This article is written from the Real Life point of view Globe

Phazon Mines[1][2] (フェイゾンマインズ?)[3] is the main theme of the first level of the area of the same name in Metroid Prime.

In addition to the Pinball table based on the Phazon Mines, the theme also plays in the table based on the Impact Crater in Metroid Prime Pinball. The theme is additionally used for the menu in the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Bonus Disc, and in the preview trailer for Echoes. A looped portion plays in the first room of the flash Echoes web game. Phazon Mines is an unlockable track in the Soundtrack Gallery of New Play Control! Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime Trilogy and Metroid Prime Remastered; in the last of these, it is accompanied by an image of the Main Quarry.

This theme is very dark, relying on percussion and ambient sounds to create an atmosphere fitting that of the dangerous and unwelcoming Phazon Mines. The iconic series Title theme can be heard performed very slowly with deep-pitched vocals.

It can be heard here: [1]

