Leviathan Destroyed

The Pirate Seed.

The Pirate Seed is the Leviathan that struck the Pirate Homeworld. Unlike most citizens of a Phazon corrupted planet, the Space Pirates encouraged the Leviathan impact on their planet. They saw this as great oppurtunity to use Phazon as a biological weapon in multiple ways. To get into the Seed, Samus must guide and protect at least 4 (out of 12) Galactic Federation Demolition Troopers to the Transit Station Leviathan on the Skyway, Command Center. Samus can then call in her Gunship and fly through the entrance to the Seed. Samus enters the Core room where she will then face Omega Ridley.

After Omega Ridley's demise, Samus is bombarded with more Phazon from the explosion, and her Phazon Corruption level rises to 75%. After this, Samus acquires the Hyper Grapple. She must then destroy the Phazon Core of the seed using the new weapon. She flies away in her ship as the seed explodes.


Leviathan Organism 3

Tentacle organism in Core Access.


