

Gandrayda is able to mimic Samus and her Morph Ball, as seen during the battle with her on the Pirate Homeworld. As Samus-G, she utilizes the Boost Ball and boosts around the room, similar to Dark Samus's own behavior (it is unknown if this is a borrowed behavior).

Another Samus mimic known as the SA-X uses the Morph Ball to cause destruction onboard the B.S.L research station. After an X Parasite infects portions of Samus's Varia Suit, the parasite eventually forms into a Samus mimic and uses the Morph Ball to lay a destructive Power Bomb to escape its captivity. During Samus's exploration on the station, she witnesses this behavior only once; in Sector 6 (NOC). The SA-X heads to a dead end wall, briefly transforms into Morph Ball and lays a Power Bomb to destroy the wall in her way (which will damage Samus if she is close to the blast). The mimic then returns to bi-pedal form. Interestingly, the SA-X never uses the Morph Ball anywhere else in the presence of Samus, not even during battles or chases (although debugging reveals the SA-X is capable of chasing Samus in tunnels using the Morph Ball).

Methods of acquisition[]



Morph Ball trophy

The Morph Ball is available by default in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Metroid Prime Hunters, Metroid II: Return of Samus, and Metroid: Other M.

In nearly every game except Metroid Dread, the Morph Ball is usually acquired in the beginning of the game as either the first or second upgrade.

Official data

Metroid manual
Maru Mari
"Samus grows small and round like a ball when he gets this Power Item. Useful when traveling along narrow passageways, it will help him until his energy runs out."
Metroid Virtual Console manual
Maru Mari
"Allows Samus to morph into a spherical shape and pass through narrow spaces."
The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
"As soon as you start, go to the left. Jump up and cross the high walls, then you can get hold of the Maru Mari. This is useful for going through walls or narrow passageways."
Nintendo Power Volume 29
"Get this just to the left of where you start. It lets you ball up tight so you can roll through narrow passages."
Metroid II: Return of Samus Virtual Console manual
Crouching and Curling into a Ball
"Evade high attacks by crouching, and proceed through narrow passages by curling into a ball."

Victory Techniques for Metroid

"Maru Mari - Get this, and Samus' body will become round, allowing entry into narrow passages."
Super Metroid manual
"You can use the Morphing Ball to make Samus roll into a ball and squeeze into narrow areas."
Super Metroid Nintendo Player's Guide
"This Item allows Samus to roll herself into a ball so she can fit into narrow spaces and, more importantly, drop Bombs."
"Located in Brinstar. Allows you to roll up into a small, rotating ball. You can get through small passageways, avoid some enemies, detonate Bombs and Power Bombs and use other techniques."
"The Morphing Ball, or Maru Mari, allows Samus to roll up into a tight, perfectly round, spinning ball. She can fit into and roll through tight passages. Many of these narrow passages are hidden. Bomb around and look for them! Samus also needs the Morphing Ball to be able to use Bombs and Power Bombs."
Super Metroid Players' Guide (Morphing Ball, page 9)
"When collected, this enables Samus to roll into a tight ball by pressing down when crouching, thereby allowing access to very small openings and tunnels. Location: Brinstar."
Super Metroid GamePro Strategy Guide
Morphing Ball
"The first and most important weapon--you need it to lay Bombs."
Metroid Fusion manual
"Use this power to roll into a ball and move through narrow passageways. Press down twice on the Control Pad."
"Narrow spaces will become navigable once Samus has recovered the Morph Ball ability. Press [Down] twice on the +Control Pad to change into the Morph Ball.
To pass through areas like the one shown here, jump up and grab the corner. Then press [Up] once on the +Control Pad to automatically shift into the Morph Ball."
Metroid Fusion in-game acquisition message
"Morph Ball ability recovered. Press [down on D-pad] twice to morph."
Metroid Fusion website
"The Morph Ball ability allows Samus to roll into a small ball, perfect for traversing narrow tunnels or dropping down maintenance shafts."
Metroid Fusion: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
"Some tunnels are much too narrow for Samus to run through. When you earn the Morph Ball ability, press Down on the Control Pad twice, or press Up when Samus is hanging from a ledge, to make her roll up into a small ball--perfect for narrow tunnel or pipe navigation.
Press Left or Right on the Control Pad to roll when Samus is in Morph Ball form.
Location - Main Deck"
Metroid Prime manual
"As Samus explores, she'll run into many areas that are too small for her to navigate. Once she finds the Morph Ball, however, she'll gain the power to roll herself up into an armoured ball that can fit in small tunnels and drains. As she finds additional power-ups, she'll expand on the abilities at her disposal while in Morph Ball mode."
"When Samus rolls into the Morph Ball, the camera will pull back out of the visor view and display a third-person perspective. Using the Control Stick, you can roll the Morph Ball in whichever direction you choose. Bear in mind that gravity will affect the Morph Ball--you'll need to tilt the Control Stick farther while rolling up inclines."
Official Metroid Prime website
Weapon effect: N/A
Weapon range: N/A
Weapon potential: Medium"
"The Morph Ball is a modular upgrade to Samus Aran's Power Suit, allowing the bounty hunter to roll into a spherical shape. While in Morph Ball form, Samus can place Bombs, activate special switches and squeeze through tight spaces.
Like the Power Suit itself, the Morph Ball is upgradeable via several modifications located throughout Tallon IV.
Metroid Prime acquisition message
"Morph Ball acquired!
Press [X]/[C] to activate Morph Ball mode. Use the Control Stick to move the Ball around.
Additional data downloaded to Inventory Screen. Press [START]/[2] to access the Inventory Screen."

Inventory data


Morph Ball

Metroid Prime

Inventory entry

The Morph Ball changes your suit into a compact, mobile sphere.
Press GC X button/Wii C button to enter Morph Ball mode.
Press GC X button/Wii C button again to leave Morph Ball mode.

Samus's Notes

Like the Power Suit, the Morph Ball is modular. There are several modifications that can be added to improve performance.


Morph Ball

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Inventory entry

The Morph Ball changes your suit into a compact, mobile sphere.
Press GC X button/Wii C button to enter Morph Ball mode.
Press GC X button/Wii C button again to leave Morph Ball mode.

Samus's Notes

Like the Varia Suit, the Morph Ball is modular. There are several modifications that can be added to improve performance.


Morph Ball

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Inventory entry

The Morph Ball changes your suit into a compact, mobile sphere.
Press Wii C button to enter Morph Ball mode.
Press Wii C button again to leave Morph Ball mode.

Samus's Notes

Like the Varia Suit, the Morph Ball is modular. There are several modules that can be added to improve performance.

Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
Morph Ball
"Once Samus finds the Morph Ball power-up, she'll be able to transform herself into a sphere, which allows her to enter small tubular passages. To enter Morph Ball mode, press [X]. To return to normal mode, press [X] a second time. Whenever Samus enters Morph Ball mode, the camera will shift to an external view to make it easier for you to navigate. The Morph Ball moves exactly as you would expect: like a rolling ball. Gravity will affect the ball, so rolling uphill is difficult and going downhill is a snap."
Metroid Prime: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
"The Morph Ball is your ticket to the small time. Whenever you need to enter a tunnel or roll through a crack in a wall, try the Morph Ball. Press X to assume Morph Ball form. The camera will switch to a third-person perspective in Morph Ball mode, which is a good way to get a different look at a room. Press X again to leave Morph Ball form."
Metroid Prime Official Strategy Guide
"The Morph Ball changes the current Suit into a compact, mobile sphere. Press the X Button to enter Morph Ball mode, then press it again to leave the mode. Like the Power Suit, the Morph Ball is modular, meaning there are several modifications that can be added to it to improve its performance.
The Morph Ball is critical for finding power-ups as well as for navigating through the game. There are many small 'tubes' that only the Morph Ball can fit into, and once the Spider Ball, Boost Ball, and Morph Ball Bomb upgrades are acquired a whole new world of Missile Upgrades and Energy Tanks is opened up!"
Metroid Prime Official Perfect Guide
The Morph Ball
"Perhaps the most dynamic ability in 'Metroid Prime' is that of the MORPH BALL. After you reacquire the Morph Ball ability in the area described in Chapter 2 of the Walkthrough (you'll possess the ability for a brief time while treading the Space Pirate Vessel in the beginning), press X to roll up into this small ball-like enclosure and traverse areas at high speeds. It almost goes without saying that the most effective use of the Morph Ball is negotiating small pipe-like passages and as a result, finding a plethora of hidden rooms or shortcuts to roundabout destinations."
Nintendo Power Issue 162
MORPH BALL - Rolling into Battle
"The Morph Ball gives Samus the ability to tuck into a tiny sphere and roll around. In Morph Ball form, Samus can enter small cracks and tunnels and discover otherwise inaccessible areas. When you enter Morph Ball form, the camera will zoom out to a third-person perspective and follow you around."
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
Morph Ball Systems
"The Morph Ball isn't just for reliving your old Marble Madness days. No, it's great for entering tunnels and clinging to walls, and it's the fastest way to get around Aether."
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Premiere Edition
"The Morphball changes your suit into a compact, mobile sphere. Press [C] to enter Morphball mode. Press [C] again to leave Morphball mode. Like the Varia Suit, the Morphball is modular. Several modifications (pickups) can be added to improve performance."
Metroid Official Site interview
"The Morphball is also an outstandingly original ability. It's a really fun item to play with, but it also has many applications in the game. Since the Morphball's design isn't purposed for combat, the player can use it for transportation, to find hidden paths, or to solve puzzles. The Morphball really does differentiate this game from other FPS games, doesn't it?" - Mark Pacini
"And it's not just the visors; the Morph Ball is another important element that distinguishes Metroid Prime from different first-person games, but that was a big challenge. Around when we first started talking about the idea of Metroid Prime, we all thought that we just couldn't make a Metroid game without the Morph Ball. What's more, the way we designed the Morph Ball to be used made us all think that it should be presented in a third-person view. The switch to first person to third person was a tough challenge, but since it came out even better than we thought it would, we concentrated on what role we should give to the Morph Ball in the game. Comparing the Morph Ball with the first-person game state of Samus and her arm cannon, the Morph Ball was intentionally designed for the modes without combat. Since that round ball form doesn't evocate a feeling of power, it doesn't answer to the nature of combat. The Morph Ball is much more useful than that, and we positioned it as a key for the game's strategy to be a cool item."[2]
Metroid Zero Mission manual
Morph Ball
"This ability allows Samus' suit to curl into ball form and navigate narrow passageways. (Press down twice)"
Navigate Narrow Passageways
*Morph Ball
"After obtaining the Morph Ball capability, Samus will be able to travel through narrow passageways. Double-tap DOWN on the +Control Pad to change into Morph Ball form. To get through areas like those shown on the right, jump up and hang from the ledge, then press [Up] or [Left]/[Right] and the A Button to change into Morph Ball form and roll through the passageway."
Metroid: Zero Mission: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
Morph Ball
"Your first upgrade allows you to roll out of the small starting area. Use the Morph Ball to condense to a sphere and squeeze through tight passages."
Metroid: Zero Mission Samus Screen data
"Double tap down to take ball form and gain access to narrow passageways."
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes manual
"As Samus explores, she'll run into many areas that are too small for her to navigate. By pressing the X Button to go into Morph Ball mode, however, she'll gain the power to roll herself up into an armoured ball that can fit in small tunnels and drains. As she finds additional power-ups, she'll expand on the abilities at her disposal while in Morph Ball mode."
Metroid Prime Trilogy manual
Morph Ball
"If you press the C Button, Samus will roll up into a ball and will be able to get through narrow passages, such as air vents or hidden passages. To change back, press the C Button again."
Metroid Prime Trilogy: Prima Official Game Guide
Morph Ball
"The Morph Ball changes your suit into a compact, mobile sphere. Press [C] to enter Morph Ball mode and access areas you otherwise couldn't. Press [C] again to leave Morph Ball mode. Like Samus's suits, the Morph Ball is modular. Several upgrades can be added to improve performance."
Metroid Prime 2: Dark Echoes Q&A
QUESTION: What exactly happens [to Samus inside of it] when she is in Morph Ball mode?
ANSWER: The Space Pirates, too, are still searching frantically for the answer to that question...[1]
QUESTION: Previously in Metroid Prime 1, the Space Pirates went to great lengths to try to replicate Samus' suit technology, but in this installment there doesn't seem to be any activity like that. Will we be able to see Space Pirates in morph balls in the next game? Also, don't you think the Space Pirates who try to have Metroids as pets are a little messed up in the head...?
ANSWER: Between the Ing and Dark Aether, and being plagued by Dark Samus, the Space Pirates did not have enough time for experiments. If their experiments are successful by the next installment, maybe we can see some Space Pirates in Morph Balls... It seems that their scientific capabilities are strong...[2]
Metroid Prime Hunters Logbook entry

Morph Ball

Metroid Prime Hunters

Logbook entry

SAMUS has the ability to transform into a ball that can move at high speeds and access areas her bipedal form cannot. To enter the alt-form, tap the icon in the lower corner of the touch screen. Use the +Control Pad or A, B, X, and Y buttons to move the MORPH BALL. Use the touch screen for more precise control with gentle strokes in the desired direction. BOOST by quickly stroking in the desired direction or by pressing the BOOST button.

Metroid Prime Hunters manual
Morph Ball Icon
"Tap here to transform into the Morph Ball."
Switch to Morph Ball
"Tap on the Alt-Form icon to transform Samus into the spherical Morph Ball. Tap the same icon again to return her to bipedal form."
Morph Ball Screen
"By tapping on the Alt-Form Icon, Samus transforms herself into the Morph Ball and the viewpoint will switch to a third person view. If you tap on the icon again, Samus will return to her normal form."
"Press the +Control Pad or slide the stylus on the Touch Screen to move the Morph Ball in any direction."
Metroid Prime Hunters: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
"Samus can transform into a small Morph Ball that can move at high speeds and squeeze through the tightest of openings. It can also drop small bursts of volatile energy, which explode to damage foes or propel Samus upward."
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on-screen tutorial
"You can use the Morph Ball to enter small spaces.
Press [C] to transform into the Morph Ball."
Metroid: Other M on-screen tutorial
With the Wii Remote held sideways, press [A].
Press [A] while in Morph Ball to return to normal.
Metroid: Other M manual
Morph Ball
"Press the A Button to go into Morph Ball mode and move around small spaces. Press the A Button again to change back."
Metroid: Other M Samus Screen data
"Effect: Changes Samus into a ball shape.
Controls: Hold the Wii Remote horizontally and press A."
Metroid: Other M Premiere Edition
Morph Ball
"In Morph Ball mode, you can drop into a small sphere that can fit into places that you otherwise could not fit. Roll into vents, narrow tubes, and long, winding tunnels in Morph Ball mode to reach distant parts of the ship."
Brawl Sticker
Morph Ball Metroid Prime Pinball - [Weapon] Attack + 5 (Samus, Zero Suit Samus)
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U trophy description
"One of the numerous modules integrated into Samus's Power Suit. This one allows her to transform into a compact mobile sphere and explore tight spaces. In the very first Metroid game, it was known as the Maru Mari, which is just Japanese for "roll up," but it was later changed to the much-cooler-sounding Morph Ball."
Metroid: Samus Returns Samus Screen data
"The compact Morph Ball lets you move through narrow passages. Simply push [Circle Pad] down while crouching, or tap the map on the touch screen to take on Morph Ball form."
Metroid: Samus Returns Official Guide
"Nearly always Samus' first Power Suit upgrade, the Morph Ball allows her to roll into a compact sphere shape, which grants her access to holes and narrow passages. The Morph Ball is undoubtedly one of the most useful upgrades in the game. While new upgrades replace old ones, the Morph Ball is handy from the moment you get it until the end of the game."
"The Morph Ball allows Samus to compress her suit into a sphere, giving her access to pathways that would be otherwise inaccessible. While standing, hit Down on the Circle Pad twice to turn into the Morph Ball. To pop back out of Morph Ball form, hit Up.
You can also tap the center of the touchscreen to enter and exit the Morph Ball."
Metroid Dread Report Volume 5: The Powers of Samus
"Samus can pass through narrow passages by sliding—or by curling up into Morph Ball form.
The player can drop Samus into Morph Ball form by tilting the Left Control Stick down while crouching—effectively, the same way it's always been done in the 2D Metroid series—and now also by simply pressing the ZL Button. Samus will also automatically take Morph Ball form when jumping into an elevated tunnel."
Nintendo of America tweet
"Samus can pass through narrow passages by sliding or by curling up her body to transform into a Morph Ball. You can now use the ZL button to transform, or it will activate automatically when you jump towards an elevated tunnel. #MetroidDread"[3]
Nintendo UK tweet
"Activating the Morph Ball ability lets Samus squeeze through small gaps that can't be passed by sliding. Samus will use it automatically when entering raised narrow tunnels. #MetroidDread"[4]
"Enter Morph Ball form to roll through tight spaces, drop bombs, and more. Samus can automatically roll into Morph Ball form while sliding."
Metroid Dread Samus Screen data
Dread MorphBall Demo Allows Samus to curl into a ball and enter narrow spaces.

Press Switch Dread ZL button or tilt Switch Dread left stick down when crouched to transform. While in Morph Ball form, press Switch Dread B button to jump.

When standing next to a narrow tunnel near ground level, press Switch Dread B button while moving toward the tunnel with Switch Dread left stick to automatically switch to Morph Ball form and enter. This also works while grabbing on to a ledge leading into a narrow tunnel.
Metroid Dread loading screen tip
Tilt Switch Dread left stick toward any Morph Ball tunnel near the ground, and press Switch Dread B button to switch to Morph Ball form while entering the tunnel.
Metroid Prime Remastered store page
"Samus can transform into Morph Ball form—approximately one meter in diameter—to roll through narrow passages and other hard-to-reach areas. Like the Power Suit, the Morph Ball is modular. There are several modifications that can be added to improve performance, including the Bomb attack and Boost Ball maneuver."

Development notes[]

Nintendo originally gave Samus the Morph Ball for the original Metroid because technical limitations in the 1980s made it difficult to animate her crawling.[5] One player's question on Miiverse about Samus's inability to crawl led to the Y can't Metroid crawl? meme.

The Morph Ball's name from the original Metroid, Maru Mari, appeared in an early screenshot of its acquisition of Super Metroid.[6]

Metroid Prime series[]

Early Morph Ball test by James Dargie

In Metroid Prime, the Morph Balls for every suit were modeled and skinned by Gene Kohler. Early concepts were created by James Dargie, with a more mechanical appearance to the outer layer.[7] Derek Bonikowski researched, animated and tested the Morph Ball in the Metroid Prime series. The third-person camera used when the Morph Ball is active was developed by Mark Haigh-Hutchinson, with the motion of the Morph Ball being developed by Scott Johnson.[8] Zoid Kirsch helped Haigh-Hutchinson develop the "2D" view during Morph Ball puzzles with what the latter called a "surface camera". The camera would slide along a flat surface and have "springs" that follow the Morph Ball as it moved.[9]

When the Morph Ball moves slowly, it tumbles over itself, but rolls like a tire when moving quickly. Its movements were one of the final features of Prime implemented before its announcement at E3.[10]

Exactly how it functions is unknown, but Prime concept art shows a large ball forming around Samus from her suit's material, then shrinking down to its miniature size - in-game, a core of energy is visible through the equator between the two sides, indicating that Samus may transform into energy to fit into the smaller ball. Zero Mission design documents refer to the Chozo being capable of "unique transforming into a sphere," implying that the user's body is physically within the ball somehow.

During "white paper" playtests of Prime, playtesters often failed to notice Morph Ball tunnel exits in rooms. To alleviate this, Retro Studios made them much more visually obvious.[11]

In an Iwata Asks interview regarding Corruption, Kensuke Tanabe addressed the transition animation when un-morphing:

Originally, because Metroid Prime was an FPA game, the playable character was never seen on the screen. That's why we demanded they give the players the opportunity to have a good look at the character. We told them that, for example, when you turn into the Morph Ball, the camera should zoom back and show you Samus during the transformation. Even though it took a lot of effort, in the end, they managed to do it beautifully. However, at the time, if players wanted, they could skip this animation entirely. This may have been done in order to make the game play more efficiently, to save even a little bit of the player's time, but we felt, "If the player can just skip the animation, the original objective we gave you won't be fulfilled, will it?" This is why we requested they make the animation unskippable.

—Kensuke Tanabe

Dax Pallotta and/or Derek Bonikowski may have been responsible for the unmorphing animation, according to Carlos Mendieta.[12]

Metroid Prime 3 IGN demo Morph Ball reticule

The Morph Ball reticule.

In an early version of Corruption, the Morph Ball had a Targeting Reticule. In the final game, the only cursor in Morph Ball mode is an Option called Boost Ball Aiming, which allows for a targeted strike with the Boost Ball.[13]

According to Clark Wen, the Morph Ball transition sounds in the Prime series are his favorite, and he wanted to get them right. The result in the final game is a mix of synths and processed recordings made to sound synthetic, as he thought the transformation between bipedal and Morph Ball forms was driven by electric magnets.[14] Wen went through seven to eight versions of iterations that were more mechanical in nature, and deemed too "normal" to exist in a science fiction setting. He settled on the magnet concept as it worked within the primarily synthesized sound design of Prime, and created the final sounds by combining effects in a sequencer. However, faint mechanical sounds were embedded into the final version.[15]

According to Colin Reed, the reflective surface of the Morph Ball in Metroid Prime Hunters was created by an unspecified artist who worked late into the night. However, he began to use the effect excessively in other areas, meaning they had to scale it down.[16]

Other appearances[]

The Morph Ball makes an appearance within the Super Smash Bros. series, being part of Samus's Power Suit as it has in the mainline canon. However, here it has limited appearances in gameplay; her rolling dodge has her literally roll aside to avoid attacks, and her Down-B special "Bomb" transforms her to the Morph Ball and drops the signature Bomb. Like the Metroid series, the Morph Ball's small compact size allows Samus to more easily avoid high attacks and can sometimes be used to squeeze through tight spots of terrain depending on the stage layout. Dark Samus uses her own Morph Ball in an identical manner as Samus, due to being the latter's Echo Fighter. Interestingly, Dark Samus's Morph Ball also heavily resembles the Glire, Glice and Glunder enemies from Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary. Various Trophies throughout the Smash Bros. series depict Samus in her Morph Ball.

The Morph Ball was slated to appear in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance along with Samus and several of her other abilities, however, they did not appear in the final game due to Nintendo not giving consent. The depiction in the trailer appears to be based on that of Prime as Samus charges forward several times, suggesting the Boost Ball was intended to appear as well.

The Morph Ball is featured in the Burger King toy Metroid Challenge, where the ball is controlled through a maze with a magnetic Wii Remote.

The Morph Ball makes a cameo appearance on the Geothermal Power Plant stage featured in Dead or Alive Dimensions, where Samus lays a Power Bomb when a sound is made in the microphone.

The Morph Ball is one of multiple sprites present in the background of Catch Mode's play area in Tetris DS.

The Morph Ball, as well as Samus's tendency to use this technique, is indirectly alluded to in Animal Crossing: Wild World, where the character Gulliver, when mentioning that there were plenty of Bounty Hunters in space, alludes to one who can transform into a metal ball.


Morph Ball powerup Echoes

The Morph Ball Bombs are acquired in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.

  • In the manual for Metroid, the Morph Ball is referred to as Maru Mari (marumari is the gerund form of the Japanese verb marumaru, meaning "to roll into a ball"). This name is also used in the Super Metroid Nintendo Player's Guide. This early name is referenced several times in later Metroid media:
  • Samus has demonstrated the use of the Morph Ball outside her Power Suit on one or possibly two instances. The first time was in the original Metroid, where Samus can use the upgrade as normal even when only wearing the Justin Bailey leotard. The second was in the non-canon 4-koma comic "Samus's Vacation", where she appears to morph while in a civilian blouse; this happens offstage however, so she may have materialized the Power Suit first. Her ability to morph outside the suit was retconned by later installments; Zero Suit Samus crawls under gaps in Zero Mission and slides under them during the Countdown at the end of Other M.
  • In the Prime series, if Samus uses the Morph Ball before jumping from a high ledge, she will not be stunned from the fall like she would in bipedal form. This was extended in Metroid Prime Hunters, where all Bounty Hunter Alt-Forms, including the Morph Ball, take no fall damage unlike biped forms.
  • The animation in all three Prime titles for when Samus morphs into Morph Ball mode and unmorphs depends on her current action at the time of morphing:
    • If Samus is idle, she will make a small jump before curling forward into Morph Ball. If Samus morphs in midair or when walking forward, she will simply curl forward into a ball. If Samus was walking backwards at the time of morphing into Ball form, then she will perform a tiny jump as she curls backwards into her Morph Ball form.
    • When unmprohing, she will simply uncurl and stand upright. If she was rolling forward at the time of unmorphing, she will be seen walking forward a bit as if maintaining proper footing and momentum in her bipedal form. Her walking speed during an unmorph can be halted by either remaining idle or holding down the Control Stick. Samus can walk farther during an unmorph by pushing forward on the Control Stick when returning to bipedal form.
    • In Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Samus will make a small jump as she unmorphs before standing and if unmprohing in mid-air, she will perform an additional mid-air flip before entering first person view.
  • Morphing Glitch (Echoes)

    A visual glitch can occur where the morphing animation does not play out properly.

    In Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, a visual glitch can sometimes occur where when Samus is morphing into Morph Ball, her animation isn't displayed properly and instead shows her simply standing in place attached to the Ball before her model disappears. This is usually performed when morphing into the morph Ball immediately after the cutscene pertaining to obtaining a suit upgrade. In Corruption's case, this glitch is easily seen when performing the Reverse corruption glitch, due to Samus's model readjusting to the Varia Suit.
  • In Other M, Samus will still breathe heavily when she is in Morph Ball mode if her energy levels are critically low.
  • The Morph Ball ability is shown in a manga panel for Nintendo Official Guide Book for Super Metroid, which shows Samus in the position and humorously mentioning an uncontrollable urge to urinate.
  • Although the morphing animation itself is not normally skippable manually, there are a few instances in all three Prime titles where the animation itself is skipped and instead goes into instant morph/unmorph (a prime example being the use of the Bomb Space Jump in both Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption). This is most likely contributed to adjusted camera angles.
  • In Dread, Samus has an animation where she presses her left hand to a wall when close to one. When she is close to a gap she can morph into, her hand will either be positioned above the gap if she does not have the Morph Ball, or in the gap if she does.[17] The latter position allows for a smoother transition into her Morph Ball animation.[18] When emerging from a small tunnel, if the directional analog stick on the Joy-Con is held, Samus will automatically unmorph. If the stick is released while she is in the tunnel or she jumps, Samus will remain morphed when she exits the tunnel.[19]
  • The speed of the Morph Ball varies greatly between games.
    • In earlier 2D Metroid games, it is roughly the same speed as when Samus walks normally. In Super Metroid however, Samus can speed it up all the way to her running speed using the Mockball glitch, and in Metroid: Zero Mission she can propel herself with the Ball Spark.
    • In the Prime series, it is considerably faster than Samus' bipedal form, especially when she uses the Boost Ball. This increased speed sometimes becomes necessary to dodge boss attacks such as Quadraxis' matter-antimatter blasts or the ramming attack employed by later Slench models.
    • In Metroid: Samus Returns and Metroid Dread, it is considerably slower than running normally, especially in the latter game which has the slowest Morph Ball in the series to encourage use of the slide move. However, Samus can still move extremely quickly in ball form using the Power Bomb Cannon in Samus Returns or the Speed Booster and Ball Spark in Dread.
  • With the use of SMILE, if the Morph Ball item in Super Metroid is programmed to be inside a Item Sphere or shootable block, obtaining the Morph Ball this way will instead grant the Spring Ball in the inventory. The reason this occurs is likely that the Morph Ball item was never properly programmed to be within objects.


Lyle Deceased
"Looks like a pile of rags..."

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Metroid and Zero Mission[]

Metroid Prime[]

Metroid Prime Hunters[]

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes[]

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption[]

Metroid Prime 4: Beyond[]

This article contains information about an unreleased video game This article or section contains information about an unreleased video game.
The content may change dramatically as more information becomes available. Please do not add speculation to this article and try to provide a source for information you add.

Metroid: Samus Returns[]

Super Metroid[]

Metroid: Other M[]

Metroid Fusion[]

Metroid Dread[]

Other appearances[]


  1. ^ The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, page 53
  2. ^ " Interview: Retro Studios", Shinesparkers, 2021-02-26. Retrieved on 2021-02-26. 
  3. ^ Nintendo of America (NintendoAmerica). 24 August 2021 1:00 p.m. Tweet.
  4. ^ Nintendo UK (NintendoUK). 26 August 2021 8:00 a.m. Tweet.
  5. ^ Thomas, Lucas M. "Six Things You Didn't Know About Metroid's Samus Aran". IGN. July 22, 2011. Retrieved June 10, 2022.
  6. ^ Kottpower. "Super Metroid Beta Footage (1993-1994)". YouTube. August 25, 2017. Retrieved May 25, 2022. (starts at 2:16)
  7. ^ Morph Ball | METROID
  8. ^ Kiwi Talkz. "#116 - Jack Mathews Interview (Metroid Prime Trilogy, Prototypes, Business, Armature Studios etc.)". YouTube. November 26, 2021. Retrieved June 8, 2022. (starts at 35:06)
  9. ^ Kiwi Talkz. "#121 - Zoid Interview (Metroid Prime, Cameras, Scripting, Sequence Breaking , Programming etc.)" YouTube. January 22, 2022. Retrieved July 24, 2022. (starts at 5:50)
  10. ^ Crackdown. "Extra Life 2015 (Part 2)". Twitch. December 7, 2015. Retrieved June 10, 2022.
  11. ^ Zoid Kirsch (ZoidCTF). "We learned so much from these observations. We'd often see testers get stuck in rooms that had morphball tunnel exits--they won't notice them. This resulted in putting big spotlights over those entrances to make them stand out as a path. 2/5" 12 November 2022 5:08 p.m. Tweet.
  12. ^ Kiwi Talkz. "#125 - Carlos Mendieta Interview (Metroid Prime, Donkey Kong, Animation, Drawing, Comics etc.)". YouTube. February 19, 2022. Retrieved August 23, 2022. (starts at 6:37)
  13. ^ B T "Samus Enters the Federation Ship". YouTube. March 6, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2022.
  14. ^ Interview: Clark Wen. Shinesparkers. 2018-06-02. Retrieved 2018-06-02.
  15. ^ Kiwi Talkz. "#112 - Clark Wen Interview (Metroid Prime, Sound Design, Kenji Yamamoto, Mixing, SFX, Game Audio )". YouTube. October 23, 2021. Retrieved April 24, 2022. (starts at 6:00)
  16. ^ Colin Reed: "It was one artist just hammering away in the middle of the night. He comes to show us what he did, and we were like, "Oh that's cool, let's use that." (laughter) Then the effect just spreads off and starts getting used all over the place. Then we have to reel them back in and say, "Ok. No, he's using it too much." Nintendo World Report.
  17. ^ Looygi Bros. "10 Cool Details in Metroid Dread (Part 2)" YouTube. December 11, 2021. Retrieved December 14, 2021.
  18. ^ Video Game Animation Study. "The Brilliant Animation in Metroid Dread" YouTube. November 29, 2021. Retrieved December 14, 2021.
  19. ^ Looygi Bros. "12 Cool Details in Metroid Dread (Part 9)". YouTube. February 1, 2022. Retrieved February 2, 2022.
  20. ^ Sakurai, Masahiro (Sora_Sakurai). 11 September 2020 11:00 p.m. Tweet.
