This article is written from the Real Life point of view Globe

I hope you enjoy playing Metroid Samus Returns as much as I did working to create it.

—Odín Fernández[1]

Odín Fernández

Fernández at E3.

Odín Fernández Moreno is a senior 3D video game artist. He worked at MercurySteam from June 2015 to March 2019, and created models and textures for Metroid: Samus Returns. In a LinkedIn post titled "See you next mission", Fernández stated his hope that players of Samus Returns would enjoy playing it as much as he enjoyed working on it (see quote above). He is sometimes credited with his full name or as Odín Fernández, as was the case in Samus Returns. Fernández also made models and textures for Spacelords.

Fernández left MercurySteam in March 2019 while Metroid Dread was in development. On social media, he said it was "the last project I was involved in with Mercury Steam".[2][3] Fernández is not credited in the game, presumably due to the studio's policy that only developers who work on a project for 25% of its development time receive credit.

Following his time at MercurySteam, Fernández joined Out of the Blue Games as a Senior 3D Artist for nearly a year. He is now a freelance animation teacher, offering a course through his website.

Other credits[]

  • Brico Party Fix it (with Freedom Factory Studios)
  • Naraba World: El Laberinto de la Luz (with Freedom Factory Studios)
  • Naraba World: El Palacio Misterioso (with Freedom Factory Studios)
  • Naraba Tales (with Freedom Factory Studios)
  • Young Justice: Legacy (with Freedom Factory Studios)
  • Kick-Ass 2: The Game (with Freedom Factory Studios)
  • Lost Sea (with Eastasiasoft, freelance)
  • The Muppets Movie Adventures (with Virtual Toys)
  • Phineas and Ferb: Day of Doofenshmirtz (with Virtual Toys)


Samus Aran renders[]


Environment Assets[]


Chozo Tech[]


External links[]


  1. ^ Odín Fernández. LinkedIn. September 20, 2017. Retrieved April 13, 2022.
  2. ^ Odin 3D (Odin3D). "😍 Estoy muy contento de que por fin haya salido a la luz el último proyecto en el que participé con Mercury Steam. Metroid Dread. He realizado desde environment hasta ciertos personajes hostiles importantes. 🥳 (no spoilers) ¶ Y para celebrarlo.... 👉 50%" (Rough translation: "😍 I'm so glad that the last project I was involved in with Mercury Steam has finally come to light. Metroid Dread. I have done from environment to certain important hostile characters. 🥳 (no spoilers) ¶ And to celebrate... 👉 50%"). 16 June 2021 1:23 p.m. Tweet.
  3. ^ Odin (odin3d). "🥳 Hoy sale el último juego en el que he participado durante mi tiempo en MercurySteam. ¶ #MetroidDread ha contado con un gran equipo lleno de gente con talento, entre ellos muy buenos amigos. 🥰" (Rough translation: "🥳 Today comes the last game I've played during my time at MercurySteam. ¶ #MetroidDread has had a great team full of talented people, including very good friends. 🥰"). Instagram. October 8, 2021. Retrieved April 13, 2022.
  4. ^ Odin (odin3d). "Ya falta menos para el lanzamiento de donde podréis encontrar cursos de formación 3D, recursos, tutorías, directos, eventos, concursos y más que se irán añadiendo poco a poco. Para más información subscribiros a la newsletter:)" (Rough translation: "It's less to go until the launch of where you can find 3D training courses, resources, tutorials, direct, events, contests and more that will be added little by little. For more information subscribe to the newsletter :)"). Instagram. February 8, 2019. Retrieved April 13, 2022.
  5. ^ Odin Fernandez Moreno. "High poly models I made for Metroid Samus Returns." ArtStation. April 12, 2022. Retrieved April 13, 2022. (dead link)
  6. ^ Odin Fernandez Moreno. "Characters and enemies of Metroid Samus returns." September 15, 2022. Retrieved September 15, 2022.
  7. ^ Odin Fernandez Moreno. "Environment and assets of Metroid Samus returns." September 17, 2022. Retrieved September 18, 2022.
  8. ^ Odin Fernandez Moreno. "Organic environment of Metroid Samus returns." September 16, 2022. Retrieved September 18, 2022.
  9. ^ Odin Fernandez Moreno. "Environment and assets of Metroid Samus returns." Retrieved September 27, 2022.
  10. ^ Odin Fernandez Moreno. "Environment of Metroid Samus returns." September 21, 2022. Retrieved September 27, 2022.
  11. ^ Odin Fernandez Moreno. "Enemies and boss of Metroid Samus returns." Retrieved September 27, 2022.