File:Rundas' Ship.jpg

A Phrygisian-Class gunship is a Galactic Federation spacecraft used by the Bounty Hunter Rundas. It can be seen in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption at the Fiery Airdock at Bryyo Fire, resting on a platform of ice. It is only revealed to be Rundas's when it is scanned.


Phyrigisian-class model

The model from Prime 3.

The Phrygisian-class gunship appears to have three rotary engines, what seems to be two semi-triangular "landing pads" that may also be used for the ship's weapons storage (if it doesn't just use Rundas' weapon). Much of the ship's hull looks like Rundas' torso, as Samus Aran's Gunship looks like her helmet. It is currently unknown whether or not the pilot sits or lies down inside of the ship.


Upon landing
"Phyrigisian-Class Gunship. GF records identify pilot as Rundas. The engines are still warm."
After defeat of Rundas
"Phyrigisian-Class Gunship. GF records identify pilot as Rundas. Pilot status: Deceased."


  • The Ship uses the same textures used on Rundas' model.